
【 发布日期: 11-19 】 【 浏览次数: 】 【 作者: 】









1981.9-1986.7   同济医科大学,卫生学专业,医学学士

1986.9-1989.7  同济医科大学,营养与食品卫生学专业,医学硕士

2002.9-2005.7  华中科技大学同济医学院,营养与食品卫生学专业,医学博士



1. 膳食营养与慢性病

2. 妇幼营养与健康



1. 中国营养学会,理事;

2. 中国营养学会妇幼分会,副主任委员;

3. 广东省营养学会,副理事长;

4. 广东省营养学会公共营养分会,副主任委员;

5. 广东省健康管理学会食品安全与营养健康专业委员会,副主任委员



1. Ma LP, Lu QG, Ouyang JY, Huang J, Huang SM, Jiao CY, Zhang ZQ, Mao LM*. How are maternal dietary patterns and maternal/fetal cytokines associated with birth weight? A path analysis. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(10): 1178-1187.  (DOI:10.1017/S0007114519000382)

2. Song J, Hu MJ, Li C, Yang B, Ding Q, Wang CH, Mao LM*. Dose-dependent effects of fish oil on cardio-metabolic biomarkers in healthy middle-aged and elderly Chinese people: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Food & Function, 2018, 9(6):3235-3243. (DOI: 10.1039/c7fo01566f)

3. Chen JH, Song J, Chen Y, Ding Q, Peng AF, Mao LM*. The Effect of Vegan Protein-Based Diets on Metabolic Parameters, Expressions of Adiponectin and Its Receptors in Wistar Rats. Nutrients, 2016, 8:643: pii: E643 (DOI:10.3390/nu8100643)

4. Chen JH, Ouyang CQ, Ding Q, Song J, Cao WH, Mao LM*. A moderate low-carbohydrate low-calorie diet improves lipid profile, insulin sensitivity and adiponectin expression in rats. Nutrients, 2015,7:4724-4738. (DOI:10.3390/nu7064724)

5.  Song J, Li C, Lv YS, Zhang Y, Amakye WK, Mao LM*. DHA increases adiponectin expression more effectively than EPA at relative low concentrations by regulating PPARγ and its phosphorylation at Ser273 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Nutrition & Metabolism, 2017, 14(1):52. (DOI: 10.1186/s12986-017-0209-z)