




教育部法医学专业教学指导委员会委员、中国遗传学会法医遗传学分会副主任委员、中国法医学会理事及法医物证专业委员会副主任委员、广东省司法鉴定协会副会长、广州市司法鉴定协会监事长、广东省精准医学应用学会法医学分会主任委员。国家级资质认定评审员和CNAS评审员、国家卫健委《毒品依赖和戒治重点实验室》学术委员会副主任委员、上海市法医学重点实验室第三届学术委员会委员、河北省法医学重点实验室学术委员会委员、广东省法医学转化工程技术研究中心学术委员会委员。《Human Genomics》杂志副主编,《Forensic Sciences Research》、《Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine》、《遗传》、《法医学杂志》、《中国法医学杂志》、《证据科学》等杂志的编委。






1. 国家自然科学基金重大项目:转录组分子标记时相变化规律与组织离体时间推断研究(82293652),2023.01-2027.12,资助金额220万元,课题主持人,在研。

2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:多源组学结合人工智能探索五类分子标记进行体液(斑)精准组织溯源的系统研究(81930055),2020.01-2024.12,资助金额297万元,项目主持人,在研。

3. 国家重点研发计划项目:面向公共法律服务的法医学智能化精准鉴识关键技术研究,2023.01-2026.12,资助金额102万元,课题主持人,在研。

4. 国家重点研发计划项目:*****技术研究(涉密),2022.01-2024.12,资助金额82万元,课题主持人,在研。

5. 中国工程院重点咨询研究项目子课题主持人:法医科学与社会治理法治化战略研究,2019.01-2020.12,资助金额30万,课题主持人,结题。

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于全基因组甲基化策略对体液(斑)DMRs进行深度挖掘、验证和法医学应用的系统研究(81772031),2018.01-2021. 12,资助金额55万,项目主持人,结题。

7. 国家杰出青年科学基金:法医学(81525015),2016.01-2020.12,资助金额400万,项目主持人,结题。


1. Zhao M, Cai M, Lei F, Yuan X, Liu Q, Fang Y, Zhu B. AI-driven feature selection and epigenetic pattern analysis: A screening strategy of CpGs validated by pyrosequencing for body fluid identification. Forensic Sci Int. 2025 Feb; 367:112339.

2. Lan Q, Wu X, Liu Q, Liang Q, He X, Zhu B. Integrating temporal dynamics of both microbial taxonomic and functional characteristics as a tool for forensic time since deposition estimation. Forensic Sci Int. 2025 Apr; 369:112406.

3. Bai X, Meng F, Wang X, He L, Fan C, Tian L, Zhang Y, Pan J, Wu Q, Hao X, Wang Y, Zhu BF, Fan JB, Cong B. Photodynamic gel-bombs enhance tumor penetration and downstream synergistic therapies. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2025 Mar 19;10(1):94.

4. Sun W, Dong B, Chu X, Xu Q, Li H, Chen M, Jiang L, Huang A, Zhu B, Liu X. Massively parallel sequencing of a forensic combined panel of 107-plex STR loci and 292-plex SNP loci in the Han Chinese population. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 2025 Mar; 76:103235.

5. Wang X, Yuan X, Lin Y, Lan Q, Mei S, Cai M, Lei F, Dong B, Zhao M, Zhu B. Exploratory study on source identification of saliva stain and its TsD inference based on the microbial relative and absolute abundance. Int J Legal Med. 2025. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00414-025-03456-8.

6. Mei S, Cai M, Lei F, Wang X, Yuan X, Lin Y, Zhu B. Revealing microbial community characteristics in healthy human, cat and canine salivas and looking for species-specific microbes. Int J Legal Med. 2024 Nov;138(6):2259-2269.

7. Chen M, Chen C , Li N, Su Y , Cui W , Huang Y, Cai M, Zhu B, Forensic efficiency evaluation of a mtDNA whole genome sequencing system constructed with long fragment amplification strategy on DNA nanoball sequencing platform, Forensic Sci Int Genet, 2024,73:103126

8. Chen X, Xu H, Lin Y, Zhu B. Forensic stability evaluation of selected miRNA and circRNA markers in human bloodstained samples exposed to different environmental conditions. Forensic Sci Int. 2024:362:112148

9. Mei S, Cai M, Lei F, Wang X, Yuan X, Lin Y, Zhu B. Revealing microbial community characteristics in healthy human, cat and canine salivas and looking for species-specific microbes. Int J Legal Med. 2024 Jul 10. doi: 10.1007/s00414-024-03277-1.

10. Liu F, Zhu B, An Y, Zhou Z, Xiong P, Li X, Mi Y, He T, Chen F, Wu B. Gingipain from Porphyromonas gingivalis causes insulin resistance by degrading insulin receptors through direct proteolytic effects. Int J Oral Sci. 2024;16(1):53.

11. Wang M, Huang Y, Liu K, Wang Z, Zhang M, Yuan H, Duan S, Wei L, Yao H, Sun Q, Zhong J, Tang R, Chen J, Sun Y, Li X, Su H, Yang Q, Hu L, Yun L, Yang J, Nie S, Cai Y, Yan J, Zhou K, Wang C; 10K_CPGDP Consortium; Zhu B, Liu C, He G. Multiple Human Population Movements and Cultural Dispersal Events Shaped the Landscape of Chinese Paternal Heritage. Mol Biol Evol. 2024; 41(7): msae122.

12. Liu L, Wang C, Wang H, Miao L, Xie T, Tian Y, Li X, Huang Y, Zeng X, Zhu B. Identification of the circRNA-miRNA-mRNA network for treating methamphetamine-induced relapse and behavioral sensitization with cannabidiol. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2024; 30(5):e14737.

13. Zhou Y, Wang J, Wu B, Zhu B. Rapid determination of furazolidone residues in animal foods by time-resolved fluorescence immunochromatography. Food Chem. 2024; 445:138711.

14. Ji Z, Xing Y, Li J, Feng X, Yang F, Zhu B, Yan J. Male-specific age prediction based on Y-chromosome DNA methylation with blood using pyrosequencing. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 2024; 71:103050.

15. Chen C, Guo Y, Fang Y, Shi J, Meng H, Qu L, Zhang X, Zhu B. The maternal phylogenetic insights of Yunnan Miao group revealed by complete mitogenomes. Gene. 2024; 901:148046.

16. Yuan X, Wang X, Lan Q, Li S, Lin Y, Zhao M, Xu H, Lei F, Shen C, Zhu B. Using two self-developed InDel panels to explore forensic traits and ancestral components in the Hui group. Genomics. 2024;116(1):110756.

17. Lan Q, Cai M, Xu H, Bai X, Shen C, Zhu B. Developmental validation of a custom-designed Multi-InDel panel: A five-dye multiplex amplification system for challenging DNA samples. Electrophoresis. 2024; 45(5-6):489-504.

18. Cai M, Lei F, Chen M, Lan Q, Wu X, Mao C, Shi M, Zhu B. Systematic analyses of AISNPs screening and classification algorithms based on genome-wide data for forensic biogeographic ancestry inference. Forensic Sci Int. 2024; 357:111975.

19. Mei S, Wang X, Lei F, Lan Q, Cai M, Zhu B. Focus on studying the effects of different exposure durations on the microbial structures and characteristics of three types of body fluids. Forensic Sci Int. 2024; 356:111949.

20. Cai M, Lei F, Liu Y, Wang X, Wang H, Xie W, Yang Z, Yang S, Zhu B. Joint application of A-InDels and miniSTRs for forensic personal, full and half sibling identifications, and genetic differentiation analyses in two populations from China. BMC Genomics. 2024;25(1):329.

21. Liu L, Li S, Cui W, Fang Y, Mei S, Chen M, Xu H, Bai X, Zhu B. Ancestry analysis using a self-developed 56 AlM-InDel loci and machine learning methods. Forensic Sci Int. 2024: 361:112065.

22. Fang Y, Chen M, Zhu B. Construction and evaluation of in-house methylation-sensitive SNaPshot system and three classification prediction models for identifying the tissue origin of body fluid. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 2023; 24(9):839-852.

23. Chen J, Lin J, Hu Y, Ye M, Yao L, Wu L, Zhang W, Wang M, Deng T, Guo F, Huang Y, Zhu B, Wang D. RNADisease v4.0: an updated resource of RNA-associated diseases, providing RNA-disease analysis, enrichment and prediction. Nucleic Acids Res. 2023;51(D1):D1397-D1404.

24. Cui W, Chen M, Yang Y, Cai M, Lan Q, Xie T, Zhu B. Applications of 1993 single nucleotide polymorphism loci in forensic pairwise kinship identifications and inferences. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 2023; 65:102889.

25. Chen X, Xu H, Zhu B. Forensic validation of a combined analysis of mRNA and miRNA markers for precise tissue origin inferences of five kinds of body fluids by RT-qPCR. Electrophoresis. 2023; 44(21-22):1714-1724.

26. Fang Y, Chen M, Cai M, Lei F, Zhu B. Selection and validation of a novel set of specific differential methylation markers and construction of a random forest prediction model for the accurate tissue origin identifications of body fluids involving young and middle-aged group of Chinese Han population. Int J Legal Med. 2023;137(5):1395-1405.

27. Lan Q, Cai M, Xu H, Bai X, Shen C, Zhu B. Developmental validation of a custom-designed Multi-InDel panel: A five-dye multiplex amplification system for challenging DNA samples. Electrophoresis. 2024; 45(5-6):489-504

28. Lan Q, Lin Y, Wang X, Yuan X, Shen C, Zhu B. Targeted sequencing of high-density SNPs provides an enhanced tool for forensic applications and genetic landscape exploration in Chinese Korean ethnic group. Hum Genomics. 2023; 17(1):107.

29. Wang H, Kang B, Gao Y, Zhang M, Jiang J, Su J, Zhang B, Zhu B, Liao S. Construction and evaluation of a novel set of 90 microhaplotypes for forensic applications using NGS technology. Forensic Sci Int. 2023; 353: 111848.

30. Cai M, Li S, Zhang X, Xie W, Shi J, Yuan X, Yao J, Zhu B. Ancestral Information Analysis of Chinese Korean Ethnic Group via a Novel Multiplex DIP System. J Mol Evol. 2023; 91(6):922-934.

31. Zhou Y, Bo F, Tian T, Wu B, Zhu B. Excessive addition split peak formed by the non-templated nucleotide addition property of Taq DNA polymerase after PCR amplification. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2023; 11:1180542.

32. Lan Q, Li S, Cai M, Lei F, Shen C, Zhu B. A self-developed AIM-InDel panel designed for degraded DNA analysis: Forensic application characterization and genetic landscape investigation in the Han Chinese population. Genomics. 2023; 115(3):110620.

33. Liu Y, Mei S, Jin X, Zhao M, Zhu B. Independent development and validation of a novel six-color fluorescence multiplex panel including 61 diallelic DIPs and 2 miniSTRs for forensic degradation sample. Electrophoresis. 2022; 43(13-14):1423-1437.

34. Mei S, Zhao M, Liu Y, Zhao C, Xu H, Fang Y, Zhu B. Evaluations and comparisons of microbial diversities in four types of body fluids based on two 16S rRNA gene sequencing methods. Forensic Sci Int. 2022; 331:111128.

35. Jin XY, Liu YF, Cui W, Chen C, Zhang XR, Huang J, Zhu BF. Development a multiplex panel of AISNPs, multi-allelic InDels, microhaplotypes, and Y-SNP/InDel loci for multiple forensic purposes via the NGS. Electrophoresis. 2022; 43(4):632-644.

36. Fang Y, Mei S, Zhang Y, Teng R, Tai Y, Zhu B. Forensic and genetic landscape explorations of Chinese Kyrgyz group based on autosomal SNPs, Y-chromosomal SNPs and STRs. Gene. 2022; 832:146552.

37. Zhang X, Shen C, Jin X, Guo Y, Xie T, Zhu B. Developmental validations of a self-developed 39 AIM-InDel panel and its forensic efficiency evaluations in the Shaanxi Han population. Int J Legal Med. 2021; 135(4):1359-1367.

38. Zhang W, Zhou R, Yang Y, Peng S, Xiao D, Kong T, Cai X, Zhu B. Aptamer-mediated synthesis of multifunctional nano-hydroxyapatite for active tumour bioimaging and treatment. Cell Prolif. 2021; 54(9):e13105.

39. Chen C, Jin X, Zhang X, Zhang W, Guo Y, Tao R, Chen A, Xu Q, Li M, Yang Y, Zhu B. Comprehensive insights into forensic features and genetic background of Chinese Northwest Hui group using six distinct categories of 231 molecular markers. Front Genet. 2021; 12:705753.

40. Zhou Y, Lan Q, Fang Y, Guo Y, Xie T, Du W, Zhu B. Detection and analysis of the cause of false-tetra-allelic patterns of locus D10S1435 at the sequence level. Int J Legal Med. 2020;134(3):833-843.

41. Kong T, Zhou R, Zhang Y, Hao L, Cai X, Zhu B. AS1411 aptamer modified carbon dots via polyethylenimine-assisted strategy for efficient targeted cancer cell imaging. Cell Prolif. 2020; 53(1):e12713.

42. Chen C, Li Y, Tao R, Jin X, Guo Y, Cui W, Chen A, Yang Y, Zhang X, Zhang J, Li C, Zhu B. The genetic structure of Chinese Hui ethnic group revealed by complete Mitochondrial genome analyses using massively parallel sequencing. Genes (Basel). 2020; 11(11):1352

43. Zhou Y, Xie T, Guo Y, Mei X, Lan Q, Fang Y, Jin X, Zhu B. The validation study of a novel assay with 30 slow and moderate mutation Y-STR markers for criminal investigation and database applications. Int J Legal Med. 2020; 134(2):491-499.

44. Jin XY, Cui W, Chen C, Guo YX, Zhang XR, Xing GH, Lan JW, Zhu BF. Developing and population analysis of a new multiplex panel of 18 microhaplotypes and compound markers using next generation sequencing and its application in the Shaanxi Han population. Electrophoresis. 2020; 41(13-14):1230-1237.

45. Cui W, Jin X, Guo Y, Chen C, Zhang W, Wang Y, Lan J, Zhu B. Development and validation of a novel five-dye short tandem repeat panel for forensic identification of 11 species. Front Genet. 2020; 11:1005.

46. Xie T, Guo Y, Chen L, Fang Y, Tai Y, Zhou Y, Qiu P, Zhu B. A set of autosomal multiple InDel markers for forensic application and population genetic analysis in the Chinese Hui group. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 2018; 35:1-8.