

It is more than a degree

发布者:李斐  发布时间:2014-10-31

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国际项目办公室  宋老师



                       It is more than a degree
                              ---the experience that make me become a better me

When it comes to the feelings about studying abroad, there are tons of things that I can hardly figure out where I should start. Here are some experience I want to share with you most.

It still comes back clearly to me that how excited and nervous the moment I landed at Miami International Airport. I was aware that a brand new world was waiting ahead. Most of us had never left the family before, or at least had no need to worry about accommodation, food, transportation, and other basic necessities of life. But studying abroad means you should learn to deal with everything, most of that you may never ever handle before. As an overseas student, you should learn how to rent an apartment so that you can settle down; learn how to cook so that you can take care of your stomach; learn how to open a bank account so that you can manage your savings; learn how to drive so that you can go to wherever you want to go; learn how to study so that you can adjust yourself to a new education system; and also, learn how to talk with others so that you can cope with the cultural shock.

Studying abroad is not that easy. Language is the first hurdle lying in front of you. There is no surprise that you feel pressured when English became dominant in your life. It forced you to use English everyday, in every single aspect of your life. The only thing you can do is forgetting your mother language, and using English as much as you can. Trust me, that is the only way to improve your English significantly. On the other hand, taking maximum advantages of the school’s workshops is of great value to your learning skills, such as presentation, writing, and reading. Unlike the learning system in China, you need to spend a lot of time on self-study in America’s universities, including reading, researching, writing the paper, and group working. I still remember that several weeks after the first term began, I ran into Dr. Borkowski at the Starbucks in FIU’s library. She said delightedly: “Hey Cathy, you are so like a typical American student!” Right, like other students, I spent a whole day on my paper, with a textbook, a computer, and of course, a cup of coffee. That is the most common phenomenon you can see in every corner of the university. There is no shortcut to success, all you should do is to work hard, work hard, and work hard. It is also worth mentioning that the field trip is the best way to get to know about the healthcare industry of America. It’s a hands-on, first person experience that brings you right into this industry. So make good use of field trips and you will find they can give you more than you’d expect.

Life in Miami is anything but dull. Florida is the “Sunshine State”. Except for fighting with the countless paper, you can jump out of the hard work and go to the Miami Beach to take a break at the weekend, to enjoy the sunshine, the blue sky and the sea breeze. Key West and Orlando are also great choices to spice up your life. As a big fan of travelling, I made full use of every holiday to travel around America, which really broadened my horizon and enriched my life.

Studying abroad is a turning point in my life. When I look back, what this experience gave me is beyond my expectation. Overseas study is tough but rewarding. There is no way back when you start. I believe, for all of us, what we gain from the experience abroad is far more important than the degree. With what I’ve been through those days, I found that I had turned into a different me. It is this experience makes me become stronger, more independent, more confident, and more powerful.

After coming back from US, I started working at the Quality Control Department of Panyu Central Hospital. Base on what I majored in, my job is generally focused on the quality control of medical treatments and the process improvement. Although the medical system in US is different from that in China, I can still selectively apply some advanced theories into the real situations. For instance, I worked on the “Out-patients process improvement” project and the “ER process improvement” project last year, which provided me chances to truly apply what I’ve learned into the work. Besides, whenever our hospital has foreign guests come and visit, I’ll be chosen to introduce the hospital and show them around as a tour guide and a translator. It was amazing to meet with the cohort 8 from FIU on last year, Sept. 24th. Dr. Borkowski and Jane had no idea that I worked in the Panyu Central Hospital at that time, and I got the task that helping the FIU cohort to finish the field trip. So it was a big surprise for both of us. I told Dr. Borkowski and Jane about my job and let them know I was enjoying my work in this hospital. With all those communication and discussions, we both learned much from each other. I’m looking forward to having more cohorts come and visit our hospital, which I believe is a mutual benefit for both of us.






留学第二课,学习。出国留学,学习当然就是我们的首要任务。相信大家去美国之前,都已经对美国大学的授课制度有一定认识了。美国大学的学习,自己永远是主角。课前需要阅读大量文献资料,预习上课内容。没有做好预习的话,很难跟上教授的节奏,随时会云里雾里一头烟。课中注重师生互动和课堂讨论,中国学生基本都不爱与老师同学互动,这点教授们心里都清楚,但别以为这样就可以安然处之。平时成绩占总成绩的比例一点也不小,如果打算一言不发默默地完成这门课,那就别有拿A的梦想了。课后有各种paper,discussion, reflection,没日没夜地与各种paper过招,是家常便饭的事。除了上课和周末,我大部分时间都耗在CBC或者图书馆,和paper、project什么的拼个你死我活,离开的时候经常已是深夜或凌晨。但当你终于写完一篇paper,完成一个project,在deadline之前成功上交,那种满满的成就感绝对会扫去一切疲惫,让你舒心大笑。要知道,带着厚重的课本,笔记本电脑,再加一杯咖啡,在图书馆一呆就是半天,甚至一天,这是美国学生最经典的一种学习模式。请记住,“no pain no gain”是全世界都奉行的真理。此外,group study是除自学外的另一种主要学习方式。学校的许多作业是要求以小组为单位完成的,为的是锻炼学生brain storming和critical thinking的能力,以及培养他们的团队合作精神。除了专业课程之外,学校提供的语言能力提高课程也是学习的重点,包括presentation、speaking、writing,基本上这些课程可以全方位提高你的语言能力,有了资源,当然就要好好利用。最后值得一提的是,两到三周一次的field trip。通过到不同的医院参观交流,可以实地了解美国医疗行业的现状,再与国内医疗制度进行比较,必定对你的学习大有裨益。国外的学习,需要克服的障碍虽然很多,但只要足够努力,必定会得到超出想象的收获。我永远不会忘记,刚开学不久,操着一口蹩脚英语紧张勉强地完成第一次presentation的我,在毕业前的final presentation上,已经能够流利自如并且从容地用英语把毕业课题展现在所有同学和老师面前,并得到老师们的称赞认可,那种自豪感和成就感,毕生难忘。

留学第三课,娱乐。留学的日子,除了好好学习天天向上,把握假期,四处领略美国的自然风光、人文风俗也是重要的必修课。没日没夜地游走于各种paper和project中,难免觉得枯燥又疲惫。这时候,大可以利用周末到downtown走一走,到Miami Beach逛一逛,吹吹海风,呼吸一下自由清新的空气,肯定能够让你原地满血复活。美国人人爱篮球,不论男女老少,似乎都对篮球有疯狂的热情。NBA赛季时,约上一帮美国朋友,观看一场NBA球赛,亲身感受现场的狂热气氛,绝对让你随之疯狂。我是一个典型的旅游爱好者,任何一个假期都被会被我充分利用。走出迈阿密,奥兰多是我首推的游玩好地方。奥兰多迪士尼,会让你受到童话的洗礼,还你一颗童真的心,圆你儿时的梦想。南部的Key West是另一个不容错过的地方。在那里,你可以放慢节奏,到处随意乱逛,与六指猫咪相遇,骑上水上摩托艇向海天一线处奔驰……当然,有时间有条件的话,还可以走出佛州,到美国的其他城市游玩,感受每个城市截然不同的景观和人文风情,让留学的日子更充实更丰富。







2010级首届HCMBA学生   李斐

