伊峰 博士

发布时间:2022年01月07日 浏览次数:

伊峰 博士

教授 / 研究组长










研究聚焦于NMDA受体结构与功能的研究;谷氨酸受体调控手段的开发;谷氨酸受体及其突变参与脑功能和脑疾病的研究。相关研究发表在Neuron, Journal of Physiology, Neuropharmacology等多个领域核心期刊上发表论文;两篇论文入选F1000Prime;并参与撰写了《NMDA Receptors in the Central Nervous System》和《Selective Cell-Surface Expression of Triheteromeric NMDA Receptors》英文书本章节。


1. Yi F#, Mou TC#, Dorsett KN, Volkmann RA, Menniti FS, Sprang SR, Hansen KB* .Structural Basis for Negative Allosteric Modulation of GluN2A-Containing NMDA Receptors. Neuron 2016, 91(6):1316-1329

Featured by Hiro Furukawa from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (preview)

Recommended by Dr. Stephen Traynelis in F1000Prime

2. Hansen KB, Yi F, Perszyk RE, Furukawa H, Wollmuth LP, Gibb AJ, Traynelis SF* . Structure, function, and allosteric modulation of NMDA receptors. The Journal of general physiology 2018, 150(8):1081-1105

Recommended by Dr. Robert Peoples in F1000Prime

3. Bhattacharya S, Khatri A, Swanger SA, DiRaddo JO, Yi F, Hansen KB, Yuan H, Traynelis SF* Triheteromeric GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2C NMDARs with Unique Single-Channel Properties Are the Dominant Receptor Population in Cerebellar Granule Cells. Neuron 2018 99:315-328 e315.

4. Yi F#, Rouzbeh N, Hansen KB, Xu Y, Fanger CM, Gordon E, Paschetto K, Menniti FS*, Volkmann RA .PTC-174, a positive allosteric modulator of NMDA receptors containing GluN2C or GluN2D subunits. Neuropharmacology 2020 173:107971.

5. Yi F#, Bhattacharya S, Thompson CM, Traynelis SF, Hansen KB*. Functional and pharmacological properties of triheteromeric GluN1/2B/2D NMDA receptors. The Journal of physiology 2019 597:5495-5514.

6. Yi F#, Zachariassen LG, Dorsett KN, Hansen KB* . Properties of Triheteromeric N-Methyl-d-Aspartate Receptors Containing Two Distinct GluN1 Isoforms. Molecular pharmacology 2018 93:453-467.

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