

[1] 岭南英杰人才专项,2019-2024,200万元,在研,主持

[2] 广州市科技计划项目,公共安全应急处突关键技术研究,2019.7-2022.06,2580万元,在研,主持


[1] 一种基于混合酸消解的法医学硅藻检验方法一种嗜水气单胞菌核酸分析方法及在法医检测中的应用(ZL201110356926.0)

[2] 一种基于滤膜的法医学硅藻检验方法(ZL201410039415.X)

[3] 一种抽滤富集漏斗(ZL201320437484.7)

[4] 一种人类常染色体和Y染色体InDel遗传多态性位点复合扩增试剂盒及其应用(CN201710136758.1)

[5] 一种包含人类X染色体40个InDel遗传多态性位点的复合扩增检测试剂盒(ZL201911092223.4)

[6] 一种硅藻rbcl基因分析方法及其在法医检测中的应用(ZL201710459244.X)

[7] 一种硅藻UPA基因分析方法及其在法医检测中的应用(ZL201710459243.5)


[1] 国家科技进步二等奖,陈旧腐败检材性别鉴定及9个STR位点基因分型法医学应用研究(2002-J-240-2-02-R01)

[2] 国家科技进步二等奖,STR法医学应用基础信息及关键技术(2010-J-24000-2-02-R01)

[3] 国家科技进步二等奖,法医硅藻检验关键技术及设备(2017-J-31003-2-01-R01)

[4] 广东省南粤创新奖,(2021.10)

[5] 广东省科技进步一等奖,Y染色体遗传标记法医检验关键技术及体系建立与规模应用(粤府证【2021】432号)

[6] 第一届全国博士后创新创业大赛金奖,高分辨Y遗传标记试剂研发及体系建立(2021.12)

[7] 公安部科学技术二等奖,高分辨InDel检验体系建立与法医学应用(2022GA2-02).


[1] 法医病理学应用创新(第1版),ISBN:978-7-306-06465-3,中山大学出版社,主编

[2] 溺死法医诊断学(第1版),ISBN: 978-7-306-06358-8,主编

[3] 高级法医学(第3版),ISBN:978-7-5645-7438-3,郑州大学出版社,共同主编


[1] M. Wang, W. Du, R. Tang, Y. Liu, X. Zou, D. Yuan, Z. Wang, J. Liu, J. Guo, X. Yang, J. Chen, M. Yang, X. Zhang, L.H. Wei, H. Yuan, H.Y. Yeh, C.C. Wang, C. Liu, G. He, Genomic history and forensic characteristics of Sherpa highlanders on the Tibetan Plateau inferred from high-resolution InDel panel and genome-wide SNPs, Forensic Sci Int Genet 56 (2022) 102633.

[2] Y. Zeng, L. Chen, M. Wang, C. Yang, H. Liu, C. Xiao, C. Liu, Y. Li, Q. Xu, W. Du, C. Liu, The Validation of a Single Multiplex Typing System With 45 Y-STR Markers for Familial Searching and Database Construction, Front Genet 13 (2022) 842004.

[3] H. Fan, L. Wang, C. Liu, X. Lu, X. Xu, K. Ru, P. Qiu, C. Liu, S.Q. Wen, Development and validation of a novel 133-plex forensic STR panel (52 STRs and 81 Y-STRs) using single-end 400 bp massive parallel sequencing, Int J Legal Med 136(2) (2022) 447-464.

[4] Z. Yu, Q. Xu, C. Xiao, H. Li, W. Wu, W. Du, J. Zhao, H. Liu, H. Wang, C. Liu, SYBR Green real-time qPCR method: Diagnose drowning more rapidly and accurately, Forensic Sci Int 321 (2021) 110720.

[5] W. Yu, Y. Xue, R. Knoops, D. Yu, E. Balmashnova, X. Kang, P. Falgari, D. Zheng, P. Liu, H. Chen, H. Shi, C. Liu, J. Zhao, Automated diatom searching in the digital scanning electron microscopy images of drowning cases using the deep neural networks, Int J Legal Med 135(2) (2021) 497-508.

[6] T. Yao, Z. Wang, X. Liang, C. Liu, Z. Yu, X. Han, R. Liu, Y. Liu, C. Liu, L. Chen, Signatures of vaginal microbiota by 16S rRNA gene: potential bio-geographical application in Chinese Han from three regions of China, Int J Legal Med 135(4) (2021) 1213-1224.

[7] X. Yang, Q. Xu, Q. Liu, C. Liu, H. Hu, X. Han, L. Chen, C. Liu, Combined application of multiple autosomal and Y-chromosomal STR loci in solving a homicide case in 2009, Int J Legal Med 135(3) (2021) 755-760.

[8] C. Xiao, Q. Xu, H. Li, X. Zhu, Z. Yu, J. Zhao, Y. Li, H. Liu, H. Shi, C. Liu, Development and application of a multiplex PCR system for drowning diagnosis, Electrophoresis 42(11) (2021) 1270-1278.

[9] M. Wang, D. Yuan, X. Zou, Z. Wang, H.Y. Yeh, J. Liu, L.H. Wei, C.C. Wang, B. Zhu, C. Liu, G. He, Fine-Scale Genetic Structure and Natural Selection Signatures of Southwestern Hans Inferred From Patterns of Genome-Wide Allele, Haplotype, and Haplogroup Lineages, Front Genet 12 (2021) 727821.

[10] M. Wang, D. Yuan, X. Zou, Z. Wang, H.Y. Yeh, J. Liu, L.H. Wei, C.C. Wang, B. Zhu, C. Liu, G. He, Fine-Scale Genetic Structure and Natural Selection Signatures of Southwestern Hans Inferred From Patterns of Genome-Wide Allele, Haplotype, and Haplogroup Lineages, Front Genet 12 (2021) 727821.

[11] Y. Liu, J. Xie, M. Wang, C. Liu, J. Zhu, X. Zou, W. Li, L. Wang, C. Leng, Q. Xu, H.Y. Yeh, C.C. Wang, X. Wen, C. Liu, G. He, Genomic Insights Into the Population History and Biological Adaptation of Southwestern Chinese Hmong-Mien People, Front Genet 12 (2021) 815160.

[12] C. Xiao, S. Li, X. Zhang, X. Yang, C. Liu, L. Chen, Population genetic analysis of Chinese Zhuang and Mulao minorities using AGCU-X19 STR kit, Int J Legal Med 134(2) (2020) 501-503.