1982年9月- 1987年7月 第一军医大学 临床医学 学士
2000年9月- 2005年7月 第一军医大学 分子生物学 博士(硕博连读)
1. 前列腺癌相关研究
2. 男性生殖功能障碍相关研究
1. 中国医师协会男科医师分会 常委
2. 中华医学会男科学分会 委员
3. 中华医学会泌尿外科分会男科学组 委员
4. 中华医学会男科学分会生殖内分泌学组 委员
5. 广东省医师协会男科医师分会 主任委员
6. 粤港澳大湾区男科医师联盟 主任委员
7. 中国医师协会男科医师分会男性性心理疾病专业委员会 主任委员
8. 广东省医学会男科学分会 副主任委员
9. 广东省中西结合学会男科学分会 副主任委员
10. 中国性学会性医学专业 常务委员
11. 中华妇幼外科学会 常务委员
12. 广东省中西医结合学会亚健康学会 常务委员
13. 中华医学会男科学分会青年委员会全国协作组 组长
14. 中国性学会性医学专业男科学组 副主任委员
15. 中国中西医结合学会男科专业委员会 委员
16. 中国性学会 委员
17. 中华医学会泌尿外科分会全国协作组 委员
18. 中华医学会男科学分会雄激素治疗专家委员会 委员
19. 国家自然科学基金一审 评委
20. 北京大学泌尿外科医师培训学院 特聘专家
21. 中华医学科技奖评审委员会 委员
22. 原国家卫生部《人类辅助生殖技术评审组》 评审专家
23. 广州市医学会医疗事故技术鉴定专家库 成员
24. 中华医学会男科学分会医疗鉴定专家库 成员
25. 广东省食品药品监督管理局医疗器械评审委员会 专家
26. 《中华男科学杂志》 编委
27. 《中国性科学杂志》 编委
28. 《护理学报》 审稿专家
1. Yan H, Zhong L, Jiang Y, Yang J, Deng J, Wei S, Opara E, Atala A, Mao X, Damaser MS, Zhang Y. Controlled release of insulin-like growth factor 1 enhances urethral sphincter function and histological structure in the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence in a rat model. BJU Int. 2018 Feb;121(2):301-312.
2. Lei B, Zhou X, Lv D, Wan B, Wu H, Zhong L, Shu F, Mao X. Apoptotic and nonapoptotic function of caspase 7 in spermatogenesis. Asian J Androl. 2017 Jan-Feb;19(1):47-51.
3. Lei B, Wan B, Peng J, Yang Y, Lv D, Zhou X, Shu F, Li F, Zhong L, Wu H, Mao X. PRPS2 Expression Correlates with Sertoli-Cell Only Syndrome and Inhibits the Apoptosis of TM4 Sertoli Cells. J Urol. 2015 Nov;194(5):1491-7.
4. Lei B, Lv D, Zhou X, Zhang S, Shu F, Ding Y, Zhang Y, Mao X. Biochemical hormone parameters in seminal and blood plasma samples correlate with histopathologic properties of testicular biopsy in azoospermic patients. Urology. 2015 May;85(5):1074-1078.
5. Zhang S, Zhao Y, Lei B, Li C, Mao X. PGAM1 is Involved in Spermatogenic Dysfunction and Affects Cell Proliferation, Apoptosis, and Migration. Reprod Sci. 2015 Oct;22(10):1236-42.
6. Shu F, Zhou X, Li F, Lu D, Lei B, Li Q, Yang Y, Yang X, Shi R, Mao X. Analysis of the correlation of CATSPER single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with idiopathic asthenospermia. Analysis of the correlation of CATSPER single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with idiopathic asthenospermia. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2015 Nov;32(11):1643-9.
7. Zhao Z, Sun N, Mao X.Vascularization of vessel pedicle in hypospadias and its relationship to near-period complications.ExpTher Med. 2018 Sep;16(3):2408-2412.
8. Zou Y, Li C, Shu F, Tian Z, Xu W, Xu H, Tian H, Shi R, Mao X. lncRNA expression signatures in periodontitis revealed by microarray: the potential role of lncRNAs in periodontitis pathogenesis. J Cell Biochem. 2015 Apr;116(4):640-7.
9. Luo J, Chen J, Li H, Yang Y, Yun H, Yang S, Mao X. LncRNA UCA1 promotes the invasion and EMT of bladder cancer cells by regulating the miR-143/HMGB1 pathway. Oncol Lett.NOV 2017; 14(5):5556-5562.
10. Lv D, Wu H, Xing R, Shu F, Lei B, Lei C, Zhou X, Wan B, Yang Y, Zhong L, Mao X, Zou Y. HnRNP-L mediates bladder cancer progression by inhibiting apoptotic signaling and enhancing MAPK signaling pathways. Oncotarget. 2017;8(8):13586-13599.
11. Zhou X, Li Q, He J, Shu F, Xing R, Lv D, Lei B, Wan B, Yang Y, Wu H, Mao X, Zou Y. HnRNP-L promotes prostate cancer progression by enhancing cell cycling and inhibiting apoptosis. Oncotarget, 2016.8(12):19342-19353.
12. Lei B, Xing R, Zhou X, Lv D, Wan B, Shu F, Zhong L, Wu H, Mao X. Neutral alpha-1,4-glucosidase and fructose levels contribute to discriminating obstructive and nonobstructive azoospermia in Chinese men with azoospermia. Andrologia, 2016, 48(6): 670-675.
13. Li C, Shu F, Lei B, Lv D, Zhang S, Mao X. Expression of PGAM1 in renal clear cell carcinoma and its clinical significance. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2015. 8(8):9410-9415.
14. Hou Q, Lin J, Huang W, Li M, Feng J, Mao X. CTRP3 Stimulates Proliferation and Anti-Apoptosis of Prostate Cells through PKC Signaling Pathways. PLoS One.2015. 10(7).
15. Zou Y, Li C, Shu F, Tian Z, Xu W, Xu H, Tian H, Shi R, Mao X. LncRNA expression signatures in periodontitis revealed by microarray: the potential role of lncRNAs in periodontitis pathogenesis. J Cell Biochem. 2015. 116(4):640-647.
16. Li F, Zou Y, Guo W, Li J, He J, Li J, Mao X. The aged testis. A good model to find proteins involved in age-related changes of testis by proteomic analysis.J Reprod Med.2014. 59(1-2):31-38.
17. Yu Q, Zhang Y, Xia Y, Yang X, Li N, Ye L, Mao X. Analysis of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) G894T polymorphism and semen parameters in a Chinese Han population. Andrologia.2014. 46(5):541-546.
18. Wu Z, He B, He J, Mao X. Upregulation of miR-153 promotes cell proliferation via downregulation of the PTEN tumor suppressor gene in human prostate cancer. Prostate.2013. 73(6):596-604.
19. Wu Z, Sun H, Zeng W, He J, Mao X. Upregulation of MircoRNA-370 induces proliferation in human prostate cancer cells by downregulating the transcription factor FOXO1.PLoS One. 2012. 7(9).
20. Li J, Guo W, Li F, He J, Yu Q, Wu X, Li J, Mao X. HnRNPL as a key factor in spermatogenesis: Lesson from functional proteomic studies of azoospermia patients with sertoli cell only syndrome. J Proteomics. 2012. 75(10):2879-2891.
21. Guo W, Liao C, Zou Y, Li F, Li T, Zhou Q, Cao Y, Mao X. Erectile Dysfunction and Risk of Clinical Cardiovascular Events: A Meta-Analysis of Seven Cohort Studies.J Sex Med.2010.7(8):2805-2816.