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信息来源: 发布日期:2018-12-10






Creation of Literature as Means of Psychological Therapy

Qiu Hong-zhong

(Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou, 510515)

Abstract:From a psychotherapeutic perspective, and according to the writers’ motivations of creation, literature is believed to produce four psychotherapeutic effects: that is, it can (1) give vent to one’s feelings and emotions, especially in a frustrating situation, (2) satisfy unfulfilled wishes, (3) release subconscious, and (4) educate and transform. Writers are motivated in this way or another, such that they create works with different styles to realize their specific intentions, and further, to achieve their psychological self-healing.

Key words:creation of literature; motivation of creation; psychotherapy






Narrative Therapy: Humanism in Raymond Carver’s Short Stories

WANG Zhong-qiang

(Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515)

Abstract:According to many scholars, Raymond Carver, as the representative of “Minimalist” writers, always depicts the life of blue collar in an objective way. Thus, his short stories appear to be sparse, cold and hopeless. However, through close reading on Carver’s short stories, the author discovered the narrative therapy applied in his late stories. The author held that narrative therapy caused positive changes in blue collar’s life and reflected the humanism of Raymond Carver.

Key words:Minimalism; Raymond Carver; blue collar; humanism; narrative therapy







A Perspective of Cognitive Aesthetics of Literature and Its Practical Effects: With a Reference to its

Therapeutic Value and Meaning in Clinical Medicine

DENG Wen-hua

(Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515)

Abstract:Cognitive poetics as a major component of literary cognitive studies, has become a popular field of study at home and abroad. Yet cognitive poetics has a tendency to focus on the reading process of readers of the textual meaning, thus neglecting the aesthetic and ethical values of literature. For a comprehensive picture of literature, cognitive poetics has been trying to go beyond its limitations by combining the dimensions of meaning (cognition), emotion (aesthetics) and morality (ethics) of literature. Cognitive poetics transformed as such is the beginning of cognitive aesthetics. Just as cognitive poetics, cognitive aesthetics calls for the alliance of cognitive sciences and literary studies, and it chooses the path that combines theoretical hypothesis and experimental evidence. However, inasmuch as cognitive aesthetics is a complex of information, aesthetics and ethics, it has deeper insights into the nature and effects of literature; moreover, it helps literary studies seek practical ways to transduce their conceptual knowledge into palpable influence in aspects of social life, like education and medicine.

Key words:cognitive aesthetics; literature; practical effects






Fictional Narrative and Clinical Empathy: The Significanceof Reading Literary Fiction

XIONG Min-juan,YANG Xiao-lin

(Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515)

Abstract:Fiction reading may have profound effects on the empathic skills of the reader. Based onnarrative medicine, narrative transportation,psychic numbing and other theoretical concepts,this article suggests thatfictional narrative canprovide readers with a safe arena in which theyare more likely to devote and release their emotions.Fiction reading is more suitable for readers to establisha willing construction of disbelief. When readers are transported into the narrative stories which are separated from the real world, they may form strong emotional experienceand their attitudes have changed after transportation even though they step back into the real world. These features create a persuasive mechanism in fictional literary works. Thus, in contrast to non-fiction, fictional narratives are characteristically about individuals and their personal storieshave a greater impact on the reader's empathy.

Key words:fictional narrative;empathic skills; narrative transportation




摘要:马塞尔•普鲁斯特(1871--1922)的小说《追忆似水年华》对医学,特别是神经学的描写尤为突出。普鲁斯特拥有出色的医学知识,毕生都与神经医生打交道。1881年,他罹患哮喘,从此频频犯病。当时,哮喘被认定为“神经衰弱”(neurasthenia)。马塞尔的父亲阿德里安•普鲁斯特(Adrien Proust)是一位著名的医生,曾发表许多有关中风、失语症、癔症和神经衰弱症的著述。他把马塞尔介绍给夏科(Charcot)的学生,即《神经学》(Revue Neurologique)杂志的创始人爱德华•布里索(Edouard Brissaud)。三年后,布里索出版了一本关于哮喘的专著。该书影响深远,阿德里安•普鲁斯特为其作序。1905年,普鲁斯特打算接受“治疗”以改善其哮喘等症状。夏科的得意弟子之一,朱尔斯•代热林(Jules Dejerine)成为普鲁斯特的首选。此外,两名与夏科和维尔皮安(Alfred Vulpian)一起做研究的瑞士医生也在考虑之列:一位是维蒙特医院的创始人维德梅尔(Henry Auguste Widmer),另一位是代热林的同学保罗•迪布瓦(Paul Dubois)。布里索推荐的保罗•索利埃(Paul Sollier)负责了普鲁斯特6周的隔离治疗。索利埃和约瑟夫•巴宾斯基(Joseph Babinski)都是夏科最得意的门徒。索利埃对“记忆”进行全方位研究,尤其是情感记忆(affective memory)。他推翻了柏格森(Bergson)的理论,这让他的著述成为这一领域的开山之作。索利埃试图激发“情感复兴”(emotional revivals或reviviscences),再现主体的初次经历时的整个情感状态。普鲁斯特后来将这一概念融入他创作的《追忆似水年华》等以“非自主记忆”(involuntary memory)为主题的小说里。普鲁斯特生命中最后一位神经科医生是巴宾斯基。由于害怕像自己母亲一样罹患失语症,普鲁斯特多次向巴宾斯基咨询。普鲁斯特经历了与众不同的人生,他与众多久负盛名的神经科医生过从甚密,这种独特经历为其文学作品添色不少,也为世纪之交的神经学科发展提供了一个独特的研究视角。


Marcel Proust’s Lifelong Tour of the Parisian Neurological Intelligentsia: From Brissaud and Dejerine to

Sollier and Babinski

Julien Bogousslavsky; Ning Jing; Yang Xiaolin

Abstract:In Search of Lost Time, the main novel of Marcel Proust (1871–1922) gives prominence to medicine, especially to neurology. Proust possessed excellent medical knowledge and maintained lifelong contact with neurologists. From 1881 onward, he experienced recurrent attacks of asthma, a condition which, at the time, was considered belonging to ‘neurasthenia’. Marcel’s father, Adrien Proust, was a famous physician who had written papers on stroke, aphasia, hysteria and neurasthenia, and who introduced his son to Charcot’s pupil, Edouard Brissaud, the founder of theRevue Neurologique. Three years later, Brissaud published a landmark book on asthma with a preface by Adrien Proust. In 1905, when Proust intended to undergo a ‘cure’ in order to improve his asthma and other symptoms, he first considered treatment by Jules Dejerine, who was to become Charcot’s second successor. He also considered two Swiss physicians who had studied with Charcot and Vulpian: Henry Auguste Widmer, founder of the Clinique Valmont above Montreux, and Paul Dubois, a schoolmate of Dejerine, who practiced in Berne. Brissaud recommended Paul Sollier, under whose care Proust followed a 6-week ‘isolation cure’; Sollier, along with Babinski, was considered the cleverest of Charcot’s followers. He had studied memory extensively, in particular affective memory, which caused him to reject Bergson’s theories and now makes his work a major precursor. Sollier attempted to trigger ‘emotional revivals’ (reviviscences), ‘reproducing the entire state of the personality of the subject at the time of the initial experience’. This concept was integrated by Proust into his novel, with emphasis on ‘involuntary memory’. Proust’s last neurologist was Joseph Babinski, whom he consulted repeatedly because he feared becoming aphasic, like his mother. Proust’s unusual life journey with the most celebrated neurologists of his time highlights aspects of his literary work and also provides a unique perspective on the neurological intelligentsia at the turn of the 19th century.

Key Words:Aphasia; Emotions; History of neurology; Marcel Proust; Memory; Psychosomatic disorders; Paul



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