Questions to Professor Virginia and her answers
——Collected by Huidong Tang,2013 MS student,Sept.17,2013
--Is it safe in the city?
--Lisbon is the safest city in Europe according to the statistics, but do be aware of the pocket-pickers.
--What’s the difference between European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese? You said that there are much more people speaking the latter, should we learn is instead?
--They are the same language. Just like English in the UK and in the US. Well, I guess it would be better to learn Portuguese in Portugal, where it is pure.
--How to prepare for learning Finance in Lisbon?
--You have to learn math very well, it is the basic thing for Finance.
--What’re the basic things for the other directions?
--Math for Economics; language skills for Management and Human Resources; and general knowledge for Business Administration.
--After we have chosen the directions, can we transfer to other directions, or the other majors instead of the five?
--You have about two weeks in Lisbon to decide whether the direction you have chosen is suitable for you. After that, you will have to delay your study to the next year to change the directions. You have chances to change majors, but the other ones are taught in Portuguese.
--Can we apply for doctorate degree after our masters?
--Can we work when we are still students there?
--You will have a student visa, so you shouldn’t work outside the campus. But there’re students who have part-time jobs outside—I don’t know who,the Chinese Town in Lisbon is growing larger and larger, and sometimes they put up things look like employment adz here and there—well, I can’t read them.
--How can we get a visa for working in Portugal?
--To get a work contract.
--Will those local companies employ those who cannot speak Portuguese?
--That depends on the jobs. Some companies, such as Bank of China, would also require you to learn it.
--How can we get scholarship?
--In fact, all of you will have them. Because the government supports your studies, you’ll only have to pay a part of the total fee.
--Are we as competitive as the students from the other nations, in terms of studying, being employed and having a second major in France?
--All the students come from countries that do not speak English as their mother tongues. So everyone would be learning in a foreign language, which sets a line for all the students. I know some Chinese students who are very successful now in Portugal. Some of them got employed as soon as they graduated. As for the second major in France, students who come from the other European countries are not so interested in it. Because they have many chances to study abroad and they are also required to study in another European country for at least one year for their bachelor degree. Last year there were only Chinese students competing for it as I remember. And you will also have chances to transfer to countries other than France.
--What should we be careful about the laws?
--Just behave as well as in china. But when crossing the roads, do use the zebra line. And double check even if the light is green. The drivers usually assume that the pedestrians would obey the traffic rules, so they drive very fast.
--Is that true that some Portuguese women hug and kiss people for greetings?
--Yes, it’s common.
--Are there any students from the other Asian countries, for example, Korea and Japan?
--There were Korean several years ago. I don’t think we have Japanese these days.
2013MS学生 唐惠东 (来自南方医科大学) 整理