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《医学语言与文化研究》第四辑 ——医学语言

信息来源: 发布日期:2023-12-27




摘要:目前,事件相关电位(ERPs)的研究已经深入心理学、生理学、医学、神经科学、人工智能等多个领域,发现了许多与认知活动密切相关的成分。关于语言理解和产生的电生理研究实际上涉及了各种ERPs成分,如N1、P2、MMN、Nd、PN、P3以及LRP等。经典的语言加工相关的ERPs成分主要包括失匹配负波(mismatch negativity,MMN),N400、词汇加工负波(lexical processing negativity, LPN;也称为频率负波,frequency-sensitive negativity, FSN)、左前额负波(left anterior negativity, LAN)、句法加工正波(syntactic positive shift, SPS;也称为P600)、句尾加工负波(clause-ending negativity,CEN)等。本文对语言研究中的ERPs成分做了详细的论述,并对ERPs技术的优势和不足做了阐释。


Event-related potentials in language processing

Zhao Lun

(Liacheng University, Liaocheng, 25200; Beijing Yiran Sunny Electronic Technology Co. Ltd, Beijing, 100085)

Abstract: To date, the brain research using event-related potentials (ERPs) has gone deep into many fields, such as psychology, physiology, medicine, neuroscience, artificial intelligence and so on, and many ERP components related to cognitive processing were found. Electrophysiological studies on language understanding and production involve various ERPs, such as N1, P2, MMN, PN, P3 AND LPP, et al. The classical ERPs related to language processing mainly include the mismatch negativity (MMN), N400, lexical processing negativity (LPN; also frequency-sensitive negativity, FSN), left frontal negativity (LAN), syntactic positive shift (SPS; also know as P600) and clause ending negativity (CEN), etc. This review makes a detailed discussion on ERPs components related to language research, and explains the advantages and disadvantages of ERPs technology.

Key words: Cognitive neuroscience; EEG; Event-related potentials; language, time course

MLA格式引文:[1]赵纶."事件相关电位在语言研究中的应用." 医学语言与文化研究 .01(2022):51-71.

APA格式引文:[1]赵纶.(2022).事件相关电位在语言研究中的应用. 医学语言与文化研究(01),51-71.






Lexical Differences in Moves of Structured Abstracts from Domestic and International Medical Journals

An Dandan

(Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, 518060)

Abstract: For domestic medical researchers, writing English abstracts that are in line with the standards of international medical journals can result in better dissemination of Chinese medical research in the international medical community. In order to give a reference for domestic writers to learn the writing expressions of each move in international medical journals, by using Wordsmith tools, this paper made a detailed comparison of the words used in each move of the structured English abstracts which were respectively collected from research papers in domestic and international medical journals. The lexical differences between domestic and foreign abstracts in each move were listed, and data analysis showed that these differences were mainly reflected in four aspects, namely standardization, grammar, pragmatics, and research content.

Key words: Lexical differences; Moves; Structured abstracts; Medical Journals

MLA格式引文:[1]安丹丹."国内外医学期刊结构式摘要中语步的用词差异." 医学语言与文化研究 .01(2022):72-90.

APA格式引文:[1]安丹丹.(2022).国内外医学期刊结构式摘要中语步的用词差异. 医学语言与文化研究(01),72-90.


李清华 邹润




Language Assessment of Chinese Language Disorders: Looking Back and Forward

Li Qinghua Zou Run

(Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515)

Abstract: The reviews of developments in testing language disorders of children, aphasia and hearing barrier paper has revealed that many urgent issues need to be explored in the field of assessing language abilities of people with language disorders. We argue for the cooperation between linguistics and medical sciences to resolve the following issues. As for the instruments applied in diagnosis of Chinese language disorders, comprehensive validation should be conducted especially broadening the construct of language ability and applying modern technology in language text development and validation. In order to design a set of new language tests for individuals with language disorders we need to develop Chinese language ability scales for children and adults on the basis of language performance descriptions of speech disorders and written language disorders.

Key words: Chinese language disorders; assessment; language ability; scale

MLA格式引文:[1]李清华,and 邹润."汉语语言障碍人群语言能力测评进展." 医学语言与文化研究 .01(2022):91-103.

APA格式引文:[1]李清华 & 邹润.(2022).汉语语言障碍人群语言能力测评进展. 医学语言与文化研究(01),91-103.





摘要:目的:探讨语言情态扩展训练联合经颅直流电刺激在失语症患者中的应用。方法:选取于2020年1月-2021年1月在广东三九脑科医院住院治疗的基底节性失语患者15例,按照随机数字表将其分为常规组、对照组及观察组,每组5例,常规组进行常规的言语治疗,对照组在常规的言语训练基础上增加经颅直流电刺激治疗,观察组则在常规治疗语言治疗中采用创新手段语言情态扩展训练联合经颅直流电刺激治疗。3组治疗时间均为每次30min,每周5次,连续治疗4周。干预前后采用汉语失语标准检查表(China rehabilitation research center aphasia examination, BDAE)对3组疗效进行评定。结果:干预前3组的CRRCAE7个亚项的正答率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。干预后,3组的CRRCAE7个亚项的正答率较治疗前显著改善(P<0.05),且观察组的5个亚项的正答率均高于常规组和对照组(P<0.05)。治疗前后,3组BDAE评级差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:语言情态扩展训练联合经颅直流电刺激能有效提高基底节性失语症患者语言能力。


Effect of extended language modality training combined with transcranial direct stimulation in basal gangalia aphasia patients: a report of 15 cases

Ouyang Caixia, Liu Lirong, Yu Lang, Lu Fahua

Department of Rehabilitation, Guangdong Sanjiu Brain Hospital, Guangzhou, 510510

Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the effects of language modality extension training combined with transcranial direct current stimulation in aphasia patients. Methods: 15 basal ganglia aphasia patients who received rehabilitation therapy from January 2020 to April 2021 in Guangdong Sanjiu Brain Hospital were analyzed, and all of them were randomly divided into a conventional group (5 cases), a control group (5 cases), and an observation group (5 cases) according to the random number table. The conventional group received conventional speech therapy, the control group a transcranial direct current stimulation on the basis of conventional speech training, while the observation group an extended language modality training combined with transcranial direct current stimulation. Each group received rehabilitation therapy 30 min per time, five times a week, and continuous treatment for 4 weeks. The China rehabilitation research center aphasia examination (CRRCAE) and Boston diagnostic aphasia examination (BDAE) were used to evaluate the effect of there three groups before and after rehabilitation therapy. Results: There are no significant differences between these three groups in positive answer rate of 7 sub-items of CRRACE before rehabilitation therapy (P>0.05). After rehabilitation therapy, the positive response rates of 5 sub-items of CRRCAE in the observation group were significantly increased than before (P<0.05). The positive response rates of 5 sub-items of CRRCAE in the observation group were higher than conventional group and control group after rehabilitation therapy (P<0.05). However, there were no significant differences among these three groups in BDAE before and after rehabilitation therapy (P>0.05). Conclusions: The extended language modality training combined with transcranial direct current stimulation can effectively improve language ability of patients with basal ganglia aphasia.

Key words: Aphasia; Transcranial direct current stimulation; Extended language modality

MLA格式引文:[1]欧阳彩霞, et al."语言情态扩展训练联合经颅直流电刺激在基底节性失语中的疗效观察:15例报告." 医学语言与文化研究 .01(2022):104-111.

APA格式引文:[1]欧阳彩霞,刘丽容,余浪 & 鲁发华.(2022).语言情态扩展训练联合经颅直流电刺激在基底节性失语中的疗效观察:15例报告. 医学语言与文化研究(01),104-111.


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