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信息来源: 发布日期:2019-12-16






A Perspective of Cognitive Aesthetics of Literature and Its Practical Effects: With a Reference to its Therapeutic Value and Meaning in Clinical Medicine

DENG Wen-hua

(Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515)

Abstract:Cognitive literary studies, especially cognitive poetics, has become a popular field of study at home and abroad since the second half of 20thcentury. Yet cognitive poetics has a tendency to focus on the reading process of readers of the textual meaning, thus neglecting the aesthetic and ethical values of literature. For a comprehensive picture of literature, cognitive poetics has been trying to go beyond its limitations by combining the dimensions of meaning (cognition), emotion (aesthetics) and morality (ethics) of literature. Cognitive poetics transformed as such is the beginning of cognitive aesthetics. Just as cognitive poetics, cognitive aesthetics calls for the alliance of cognitive sciences and literary studies, and it chooses the path that combines theoretical hypothesis and experimental evidences. However, inasmuch as cognitive aesthetics is a complex of information, aesthetics and ethics, it has deeper insights into the nature and effects of literature; moreover, it helps literary studies seek practical ways to transduce their conceptual knowledge into palpable influence in aspects of social life, like education and medicine.

Key words:cognitive aesthetics; literature; medicine


蒋天平 胡朝霞




Abstract:Kurt Vonnegut is one of the best black humorists in America. During World War II, he suffered from bombing shock caused by Drester bombing. Through traumatic writing, he criticized the colonial practices of the early pioneers in the United States, and the capitalist system and moral status quo. He proposed social improvement programs and plans to build Utopia. In the utopian imagination, the author's possible dual personality disorder is implied.

Key words:cultural trauma; dual personality;schizophrenia; utopia






Doctors in Balzac’s Work

Thierry Moulin (Author),YANG Xiaolin (Translator),CAI Sulu (Translator)

Abstract:Balzac wrote his novels during a time of great literary and scientific change. Romanticism gave way to the school of realism, of which Balzac could be considered the founder. It was via realism, where both the positive and negative aspects of life were depicted, that doctors naturally gained a much more active role in novels. In conjunction with this was the development of science and medicine, which fascinated Balzac, also leading to the significant and prevalent role of doctors in his works. His fascination with the sciences led to him to gain many acquaintances and much knowledge in the medical domain. The doctors in Balzac’s novels can be grouped into four categories: provincial doctors, Parisian doctors, country doctors, and military doctors. They were most often fictitious representations of real individuals. It must be noted that his doctors not only played an active role in clinically assessing their patients, but also had a sociological role in assessing society; it is through his doctors that Balzac gave his opinion of the world in which he lived.

Keywords:Balzac; literary works; doctors


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