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信息来源:研究所 发布日期:2022-05-10




(2 陆军军医大学心理学院,重庆,400038)



Emotion Recognition in Micro Conversations

LUO Xi1 , FENG Zhengzhi2

(1 Department of Foreign Languages, Army Medical University, Chongqing, 400038)

(2 School of Psychology, Army Medical University, Chongqing, 400038)

Abstract: In interpersonal interaction, the emotion recognition of Micro Conversations which are characterized by being short and emotionally inapparent is an effective approach to explore speakers’ real emotions. Though speakers do not obviously express their emotions, even sometimes purposely conceal or repress them, speech information especially sound and language information would leak out their real emotions. The clues of sound information are difficult to be studied because of intricate dimensions. In contrast, after conversations’ being recorded and transcribed, the speech study involving modal particle, mood, speech function and context, combing language information would be more reliable and scientific. Micro Conversation analysis is a new approach of analyzing conversations and emotions. With the research of cognitive neuroscience and social psychology, the purposes of analyzing a Micro Conversation are to fast help speech disorder patients’ speech rehabilitation, adjust speakers’ communicative strategies, and decrease the spreading of negative emotions and build good communication between humans and machine interaction, having a wide range of research and application value.

Key words: Micro Conversation; emotion recognition; mood; speech


露易丝•卡明斯 文

安丹丹、李清华 译

张慧丽 校


近四十年来,临床医生和相关研究人员一直在尝试描写各种各样的语用交流障碍。语用障碍包括言语性障碍和非言语性障碍,例如不能理解非字面话语意义、不能使用相关话语进行对话交流、不能恰当使用手势等问题。语用障碍研究促进了临床语用学这一新兴学科的迅猛发展(Cummings,2013)。然而,也有人对临床语用学的飞速发展能否带来重大成效提出过质疑,本文不在此展开论述(请参考Cummings,2007,2009)。本文不对本领域的研究成就进行评价,而是对临床语用学的多样性研究加以概述,包括语用障碍的特征、评估、治疗等方面。对语用障碍的可靠描写需要临床医生能够精通语用学相关概念和理论,并能把这些概念和理论应用到临床病症中。准确识别语用障碍是进行语用评估和治疗的基础。临床语用学的多样性研究也包括理论构建。其理论一部分来源于语用学本身,一部分来源于与语用障碍相关的学科。如,心理学已经或多或少地成功应用在语用障碍研究中。尽管有的理论尚未得到充分应用,有的理论研究和应用(如心智理论,theory of mind,简称ToM)已经从根本上改变了我们看待语用障碍的方式。






Process Metaphor: Essence of Metaphor Theorization in Chinese Traditional Medicine

LIU Yuhong

(Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210097)

Abstract: The essence of metaphor is a comparison between entities, either external objects or internalized ones. The lasting criticism of Five Activities and Chinese herbal medicine shows that the cognitive metaphor theory based on entity comparison is not reliable. A shift from entity ontology to process ontology and accordingly from entity metaphor to process metaphor can take over entity metaphor's incomplete interpretive power of Chinese traditional medicine practice and overcome theoretical defects of entity metaphor. Process metaphor conforms to the literal meaning of Five Activities and discoveries in linguistic typology, proving that process metaphor is the essence of Chinese herbal medicine theorization.

Key Words: process metaphor; Chinese herbal medicine; Five Activities 






A Review on the Neural Mechanism of Chinese Prosody Perception

LU Shuo, LUO Qinqin

(Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510275)

Abstract: Chinese language has rich prosodic features, represented by its tone system, “syllable timing” rhythm pattern, weak intonation function etc. Prosody in Chinese shows stronger influence on various linguistic aspects than those in other languages. Hence, it is worthy to study the neural mechanism of Chinese prosodic perception. The previous research has mainly focused on the tone perception at word level, but few has been done on rhythm or stress at the sentence level. In the long history of Chinese language, plenty of special rhythmic sentences have been composed, i.e. proverbs and ancient poetry, offering a unique window for the study of prosody. Because of the strong influence of prosody on language processing, findings of the neural mechanism of Chinese prosody could shed light on the practice of language disorder evaluation and rehabilitation.

Key words: Chinese prosody; prosody perception; perception processing; neural mechanism






An Evidence-Based Approach to Medical Discourse Analysis

GU Yueguo

(Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, 100089)

Abstract: The paper first makes a brief survey of main stream approaches to medical discourse, doctor-patient interaction and narrative medicine in particular. They are mainly motivated by theories of information and functional linguistics. Principles underlying evidence-based medicine (EBM) are urged to be adopted as an overall guiding framework for medical discourse studies. The EBM approach is demonstrated to work well in diagnostic discourse of traditional Chinese medicine. The major difference between the main stream and the EBM lies in the fact that the former is primarily descriptive, whereas the latter is testable and verifiable with clinical evidence.

Key words: evidence-based medicine approach, medical discourse, traditional Chinese medicine


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