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信息来源: 发布日期:2018-12-10


露易丝•卡明斯(Louise Cumming)(英国诺丁汉特伦特大学)文









The Debate between Localization and Anti-localization in the Historyof Aphasia Study

LI Meixia (Beijing International Studies University, Beijing, 100024)

HUANG Siyuan (Columbia University, New York)

Abstract: Localization and anti-localization are the two most influential camps in the history of aphasia study. Localization is represented by Paul Broca, Carl Wernicke, etc. and anti-localization is represented by John Hughlings Jackson, Sigmund Freud, etc. The debate of the two camps influences and controls the aphasia study since the second half of the nineteenth century. The present article, taking localization and anti-localization as two main threads, presents an overview of the representatives, the focus of their debate and the dilemma that the two camps face. It is proposed that, with the development of neuroscience, linguistic aphasiology, cognitive psychology, etc., localization and anti-localization will continuously exist, but the two camps will renovate themselves and will learn from each other and syncretize with each other. In the meanwhile, new paradigms will emerge and the aphasia study will display the momentum of the co-existence of a multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary, multi-paradigms and cross-paradigms, traditional and new methods.

Key Words:localization; anti-localization; Broca; Wernicke; Jackson; Freud






A Medical Knowledge System Full of Metaphors: Reflections on Translation and Intercultural Transmission of Chinese Medicine

Abstract:How to translate and transmit Chinese medicine depends on how to understand it. Chinese medicine, which originated in China, takesTian Ren He Yi(the Unity of Heaven and Humankind) as its ontological presupposition andQu Xiang Bi Lei(Taking Image and Analogizing) as its core methodology. It is a complete and unique medical knowledge system full of metaphors formed and developed over thousands of years, which is in no way commensurable to Western medicine.Qu Xiang Bi Leiresults in the formation of metaphors. In view of the vital significance of metaphors in Chinese medicine, this paper claims that, in translation and transmission of Chinese medicine, it is necessary to strictly apply the principle of preserving metaphors and the way ofQu Xiang Bi Leiso as to make the image of the translated version identical with that of its original. This is extremely important to the inheritation, transmission, and development of Chinese medicine.

Key words:Chinese medicine; metaphor; medical knowledge system; translation; intercultural transmission






A Study of Patterns of Echo Questions and Responses in Chinese Doctor-patient


MA Wen, ZHANG Shuai

(Center for Clinical Neurolinguistics of Shandong University, Jinan, 250100;

School of Foreign Languages of Yantai University, Yantai 264005)

Abstract:Echo questions are prevalent in verbal conversation, including doctor-patient interaction. With a conversation analysis of five and a half hours’ doctor-patient interaction in Chinese outpatient departments, it is found that there are four typical patterns of echo questions, i.e. EQ-R, EQ-R+A, EQ-A, and EQ-Rself.It reveals the asymmetry in epistemic status between doctor and patient, and the cognitive efforts made by each side who participates actively in the interaction.

Keywords:echo questions; patterns; doctor-patient conversation; conversation analysis


刘兴兵(四川外国语大学英语学院 重庆400031)

许明军(湖北十堰市太和医院 湖北十堰442008)

刘琴(四川外国语大学校医院 重庆400031)



Politeness and Politeness Strategies in Patients’ Discourse in Clinical Consultations

LIU Xingbing, LIU Qin

Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China

Abstract:This thesis investigates politeness in patients’ discourse under the theoretical framework of Brown and Levinson’s face theory. First, impolite phenomena in patients’ discourse are summed up, followed by a discussion of patients’ politeness strategies. Secondly, the complex reasons for such impolite phenomena and politeness strategies are probed into in considerable depth. Lastly, suggestions concerning patients’ politeness strategies are proposed to enhance the establishment of a new doctor-patient relationship.

Key words:politeness; positive politeness strategies; negative politeness strategies; doctor-patient clinical

interviews; patients’ discourse






Advances in the Study on Neural Mechanism of Sign Language Aphasia

LEI Jianghua, CHENYing, JIA Ling

(College of Education, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, 430079)

Abstract:Sign language is a main means of thought communication and social interaction for the deaf. Unfortunately, sign language aphasia affects the language acquisition and social interaction of the deaf. Researches on sign aphasia’s neural mechanisms help to better know the causes, in turn to have a more scientifically understanding, effective treatment, positive rehabilitation training and education in the future. This paper reviews current researches on sign language aphasia neural mechanisms and brain plasticity, with a view to deepening the comprehension towards its neural basis and causes, also looking for providing some inspiration to language rehabilitation, training and education for the deaf.

Key words:sign language; aphasia; neural mechanism; brain plasticity







An Experimental Study on the Tone and Vowel Patterns of Mandarin Chinese in a Speaker with Dysarthria

CAI Xirui, CHEN Haoqiang, YAO Changyi

Department of Foreign Languages, Kunming Medical University, Kunming Yunnan 650500;

Department of Cardiology, The People’s Hospital of Dehong, Mangshi Yunnan 678400

Abstract:This study investigates the tone and vowel patterns of Mandarin Chinese in a patient with dysarthria by adopting the methods of acoustic experiment and phonological analysis. Distinguishing healthy from dysarthric speech, both tone patterns and values show that the patient with dysarthria has enormous differences in Yángpíng, Shǎngshēng and Qùshēng over healthy speakers, except Yīnpíng. It also reveals the instability of dysarthric tones, especially in Shǎngshēng. For vowels, the distribution of patient’s pattern is dissociated, which results from the instable opening of jaws and position of tongue. The overlapping pitch range in the patient indicates the errors in distinguishing vowels. Meanwhile, it explains the application of experimental phonetics to speech evaluation for dysarthria.

Key words:dysarthria; acoustic experiment; tone pattern; vowel pattern






A Corpus-based Evaluation of the Vocabulary in Medical English Textbooks

Zhou Rong, Luo Jiangxia

(School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Gannan Medical University, Ganzhou 341000, China)

Abstract:The study uses two sets of medical English textbooks as corpus, and explores the theories and research methods in textbook evaluation, especially the lexical evaluation. It also examines the coverage of core vocabulary in EGP and the academic English vocabulary as well as the medical academic vocabulary in two sets of textbooks. The research proves the textbooks’ high utility for helping students to master English through empirical data. Finally, the difficulty curves of the textbooks are drawn, and the difficulty gradient is analyzed, which provide a reliable reference for the evaluation and compilation of textbooks.

Keywords:English for medical purpose; textbook evaluation; corpus; core vocabulary


Louise Cummings. (2016).Case Studies in Communication Disorders. Cambridge University Press.

ISBN: 9781107154872

诺丁汉特伦特大学Louise Cummings教授,是皇家学院的言语和语言治疗师,从事语言学教学、研究和语言治疗工作。她以语言病理学、心智哲学、心理语言学等多学科的视角,全面收集、剖析了语言沟通障碍的各类案例,编著了《交流障碍案例分析》一书。此书面向在读硕士、博士、语言病理学研究者和广大语言治疗师,系统、全面地介绍了语言沟通障碍的各类案例,既有深入病理知识的理论探讨,又有丰富的实践方法和研究个案,为语言交流障碍的研究与治疗提供了可操作性的实践指南。本文拟对该书内容做简单介绍和评述。


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