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信息来源: 发布日期:2019-12-16

Matchingthe Two Sets of Medical Terms: to be More PhilosophicallyAccommodatedin Translating TCM

LIN Wei(林巍)

(Ji’nan University, Zhuhai,暨南大学,珠海,519070)

Abstract:It has generally been recognized that the translation of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) belongs to one of the hardiest kinds in practice and intheoretical studies.This paper intends to explore the solution in areas beyondlinguistic filed– the special nature of the medicine in relation to the translationthat will be the target.Consequently, philosophical ideas andscientific concepts in terms of different medical terminologies and expressions between TCM and Western medicine (WM) are differentiated, compared and analyzed.There are intrigued relations between the two– they are included or excluded or partially covered by one another.And quite easily the translation can go astray, which will also bescrutinized in different categories.Based on all the frameworks and analyses, certain moreaccommodated ways of translating TCM to be proposed in the hope of shedding light on thistroublesome area of translation studies.

Keywords:translation of TCM; philosophical ideas; scientific concepts; specialization; concept ofqi, yin andyang; accommodated approach; cultural translation






Reproduction of the TerminologyCulture in the Russian Version ofThe Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine

GUO Xiaoyun

(Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, 201600)

Abstract:The research on the translation of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) ancient books has great significance in the era of “Chinese culture going out”. The classics of TCM, represented by the bookThe Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine, contain rich and unique Chinese culture, and they cannot be ignored in the process of translation. Reasonable expression of cultural information is the key to accurately explain TCM thinking. InThe Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine, a paragraph, a sentence, even a word and the relationship between the words all reflect the unique Chinese culture. This paper studies the reproduction of the terminology culture in the translation by analyzing the Russian version of B. Vinogrodsky.

Key words:The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine; cultural;terminology





摘要:本文以《中国医学论坛报》上刊登的部分The New England Journal of Medicine文献英汉译文为例,运用应用翻译学理论分析了英文摘要和中文译文里错误和翻译腔。


Abstract:This paper summarizes the errors found in Chinese version of English papers from an American medical journal published on a Chinese publication,and discussesthe reasons and possible improvement based on thetheory of applied translation.

Key words: medical literature translation; applied translatology


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