序号 | 论文名称 | 发表期刊 |
1 | 社区卫生服务中心高血压人群国家慢性病管理服务治疗依从性现状及影响因素研究 | 中国全科医学 |
2 | 广州市公立医院经济运行监测评价指标体系实证研究 | 中国卫生经济 |
3 | 东莞市新生儿苯丙酮尿症筛查的卫生经济学评价研究 | 中国卫生经济 |
4 | 实施性研究利益相关方偏好评估——优劣尺度法的应用 | 协和医学杂志 |
5 | 粤东西北地区基本公共卫生服务人员职业倦怠现状及其影响因素
| 医学与社会 |
6 | 我国居民环境问题感知状况对亲环境行为和主观健康状况的影响 | 医学与社会 |
7 | 实施性研究利益相关方偏好评估 | 协和医学杂志 |
8 | 本科生对卫生经济学课程的满意度评价——基于全国23所大学的调查 | 现代职业教育 |
9 | 广东省卫生资源配置的地区性差异研究 | 中国卫生经济 |
10 | 基于实施障碍的实施策略开发方法:CFIR-ERIC匹配工具 | 协和医学杂志 |
11 | 大学生健康多维评价工具的开发及信效度检验 | 中国卫生事业管理 |
12 | 纯中医治疗医院门诊患者体验、满意度与就医行为意向的关系研究 | 中国医药导报 |
13 | 基于ABC-X模型的珠海市医务人员职业倦怠水平及影响因素研究 | 江苏卫生事业管理 |
14 | 医学生家庭经济收入与学业成绩的关系研究 | 中国信息界 |
15 | 基于课程地图视角的健康服务与管理专业人才培养体系研究 | 中国医药导报 |
16 | 社区中老年人多重慢病健康管理服务路径研究 | 中国全科医学 |
17 | 多重慢病老年人健康状况差异的分解研究:基于健康双因素的多层模型 | 中国全科医学 |
18 | 基于潜在类别分析的多重慢病老年人健康相关行为及生命质量的差异研究 | 中国全科医学 |
19 | 恶性肿瘤住院患者戒烟失败的质性研究 | 河南医学研究 |
20 | 基于交易成本理论的医疗联合体治理结构类型选择与绩效关系研究 | 中国医院管理 |
21 | 科教融合下广东省创新型公共卫生人才培养现状 | 基础医学教育 |
22 | 实施科学的前世今生(下篇)——理论、范式和特点 | 协和医学杂志 |
23 | PBL联合情景模拟教学法在神经外科临床护理教学中的应用 | 河南医学研究 |
24 | 实施理论——常态化过程理论的解读 | 护理学报 |
25 | 奥司他韦对甲型与乙型流感患儿症状改善及不良反应的影响 | 中国药物应用与监测 |
26 | The impact of intimate partner violence on depressive symptoms among college students: A moderated mediation model of the big five personality traits and perceived social support | Journal of Affective Disorders |
27 | Job preferences of Chinese primary health care workers: A discrete choice experiment | Journal of Health Services Research & Policy |
28 | 城市整体性公共卫生治理的理论认知与实践策略 | 中国应急管理科学 |
29 | Serial mediation effect of physical activity and sleep quality between dietary behaviour and depression symptoms: A nationwide cross-sectional survey | Journal of Global Health |
30 | 儿童青少年近视干预措施研究进展 | 数理医药学杂志 |
31 | The association between smoking and family health with the mediation role of personality among Chinese people: nationwide cross-sectional study | BMC Psychiatry |
32 | Exploring Patients' Intentions for Usage of Video Telemedicine Follow-Up Services: Cross-Sectional Study | Telemedicine and e-Health |
33 | 实施科学的前世今生(上篇)——起源与发展 | 协和医学杂志 |
34 | Ecological comparison of six countries in two waves of COVID-19 | Frontiers in Public Health |
35 | 人工晶体集中带量采购政策下老年性白内障手术患者单病种结算费用及影响因素研究 | 现代预防医学 |
36 | 我国高等医学教育资源配置效率评价及空间计量分析 | 中国卫生事业管理 |
37 | The Association Between Personality Traits and Health-Related Quality of Life and the Mediating Role of Smoking: Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study | JMIR Public Health and Surveillance |
38 | How is family health related to health-related quality of life among middle-aged and older adults in rural China? A cross-sectional study | International Journal Older People Nursing |
39 | Media Use Behavior Mediates the Association Between Family Health and Intention to Use Mobile Health Devices Among Older Adults: Cross-Sectional Study | Journal of Medical Internet Research |
40 | 流动老人多维健康的潜在类别及其影响因素分析 | 中国卫生事业管理 |
41 | Disease burden of COPD attributable to PM2.5 in China, Japan and South Korea from 1990 to 2019: a comparative study based on Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 | BMJ Open |
42 | Disparities and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine policies in three representative European countries | International Journal for Equity in Health |
43 | 儿童青少年同伴关系网络对超重肥胖的影响及作用机制研究——基于四川南充的实例分析 | 现代预防医学 |
44 | 自我效能感与焦虑在社会支持与老年慢性病患者幸福感关系中的链式中介作用 | 现代预防医学 |
45 | Evolution of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Policies in China: A Grounded Theory Approach | China CDC Weekly |
46 | Contextualizing the revised Patient Perception of Patient-Centeredness (PPPC-R) scale in primary healthcare settings: a validity and reliability evaluation study | BMC Primary Care |
47 | Dynamic evolution and spatial diference of public health service supply in economically developed provinces of China: typical evidence from Guangdong Province | BMC Health Services Research |