梁妃学 博士

发布时间:2023年09月26日 浏览次数:

梁妃学 博士

教授 / 研究组长




2007.92010.6 南方医科大学, 生物医学工程, 博士

2003.9–2006.6, 第一军医大学, 生物医学工程, 硕士

1998.9–2003.6, 第一军医大学, 生物医学工程, 学士








1. Kaibin Wu#, Dijia Wang#, Yuwei Wang#, Peiwen Tang#, Xuan Li, Yidi Pan, Huizhong W. Tao, Li I. Zhang, Feixue Liang*. Distinct Circuits in Anterior Cingulate Cortex Encode Safety Assessment and Mediate Flexibility of Fear Reactions. Neuron, 2023, 126(3): 1-63.

2. Li H#, Wang J#, Liu G, Xu J, Huang W, Song C, Wang D, Tao HW, Zhang LI*, Liang F*. Phasic Off responses of auditory cortex underlie perception of sound duration. Cell Reports, 2021

3. Liang F*, Li H, Chou XL, Zhou M, Zhang NK, Xiao Z, Zhang KK, Tao HW*, Zhang LI*.. Sparse Representation in Awake Auditory Cortex: Cell-type Dependence, Synaptic Mechanisms, Developmental Emergence, and Modulation. Cerebral Cortex, 2018,1-17.

4. Haifu Li#, Feixue Liang#*, Wen Zhong# , Linqing Yan, Lucas Mesik , Zhongju Xiao*, Huizhong W.Tao, Li I. Zhang*. Synaptic Mechanisms for Bandwidth Tuning in Awake Mouse primary Auditory Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 2018, 1-12

5. Liang Feixue#, Xiong Xiaorui#, Zingg Brian, Ji Xu-ying, Zhang Li I, Tao Huizhong W. Sensory Cortical Control of a Visually Induced Arrest Behavior via Corticotectal Projections. Neuron, 2015, 86(3): 755-767.

6. Xiong, Xiaorui R#; Liang, Feixue#; Zingg, Brian#; Ji, Xu-ying; Ibrahim, Leena A; Tao, Huizhong W; Zhang, Li I. Auditory cortex controls sound-driven innate defense behaviour through corticofugal projections to inferior colliculus, Nature Communications, 2015, 6: 7224-7224.

7. Mu Zhou#; Feixue Liang#; Xiaorui R. Xiong; Lu Li; Haifu Li; Zhongju Xiao; Huizhong W. Tao; Li I. Zhang. Scaling down of balanced excitation and inhibition by active behavioral states in auditory cortex, Nature Neuroscience, 2014, 17(6)841-50.

8. Xiaorui R. Xiong#; Feixue Liang#; Haifu Li; Lukas Mesik; Ke K Zhang; Daniel B. Polley; Huizhong W. Tao; Zhongju Xiao; Li I. Zhang. Interaural level difference-dependent gain control and synaptic scaling underlying binaural computation, Neuron, 2013, 79(4)738-753.

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