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信息来源: 发布日期:2019-12-16












Neuro-linguistic Characteristics of Chinese Aphasia

LIU Xiaojia

(Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515)

Abstract:Aphasia is a language inability due to damages to specific brain regions caused by acquired brain lesions or trauma, and may present its symptoms in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Its main categories include lateral fissure aphasia syndrome, watershed aphasia syndrome, subcortical aphasia syndrome, global aphasia and anomic aphasia. The diagnosis of aphasia should be conducted according to the linguistic characteristics of the above-mentioned categories. Furthermore, aphasia is closely related to dysarthria, depression, cognitive impairment and mental disorder, so it is essential to differentiate aphasia from them in clinical evaluation.

Key word:aphasia; Chinese; neuro-linguistics




Shriberg, L. D., Kent, R. D., McAllister T., Preston J. (2018).Clinical Phonetics(the 5thedition). Pearson Education Limited.


临床语言学(Clinical Linguistics)作为一个学科,肇始于20世纪70年代。David Crystal于1981年出版专著Clinical Linguistics,成为这一独立学科产生的标志。1987年该领域的专业期刊Clinical Linguistics & PhoneticsCLP)创刊。随后,“国际临床语音学和语言学协会”(The International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association)于1991年成立,且每两年召开一届会议,CLP也成为该协会的官方期刊。






A Review on Working Memory and Sentence Comprehension of Broca’s Aphasic

LAU Yoke Lian

(Department of Applied Linguistics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084)

(Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning,UMS, Sabah 88400)

Abstract:Previous studies revealed that the sentence comprehension of the patients with Broca’s aphasia was closely related to their working memory capacity variation. This paper reviews the research development of this issue and makes a brief comment.

KeyWords:Working memory; Broca’s Aphasia; Sentence comprehension






Construing Interpersonal Meaning through Doctors’ Choice of Interrogatives


(Department of Foreign Languages,Army Medical University,Chongqing,400038)

Abstract:A systemic functional research on the interpersonal meaning realized in Chinese doctor-patient conversations from the perspective of doctors’ choice of interrogative was carried out.Data were randomly collected from conversations between doctors and outpatients in one hospital in China, andanalyzed in terms of the interpersonal meaning from the SFL perspective.Interrogatives are favored in doctor-patient conversations in China as compared with findings from other studies, but Chinese doctors dominate in the whole process of diagnosis and treatment, exerting great influence on the patient. Yes-no interrogatives are favored more by doctors practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine than by those in other clinic departments. Both yes-no interrogatives and alterative interrogatives can be quickly responded to, which is usually ignored by Chinese doctors, thus little attention has been paid to building harmonious interpersonal relationships.

Key words: interrogative clause; doctor-patient conversation; interpersonal meaning






English-dominated Contemporary Medicine in Chinese-dominated China

ZHOU Hongxia

(Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, 530021)

Abstract:Contemporary medicine mostly written in English has been introduced into China within no more than 200 years. But it has replaced Chinese traditional medicine to dominate the medical health service system of the whole country. No surprise, the contemporary medicine was learned and practiced with Chinese language in China. From English to Chinese, the bias and fallacy of understanding through language transformation or translation are inevitable, and this fallacy or bias has jeopardized research and practice of medical science in China, especially the concepts or terms relevant to values, norm or social culture context. Unfortunately, linguistics and medicine professionals have shown little concern to the issues. This article aims at reminding English professors in Medical school to conduct research on this field and step in medical education in China bravely with general arts and humanity knowledge relevant to healthcare, and to play a key role in medical education with original English words of general philosophy, arts and so on. It is also augured that Chinese journal in medicine should make a regulation of requiring the original words after the Chinese words if they are translated terms by authors, so as to reduce the misunderstanding of contemporary medicine and help healthcare giver to practice better in the large population country.

Keyword:English; Chinese; Culture; Contemporary medicine






A Review on Testing English for Medical Purposes at Home and Abroad


(Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515)

Abstract:Health-care and medical professionals seeking for practicing licenses are required to have specific language competence in many countries and regions. With the growth of global communication in health-care profession, increasing attention has been paid to testing English for Medical Purposes (EMP testing) in the fields of medicine, health-care, and language testing as well. This paper introduces practices of EMP testing for medical and health-care professionals in major English speaking countries and mainland China. Reviews of related literature show that tests of this kind should actively explore ways to integrate English language competence and professional knowledge and skills of medicine and health-care; and at the same time, they should remain authenticity of Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) tests. For these regards, the Occupational English Test (OET) in Australia is a good example.

Key words:medical and health-care professionals; EMP testing; ESP







Significance and Feasibility of “Flipping” Watching, Listening and Speaking in Medical English Teaching

GUO Haiyan

(Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350108)

Abstract:Training skills of watching, listening and speaking is an important part of Medical English teaching, but the traditional teacher-centered, input-focused teaching mode greatly reduces students’ autonomy and teaching effectiveness. Based on the teaching practice of Medical English in Fujian Medical University, this paper aims to explore the significance and feasibility of applying the idea of “Flipped Classroom” to the teaching of watching, listening and speaking in Medical English.

Key Words:Flipped Classroom, watching, listening and speaking; Medical English; feasibility


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