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信息来源: 发布日期:2023-12-27


穆雷 刘馨媛




Cultivating Medical Translator and Interpreters in the Post-pandemic Era

Mu Lei Liu Xinyuan

(Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, 510420)

Abstract: Since its establishment, Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI) program has offered tens of thousands of MTI graduates. Among them, students who are qualified to engage with medical translation and interpreting accounted for a very small proportion. Yet competent medical translators and interpreters are often in short supply to meet the great market demand. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the market needs for medical language service are experiencing new changes and thus creating new requirements for training qualified medical translators and interpreters. With revisiting the medical language service in the pandemic, this paper analyzed the educational philosophy and approaches to cultivating medical translators and interpreters in the post-pandemic era.

Key words: Medical Translation and Interpreting; Sign Language Interpreter Education; Translator and Interpreter Education; Post-pandemic Era

MLA格式引文:[1]穆雷,and 刘馨媛."后疫情时代的医学翻译人才培养." 医学语言与文化研究 .01(2022):3-14.

APA格式引文:[1]穆雷 & 刘馨媛.(2022).后疫情时代的医学翻译人才培养. 医学语言与文化研究(01),3-14.


苏永刚 郭友良




On Ethical Principles of Medical Translation

Abstract: With the increasing international exchanges in medicine, medical literature translation should be improved to meet a higher level of requirement both in quantity and quality. Therefore, we need to pay due attention to the ethical issues in the process of medical literature translation and endeavor to develop comprehensive set of ethical principles on medical translation that are generally recognized and consciously followed by the academic circles. Based on a combined analysis of the development of medical ethics and translation ethics, this paper discusses some basic ethical issues of medical translation, analyzes various specific ethical issues in the process of medical translation, and tries to offer some suggestions on developing more accepted working standards of medical translation ethics for those involved in this endeavor.

Key words: medical translation; translation ethics; medical translation ethics


金玲圭 钟海桥 胡小婕 陈易 刘成 王小芳




On the Standardization of Conceptual Term Translations in Acumoxology

Jin Linggui Zhong Haiqiao Hu Xiaojie Chen Yi Liu Cheng Wang Xiaofang

(Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanchang, 330004)

Abstract: The authors take acumoxological concepts terms as the research object, refer to the translation of words in WHO International Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine the Western Pacific Region and International Standard Chinese-English Basic Nomenclature of Chinese Medicine, and analyze the difficulties and methods of English Translation of the terms of acumoxological concepts combined with International Standard Chinese-English Basic Nonenclature of Chinese Medicine. And in the process of the English translation, the principles of correspondence, conciseness and nationality and the methods, such as transliteration & free translation, are adopted. According to the different concepts and structure of the terms of acumoxological concepts, different translation methods and translation principles should be chosen, with an aim of exploring more reasonable translation strategies to express the meaning of the terms of acumoxological concepts more accurately, and facilitating the internationalization of TCM.

Key words: Acumoxological Concepts; Terminology; English Translation Principles; English Translation Methods

MLA格式引文:[1]苏永刚,and 郭友良."论医学翻译的伦理原则." 医学语言与文化研究 .01(2022):21-27.

APA格式引文:[1]苏永刚 & 郭友良.(2022).论医学翻译的伦理原则. 医学语言与文化研究(01),21-27.


钟海桥 陈易 金玲圭 王小芳 刘成




A Review and Reflection on English Translation Process of Culturally Loaded Words in Traditional Chinese Medicine Classics from 2003 to 2020

Zhong Haiqiao Chen Yi Jin Linggui Wang Xiaofang Liu Cheng

(Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanchang, 330004)

Abstract: Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) classics, which contain profound Chinese culture, are the carrier of TCM theory and practical knowledge. Therefore, the English translation of culturally loaded words in TCM classics has become the key of the foreign exchange and transmission of TCM. Literature research method is adopted by retrieving relevant literature on the study of the English translation of culturally loaded words in TCM classics from 2002 to 2020. We selected 52 from that, analyzed and summarized the current situation of the research on the English translation of culturally loaded words in TCM classics from three aspects, i.e. research object, research category and research trend, then reflected on and probed into translation strategies and methods of culturally loaded words in TCM classics, in the hope of helping standardize the translation of TCM terms as well as promote cultural communication of TCM.

Key words: Traditional Chinese Medicine classics; Culturally loaded words; Strategies and methods of English translation

MLA格式引文:[1]金玲圭, et al."针灸概念术语英译规范研究探讨." 医学语言与文化研究 .01(2022):28-36.

APA格式引文:[1]金玲圭,钟海桥,胡小婕,陈易,刘成 & 王小芳.(2022).针灸概念术语英译规范研究探讨. 医学语言与文化研究(01),28-36.


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