简 介
第一军医大学临床七年制,骨科学博士毕业。 美国Kansas University和Maryland University双博士后。美国纽约Hospital for Special Surgery(HSS)(全美骨科排名第一)和德州Baylor医学院双临床orthopaedic surgery fellow,Harvard University、Columbia University、Cornell University, Texas University和Southwestern医学中心访问教授。扎根临床医疗工作,注重基础与临床研究和科研转化,发表论文47篇(SCI文章28篇),总影响因子107.213,总引用次数490次(google scholar检索数据)。已获得包括3项国家自然基金在内的省级以上项目资助16项,2项中国发明专利授权,受理4项。
Liang Zhao, MD, PhD
Chief Surgeon
As a professor as well as a chief surgeon in the Orthopaedic Surgery Department of Nanfang Hospital, the first affiliated hospital of Southern Medical University(SMU, Rank #4 in China), Dr. Zhao is leading a young and passionate team working for both clinical and basic medicine of orthopaedics. With a focus on the biomaterial for bone regeneration, biology regulation and signaling of common bone disease like OA, RA, osteoporosis, Dr. Zhao is now offering post-doctoral positions to person with solid knowledge and skillful technics.
After graduation from SMU, Dr. Zhao has been working in Kansas University and Maryland University in USA as a post doctor. Later he has been to Hospital for Special Surgery (Rank #1 in USA) and Baylor Medical College and acquired the certificate of Orthopaedic Surgery Fellow. Now Dr. Zhao has built a solid collaboration relationship with the most famous universities in the world and he is the visiting professor of Harvard University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Texas University and Southwestern Medicine Center of America. Supported by 16 grants (4 active, 12 completed, 1 pending), Dr. Zhao has published 48 papers with accumulated impact factors of 107.213 and owned 6 patents of invention (2 authorized, 4 pending).