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《医学语言与文化研究》第四辑 ——医学文化

信息来源: 发布日期:2023-12-27



(深圳宝安纯中医治疗医院 518000)



Chinese Philology and the Holistic Thinking in Chinese Traditional Medicine

Yin Pingshan

(Bao’an Authentic TCM therapy Hospital, Shenzhen, 518100)

Abstract: This paper discusses the thinking mode and discoursing pattern in traditional Chinese medicine from the perspective of Chinese philology and reveals that the holistic and systematic thinking in TCM has its unique charm, for its methodology and epistemology happen to coincide with the development trend of modern science in many aspects. Therapeutic effect is the gold rule to judge; and hence, the tradition should be inherited while probing the innovation in the development of TCM. It is unnecessary need to worry too much about the recognition and evaluation from others but overcome our psychological inferiority and childishness and build a strong confidence in our culture, including traditional Chinese medicine.

Key words: Chinese philology; TCM; Holistic thinking; Cultural confidence

MLA格式引文:[1]殷平善."论汉语言文字与中医学的整体思维." 医学语言与文化研究 .01(2022):115-124.

APA格式引文:[1]殷平善.(2022).论汉语言文字与中医学的整体思维. 医学语言与文化研究(01),115-124.






The origin of Japanese Materia Medica and its Relationship with China: Beginning with the Interpretation of Yamato Materia Medica from Compendium of Materia Medica

Liu Weiting, Li Hong

(Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, 210095)

Abstract: Yamato Materia Medicais a representative work of the Confucian scholar, herbalist, and naturalist Ekiken Kaibara during the Edo peirod in Japan. The book records 1362 kinds of herbal medicines, which has a profound influence on medicine knowledge and product identification. It is an important document for studying the development of Japanese herbal medicine and natural history during the Edo period. The classification method, drug source, drug naming, empirical research, and cultural elements of Yamato Materia Medica have all inherited the Compendium of Materia Medica, and there is a relationship between the two that cannot be ignored. Therefore, investigating Yamato Materia Medica has important reference value for exploring the influence of Compendium of Materia Medica and re-examining the historical significance of the spread to the east of traditional Chinese classics.

Key words: Ekiken Kaibara; Yamato Materia Medica; Compendium of Materia Medica

MLA格式引文:[1]刘伟婷,and 李红."日本本草学的创生与中国渊源关系:从《大和本草》阐发《本草纲目》说起." 医学语言与文化研究 .01(2022):125-137.

APA格式引文:[1]刘伟婷 & 李红.(2022).日本本草学的创生与中国渊源关系:从《大和本草》阐发《本草纲目》说起. 医学语言与文化研究(01),125-137.






Semiotic analysis of “liver” and its practical significance in diagnosis and treatment

Hu Zhengqi

(North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong, 637000)

Abstract: Through the analysis of linguistic symbol “liver”, it can be found that the “signifier/signified” relation of “liver” has been transferred many times. The syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations of “liver”, reveal the meaning of “liver” and its position in the whole symbol system. The metaphor and metonymy of “liver”, also reveal its syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations, and thus can explain how the “signifier/signified” relation of “liver” has been transferred. According to the diachronic investigation, the signified of “liver” is confused and its boundary is not clear. In the current terminology system of TCM, there is still a lack of an important term “gan system”. Semiotic analysis of “liver” in specific language environment can guide our clinical practice in diagnosis and treatment.

Key words: Liver; Symbol; Visceral manifestation; Metaphor; TCM language; Standardization of terms

MLA格式引文:[1]胡正旗."“肝”的符号学分析及诊疗实践意义." 医学语言与文化研究 .01(2022):138-145.

APA格式引文:[1]胡正旗.(2022).“肝”的符号学分析及诊疗实践意义. 医学语言与文化研究(01),138-145.






On the Cultivation of Practical Competence in Foreign Language Education: Notions and Principles

Zhao Junfeng

(Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, 510420)

Abstract: As one of the core components of competences in foreign language education, practice serves as a key factor in the specifications presented in the China National Teaching Quality Standards for Foreign Language Majors at the Bachelor’s Level. Whether oriented towards the pathways of being liberal, integrated, or pragmatic, foreign language education can never be overestimated with the competences related to practice as both the objective and the point to start with. Only via the trend of “the unity of knowledge and action”, can the objective of bringing about innovative talents be realized. This paper, first of all, defines and clarifies the notions and principles of foreign language education by means of interpreting the word “practical competence” in the National Standards, then analyzes the configuration of components in this domain, and finally explores the possible innovative approaches in implementing “Foreign language+” education. The paper concludes by proposing that educators and trainers in the new era should stress on the importance of developing students’ practical competence and strengthen teaching reforms and innovations accordingly.

Key words: National Standards; foreign language education; practical competence; notions and principles

MLA格式引文:[1]赵军峰."外语教育中的实践能力培养:理念与原则." 医学语言与文化研究 .01(2022):146-158.

APA格式引文:[1]赵军峰.(2022).外语教育中的实践能力培养:理念与原则. 医学语言与文化研究(01),146-158.


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