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教授 博导
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中国毒理学会生化与分子毒理学专业委员会 常务理事
1. Yuting Chen, Na Zhu, Yuyi Luo, Hansruedi Glatt, Yungang Liu*. Featured structure-activity relationships for some tri- and tetrachlorobiphenyls in human CYP2E1-activated mutagenicity — impact of the extent of ortho-chlorination. Chemosphere 2018, 210C: 467-475.
2. Haiyan Wang, Liwen Wei, Yifan Wu, Hansi Jia, Hao Jiang, Yungang Liu*. Induction of micronuclei and cell cycle arrest by some tri- and tetrachlorobiphenyls in mammalian cells deficient in xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 2017, 58(4):199-208.
3. Yungang Liu*, Keqi Hu, Hansi Jia, Guifang Jin, Hansruedi Glatt, Hao Jiang. Potent mutagenicity of some non-planar tri- and tetrachlorobiphenyls in mammalian cells, human CYP2E1 being a major activating enzyme. Archives of Toxicology 2017,91(7)2663-2676.
4. Hansi Jia, Chiteng Zhang, Hansruedi Glatt, Yungang Liu*. Role of exposure/recovery schedule in micronuclei induction by several promutagens in V79-derived cells expressing human CYP2E1 and SULT1A1. Mutation Research 2016,808:27-37.
5. Chiteng Zhang, Yanmei Lai, Guifang Jin, Hansruedi Glatt, Qinzhi Wei, Yungang Liu*. Human CYP2E1-dependent mutagenicity of mono- and dichlorobiphenyls in Chinese hamster (V79)-derived cells. Chemosphere 2016, 144:1908-1915.
6. Hao Jiang, Yanmei Lai, Keqi Hu, Danxun Chen, Bixuan Liu, Yunagng Liu*. Genotoxicity of 1-methylpyrene and 1-hydroxymethylpyrene in Chinese hamster V79-derived cells expressing both human CYP2E1 and SULT1A1. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 2015,56(4):404-411.
7. Hao Jiang, Yanmei Lai, Keqi Hu, Qinzhi Wei, Yungang Liu*. Human CYP2E1-dependent and human sulfotransferase1A1-modulated induction of micronuclei by benzene and itshydroxylated metabolites in Chinese hamster V79-derived cells. Mutation Research 2014, 770:37-44.
8. Qing Li, Ribo Xiong, Liang Wang, Junying Cui, Linna Shi*, Yungang Liu* and Bingde Luo*. Associations of dietary habits, physical activity and cognitive views with gestational diabetes mellitus among Chinese women. Public Health Nutrition 2014,17(8):1850-1857.
9. Yungang Liu, Hans-Joachim Lehmler, Larry W. Robertson, Michael W. Duffel*. Physicochemical properties of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls aid in predicting their interactions with rat sulfotransferase 1A1 (rSULT1A1). Chemico-Biological Interactions 2011,189(3):153-160.
10. Hong Deng, Hai Gao, Yungang Liu*. Biotransformation enzyme-dependent formation of micronuclei and multinuclei in V79-hCYP2E1-hSULT1A1 cells by N-nitrosodimethylamine and 2-nitropropane. Mutation Research 2011,726(1):84-87.
11. Yungang Liu* and Hansruedi Glatt. Human SULT1A1 and CYP2E1 co-expressed in Chinese hamster V79 Cells enhance spontaneous mutagenesis. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 2010,51(1):23-30
12. Yungang Liu, Jason Smart, Yang Song, et al. Structure-activity relationships for hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls as substrates and inhibitors of rat sulfotransferases and modification of these relationships by changes in thiol status. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 2009, 37(5):1065-1072
13. Yungang Liu* and Hansruedi Glatt. Mutagenicity of N-nitrosodiethanolamine in a V79-derived cell line expressing two human biotransformation enzymes. Mutation Research 2008,643(1-2):64-69.
14. Yungang Liu, T. Idil Apak, Hans-Joachim Lehmler, Larry W. Robertson, Michael W. Duffel*. Hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls are substrates and inhibitors of human hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase SULT2A1. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2006,19(11):1420-1425.
15. Yungang Liu*, Pingchang Zhang, Fei Yi. Asbestos fiber burdens in lung tissues of Hong Kong Chinese with and without lung cancer. Lung Cancer 2001,32(2):113-116.
16. Yungang Liu*, Zhongliang Wu, Jiakun Chen. Differential effects of aneugens and clastogens on incidences of multinucleated cells and of micronucleate cells in Chinese hamster lung (V79) cell line in vitro. Mutation Research 1998,413(1):39-45.