袁逖飞 Tifei Yuan




博士:日内瓦大学(2013),神经科学,导师为Christian Luscher教授




2017年7月- 今, 上海市精神卫生中心 教授,博导

2013年9月-2017年6月 南京师范大学心理学院 教授,博导


2015年6月-8月,英国伦敦大学学院访问学者,合作导师为英国皇家科学院院士Michael Hausser 教授




中国神经科学学会 - 应激神经生物学分会 - 副主任委员、秘书长

中国认知科学学会 - 认知与脑调控分会 (筹)- 副主任委员、秘书长

司法部戒毒管理局 - 司法行政戒毒工作专家咨询委员会,委员

上海市神经科学学会 - 青年创新工作委员会 - 主任委员

中国康复医学会 – 脑功能检测与调控康复专业委员会 – 常务委员

中国康复医学会 – 康复评定专业委员会 – 委员

中国毒理学会 – 药物依赖性毒理学专业委员会 – 委员

浙江省戒毒管理局 - 戒毒科学专家咨询委员会 - 专家委员

中国研究型医院学会 - 神经再生与修复专业委员会 - 委员


欧盟玛丽.居里基金ITN fellowship(2010-2013)

欧盟 EMBO Short term fellowship (2015)

江苏医学科学进步二等奖 (2015)

英国牛顿 Newton Mobility Award (2016)


中国科协青年人才托举工程 (2017)(心理学会首批入选)

上海市青年科技启明星 (2018)





1. 主持,科技部干细胞专项,通过三维导电生物材料和电刺激调控神经干细胞构建体外类脑与内耳器官的研究(2020YFA0113600),青年科学家项目,2020/10-2024/12,541万元,在研。

2. 主持,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金,81822017,药物成瘾,2019/01-2021/12,130万元,结题。

3. 主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目,31771215,甲基苯丙胺成瘾者冲动行为及经颅磁刺激干预研究,2018/01-2021/12,60万元,结题。

4. 主持,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,81501164,恐惧与负性情绪中多巴胺神经元功能的改变与回路机制,2016/01-2018/12,17.5万元,结题。

5. 主持,国家自然科学基金国际交流与合作项目,81611130224,恐惧与压力在多巴胺神经元上引起的可塑性研究,2016/04-2018/04,9万元,结题。

近5年代表性论文: (* 表示通讯作者, #表示共同第一作者)

1. Su LY #, Li Y #, Liu Q, Jiao L, Shen J, Yang LX, Yuan TF *, Yao YG * (2022) Decreased peripheral mtDNA in methamphetamine use disorder. Sci China Life Sci 65: 648-650.

2. Wang YJ, Li X, Ng CH, Xu DW *, Hu S *, Yuan TF * (2022) Risk factors for non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescents: A meta-analysis. EClinicalMedicine 46: 101350.

3. Zhang H #, Li J #, Su X, Hu Y, Liu T, Ni S, Li H, Zuo XN, Fu J *, Yuan TF *, Yang Z * (2022) Growth charts of brain morphometry for preschool children. Neuroimage 14:119178.

4. Zhou D #, Li A #, Li X #, Zhuang W #, Liang Y, Zheng CY, Zheng H, Yuan TF * (2022) The effects of 40 Hz transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) on cognitive functions of patients with Alzheimer's disease: a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled clinical trial. J Neurol Neurosur Psychiatry 93(5):568-570.  

5. Rao Y *, Du S, Du X, Wang Y, Yang B, Li R, Zhou T, He Y, Wang Y, Li Y, Zhou X, Yuan TF *, Mao Y*, Peng B* (2021) Ectopic expression of NeuroD1 is not able to induce the microglia-to-neuron cross-lineage conversion. Neuron 109(24):4094-4108.e5.

6. Zhang Y #, Ren L #, Liu K, Tong S, Yuan TF *, Sun J * (2021) Transcranial ultrasound stimulation of the human motor cortex. iScience 24(12):103429.

7. Zhang Y, Ku Y, Sun J, Daskalakis ZJ *, Yuan TF * (2022) Intermittent theta burst stimulation to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex improves working memory of subjects with methamphetamine use disorder.Psychol Med doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/S003329172100430X  

8. Cheng T, Huang XD, Hu XF, Wang SQ, Chen K, Wei JA, Yan L, So KF, Yuan TF *, Zhang L *. (2021) Physical exercise rescues cocaine-evoked synaptic deficits in motor cortex. Mol Psychiatry 26: 6187-6197.

9. Zhao D, Zhang M, Tian W, Cao X, Yin L, Liu Y, Xu TL, Luo W*, Yuan TF*. (2021) Neurophysiological correlate of incubation of craving in individuals with methamphetamine use disorder. Molecular Psychiatry 26: 6198-6208.

10. Chia CH #, Tang XW #, Cao Y #, Cao HT, Zhang W, Wu JF, Zhu YL, Chen Y, Lin Y, Wu Y, Zhang Z *, Yuan TF *, Hu RP * (2021) Cortical excitability signatures for the degree of sleepiness in human. Elife 10:e65099.

11. Li X #, Qi G #, Yu C #, Lian G, Zheng H, Wu S *, Yuan TF *, Zhou D * (2021) Cortical plasticity is correlated with cognitive improvement in Alzheimer's disease patients after rTMS treatment. Brain Stimul 14(3):503-510.

12. Shi Z #, Qin M #, Huang L #, Xu T #, Chen Y, Hu Q, Peng S, Peng Z, Qu LN, Chen SG, Tuo QH, Liao DF, Wang XP, Wu RR *, Yuan TF *, Li YH #, Liu XM (2021) Human torpor: translating insights from nature into manned deep space expedition. Biol Rev 96: 642-672. (Review)  

13. Peng SY #, Shi Z #, Zhou DS #, Wang XY, Li XX, Liu XL, Wang WD, Lin GN, Pan BX, Voon V, Grace AA, Heilig M, Wong ML, Yuan TF * (2021) Reduced motor cortex GABABR function following chronic alcohol exposure. Mol Psychiatry 26: 383-395.  

14. Yuan TF #, Li WG #, Zhang C #, Wei H, Sun S, Xu NJ, Liu J *, Xu TL * (2020) Targeting neuroplasticity in patients with neurodegenerative diseases using brain stimulation techniques. Transl Neurodegener 9(1):44. (Review)  

15. Liu X #, Zhao X #, Liu T, Liu Q, Tang L, Zhang H, Luo W *, Daskalakis ZJ, Yuan TF * (2020) The effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on cue-induced craving in male patients with heroin use disorder. EBioMedicine 56:102809.

16. Liu X #, Zhao X #, Shen Y #, Liu T, Liu Q, Tang L, Zhang H, Luo W *, Yuan TF * (2020) The effects of DLPFC-targeted repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on craving in male methamphetamine patients. Clin Transl Med 10(2):e48.  

17. Li Y #, Lu X #, Nie J, Hu P, Ge F *, Yuan TF *, Guan X * (2020) MicroRNA134 of Ventral Hippocampus Is Involved in Cocaine Extinction-Induced Anxiety-like and Depression-like Behaviors in Mice. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 19:937-950.  

18. Ma S #, Zhang C #, Yuan TF*, Steele D, Voon V, Sun B* (2020) Neurosurgical treatment for addiction: Lessons from an untold story in China and a path forward. National Science Review 7: 702-712. (Review)  

19. Yuan J *, Liu W, Liang Q, Cao X, Lucas MV, Yuan TF* (2020) Effect of low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on impulse inhibition in abstinent patients with methamphetamine addiction: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Netw Open 3(3):e200910

20. Zhang M #, Zhao D #, Zhang Z, Cao X, Yin L, Liu Y, Yuan TF *, Luo W * (2019) Time perception deficits and its dose-dependent effect in methamphetamine dependents with short-term abstinence. Science Advances 5: eaax6916.

21. Liang Y, Wang L, Yuan TF * (2018) Targeting Withdrawal Symptoms in Men Addicted to Methamphetamine With Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry 75: 1199-1201.  

22. Huang Y #, Xu Z #, Xiong S, Sun F, Qin G, Hu G, Wang J, Zhao L, Liang YX, Wu T, Lu Z, Humayun MS, So KF, Pan Y, Li N, Yuan TF *, Rao Y *, Peng B * (2018) Repopulated microglia are solely derived from the proliferation of residual microglia after acute depletion. Nat Neurosci. 21: 530-40.  

23. Huang X #, Chen YY #, Shen Y #, Cao X #, Li A #, Liu Q #, Li Z, Zhang LB, Dai W, Tan T, Arias-Carrion O*, Xue YX*, Su H*, Yuan TF * (2017) Methamphetamine abuse impairs motor cortical plasticity and function. Mol Psychiatry, 22: 1274-1281  

24. Zhang C #, Liu X #, Yuan TF * (2021) Somatostatin-positive GABAergic interneuron: new targets for depression. Mol Psychiatry 22(6):790-791. (Commentary)  

25. Shen Y #, Cao X #, Shan C #, Dai W #, Yuan TF *. (2017) Heroin Addiction Impairs Human Cortical Plasticity. Biol psychiatry; 81(7):e49-e50.

26. Shen Y #, Cao X #, Tan T #, Shan C #, Wang Y, Pan J, He H, Yuan TF *. (2016) 10 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex reduces Heroin cue craving in long-term addicts. Biol Psychiatry 80:e13-e14.


Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (Board Member) (IF 7.2)

Scientific Data (Board Member) (IF 6.4)

Pharmacological Research (Guest Associate Editor) (IF 7.6)

Behavioral and Brain functions (Board Member) (IF 3.7)

Journal of Molecular Neuroscience (Board Member) (IF 3.4)