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信息来源: 发布日期:2018-12-10



(广东外语外贸大学 广东广州 510420)



Surveys of Cognitive Neurological Mechanisms for Translation

LU Zhi, SUN Juan

(Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, 510420)

Abstract:Cognitive Translatology represents the current tendency and directions of TranslationStudies. It focuses on the cognitive characteristics and translation competence of translators, especially the cognitive and neurological mechanisms of translators in processing two languages, which have initiated a fresh methodology and academic field for “translator studies” that explores the relationship between translator’s intelligence structure and/or linguistic competence and the translation quality. Standing for the new direction of Translation Studies, Cognitive Translatology is interdisciplinary in nature as an integration of research methods of linguistics, cognitive sciences and neurosciences. The research findings of Cognitive Translatology enrich and expand the scientific understanding and the academic knowledge of Translation Studies, and promote and deepen the insights and explorations of translation process in its essence as well, so that to make a new contribution to the disciplinary development and construction of Translation Studies.

Key Words:Cognitive Translatology;translation process; cognition







Features and Coping Tactics of Interpretation for Psychological Consultations: An Empirical Study Based

on Data from the “Existential Psychology Consultation Workshop”

Zhan Cheng, Peng Keming

(Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, 510420)

Abstract:Despite the gradual popularization of psychological consultation and treatment in China, research on interpreting for psychological consultation activities has been insufficient. Based on analysis of data from audio and video recordings of on-site interpretation at the Existential Psychology Consultation Workshop of the Third International Conference on Existential Psychology and International Forum on Psychological Education and Counseling for University Students, it can be found that the features of interpretation for psychological consultations pose certain linguistic, contextual, non-verbal and interpersonal problems to the interpreter. The interpreter therefore needs to adopt appropriate coping tactics before, during and after such activities.

Key words:psychological consultation; existentialism; interpretation; features; tactics


蔡耿超、 阳光

(南方医科大学 广东广州)


The Identity of Medical Interpreter in Encounter: Principle, Ethics andResponsibility

CAI Gengchao, YANG Guang

Abstract:The identity of medical interpreters and the definition of principles, ethics and responsibilities involved are important issues worth exploring. Based on previous research and related cases, this paper holds that medical interpreters play the roles of translating and passing language information, assisting and mediating in doctor patient communication, as well as witnessing, defending and coordinating the humanistic spirit and humanitarian mission of medical science; they are supposed not only to assure the responsibility of accurately and completely communicating medical language and culture, but also to follow the principle and ethics of respecting life and promoting health.

Key Words:medical interpreter; identity; principle; ethics






On the Ethics of Medical Service Translation


Abstract:Medical service translation is the practice about life. Different subjects, including hospitals, doctors, patients and translators, co-work with each other in the sophisticated ethical network. Interpreters or translators, as the providers of medical translation service, play the role of the subject of translation, the subject of explanation and the employee of health care provider simultaneously. The work must be conducted under the control of both medical ethics and translation ethics with medical ethics as the requisition.

Key words:medical service;translation;translation ethics






A Centennial Study of English-Chinese Medical Dictionary: From Cousland’s to Chen’s


LI Dingjun

(Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433)

Abstract:It is a centennial survey of English-Chinese medical dictionaries, from The Cousland’s English-Chinese Medical Lexicon created by missionaries during the period of Late Qing and Early Republic of China, and A Latin-English-German-Chinese Medical Terminology, another source to the convergence of medical terms during the Republic of China, to Chen’s edition, its source and sequel of The English-Chinese Medical Dictionary during the People’s Republic of China. Dictionary often lags behind linguistic reality. The arbitrary and conventional words in spoken language will develop to a certain extent, until officially admitted into the dictionary. Foreign terms, including medical terms, firstly translated or used in translation, enter into the dictionary in target language, to ensure medical research closely with accurate and relevant academic theory construction.

Key Words:medical lexicography; Cousland’s English-Chinese medical lexicon; a Latin-English-German-Chinese medical terminology; Chao’s new medical lexicon;Chen’s English-Chinese medical dictionaries


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