
【 发布日期: 05-05 】 【 浏览次数: 】 【 作者: 】






2007.9-2010.6  四川大学临川医学院康复医学与理疗学,博士


1. 膝骨关节炎发病基因研究

2. 膝骨关节炎物理因子治疗基础与临床研究

3. 不同运动处方治疗膝骨关节炎疗效及其机制研究


1. 中国康复医学会物理治疗专委会会员

2. 中国康复医学会物理治疗专业委员会第一届物理治疗高校联盟常务委员

3. 中国研究型医院学会骨科创新与转化专业委员会骨科康复委员会委员

4. 广东省医师协会运动医学分会委员会委员

5. 广东省医学会物理医学与康复学分会第十一届委员会中西医结合学组成员


1. 膝骨关节炎中医康复技术方案的创新研究及推广;2020年度中国康复医学会科学技术奖一等奖2021年度省科学技术奖

2. 康复治疗学系人才培养模式改革与实践  广东省康复医学会教学成果奖 一等奖

3. 膝骨关节炎中医康复关键技术的研究与推广;2020年度中国康复医学会科学技术奖一等奖

4. The change of synovial fluid proteome in rabbit surgery-induced

model of knee osteoarthritis2019年获广州市医学会医学优秀论文


5. 多功能训练神棋 2019中国康复医学会手功能康复专业委员会“羿生杯”第二届手功能康复创新大赛三等奖

6. 哈工大机器人杯第四届全国康复治疗学专业学生本科院校技能大赛物理治疗组2018获优秀奖指导老师

7. 福建省大中专学生志愿者暑期“三下乡”社会实践活动2015先进工作者指导老师

8. 天瑞杯届全国康复治疗学专业学生本科院校技能大赛物理治疗组冠军指导老师


(1) Wanchun Wu, Haiyin Deng, Minting Zhong, Zhou Zou, Ruikang Chen, Haotong Tang, Wude Chen, Qiang Lin, Xinger Li, Qinglu Luo. The effect of enhancing active contraction of the transversus abdominis during walking on gait parameters in healthy individuals[J]. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, 2021, 27(2):213-218.(通讯作者,四区 IF=0.659

(2) Qinglu LUO, Siqin Fan, Rui Li, Zhongmin OuYang, Zhaoyu LIU, Qiang LIN. Effect of Ultrasound on Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in CartilageSynovial Fluid and Synovium in Rabbit Knee Osteoarthritis[J]. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2020, 67(3): 379385 4 IF=2.349

(3) Luo Q#, Ji S#, Li Z, Huang T, Fan S, Xi Q*. Effects of ultrasound therapy on the synovial fluid proteome in rabbit surgery-induced model of knee osteoarthritis, Biomed Eng Online. 2019, 18(1):18.DOI:10.1186/s12938-019-0637-24 IF=2.013

(4) Qinglu Luo, Xi Qin, Yaxian Qiu, Lingying Hou, Ning Yang*, The change of synovial fluid proteome in rabbit surgery-induced model of knee osteoarthritis, Am J Transl Res, 2018, 10(7):2087-2101 3 IF=3.061

(5) Weilin Liu, Jian He, Ruhui Lin, Jie Liang, Qinglu Luo. The differential proteomics of synovial membrane between bilateral and unitary in rabbit surgery-induced model of knee osteoarthritis [J], Molecular Medicine Reports. 2016. 14(3):2243-22494 IF=1.692

(6) Dexin Zeng, Qinglu Luo, Haidan Lin, Jinlong Zhang, Chengqi He. The effect of therapeutic ultrasound to apoptosis of chondrocyte and caspase-3 and caspase-8 expression in rabbit surgery-induced model of knee osteoarthritis. Rheumatol Int. 2012; 32(12):3771-3777.并列一3 IF=2.214

(7) Lu Xia, Qing-Lu Luo, Hai-Dan Lin, Jin-Long Zhang, Hua Guo, Cheng-Qi He. The effect of different treatment time of millimeter wave on chondrocyte apoptosis, caspase-3, caspase-8, and MMP-13 expression in rabbit surgically induced model of knee osteoarthritis[J]. Rheumatol Int. 2012; 32(10):2847-2856. 3 IF=2.214

(8) Hai-Dan Lin, Cheng-Qi He*, Qing-Lu Luo, Jing-Long Zhang, De-Xin Zeng,The effect of low-level laser to apoptosis of chondrocyte and caspases expression, including caspase-8 and caspase-3 in rabbit surgery-induced model of knee osteoarthritis, Rheumatol Int, 2012; 32 (3): 759-766 3 IF=2.214

(9) Sha-Sha Li, QingLu Luo, Liqun Huang, Yujun Hu, Qingjie Xia, Chengqi He. Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on mRNA expression of XIAP and Bax in ovariectomized rats[J]. International Orthopaedics. 2011; 15, 1875-1882.并列一2 IF=2.025

(10) Hua Guo, Qinglu Luo, Jinlong Zhang, Haidan Lin, LuXia, Chengqi He. Comparing different physical factors on serum TNF-αlevels, chondrocyte apoptosis, caspase-3 and caspase-8 expression in osteoarthritis of the knee in rabbits[J]. Joint Bone Spine, 2011, 78:604–610. (二2 IF=2.359

(11) Zhang JL, He HC, Lin HD, Luo QL, Xia L, Li SS, He CQ. Motor function and activities of daily living capacity of patients with fractures sustained during the Wenchuan earthquake. Chin Med J (Engl). 2011;124(10):1504-7.(四1 IF=0.983

(12) QingLu Luo, Sha-Sha Li, ChengQi He, HongChen He, Lin Yang, Li Deng. Pulse electromagnetic fields effects on serum E2 levels, chondrocyte apoptosis, and matrix metalloproteinase-13 expression in ovariectomized rats [J]. Rheumatol Int, 2009; 29 (6): 927-935 (一3 IF=1.279

(13) Pan Li, Qing-lu Luo, Cheng-qi He, Lin Yang, Qun Lan, Yuan-chao Wu. Correlation between obesity and female hyperostosis [J]. Chin Med J(Engl). 2008;121(18):1792-5. (并列一1 IF=0.636