主持人:黄 民 教授、毕惠嫦 教授
报告人:Prof. Wen Xie (谢文)、Prof. Hongbing Wang (王红兵)
时 间:2022年12月10日(周六)上午9:00
报告人:Prof. Wen Xie (谢文)
Prof. Wen Xie (谢文), Chair and Joseph Koslow Endowed Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy.
Dr. Xie’s primary research interests include xenobiotic receptors, transcriptional regulation of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters, and the implications of xenobiotic receptors, enzymes and transporters in xenobiotic and endobiotic metabolism and liver diseases. Dr. Xie’s research is conducted using a combination of cell cultures and genetically engineered mice that include transgenic, knockout and humanized mice.
Dr. Xie has authored more than 230 journal articles and book chapters. Dr. Xie’s papers have been cited for nearly 14,000 times, and his Scopus H-index is 66 as of 2022. Dr. Xie has edited and published two books: “Nuclear Receptors in Drug Metabolism” (Wiley, 2008) and “Drug Metabolism in Diseases” (Elsevier, 2016). Dr. Xie is a regular reviewer for NIH, NSFC, and over 120 scientific journals. Dr. Xie serves on the editorial boards of many journals and he is an associate editor of APSB. Among his achievements, Dr. Xie is the recipient of the University of Pittsburgh Chancellor’s Distinguished Research Award and several wards from International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX) and American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET). Most recently, Dr. Xie received the NIEHS Revolutionizing Innovative, Visionary Environmental health Research (RIVER) Award.
报告题目:Activation of PXR exacerbates hemorrhagic shock-induced liver injury
报告人:Prof. Hongbing Wang (王红兵)
Prof. Hongbing Wang (王红兵),Program Chair, Experimental and Translational Therapeutics, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.
Dr. Wang has a long-standing research interest in studying the molecular mechanisms that govern nuclear receptor-mediated induction of metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters in humans, metabolism-based drug-drug interactions, and drug-induced liver injury. Both genetically modified mice and primary cultures of hepatocytes in 2D and 3D formats from humans and animals have been utilized as major models in the laboratory to predict metabolism-mediated drug-drug interactions and cytotoxicity, nuclear receptor regulated gene expression, and pathophysiological phenotypes.
Dr. Wang’s research has been continuously supported through NIH, FDA, and other research agencies. He has published more than 100 research articles and has severed as a reviewer for many grant review panels at NIH, NSF, and for numerous peer-reviewed journals. He also serves on the editorial boards of Pharmaceutical Research, APSB, Scientific Reports, and as an associate editor of the Current Drug Metabolism. Dr. Wang received his medical degree from Shanxi Medical University and PhD degree from Shanghai Medical University. He joined University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, after completing his postdoctoral training at Beijing Medical University, NIEHS, and UNC.
报告题目:The role of CAR in HCC development
黄民,中山大学药学院教授、博士生导师、药学院原院长、中山大学临床药理研究所所长。第十一、十二届国家药典委医学专业委员会委员,国务院政府特殊津贴专家,国务院学位委员会第七届药学学科评议组成员,全国药学专业学位教指委委员,中国药理学会药物代谢专业委员会副主任委员,广东省科协常委、广东省审评认证技术协会会长。“Drug Metabolismand Disposition”、“中国药学英文版”、“药学学报”、“中国临床药理学杂志” 等杂志编委。从事临床药理学和药代动力学,对相关药物代谢酶和转运蛋白及其上游调控因子的基因多态性及其与临床药物相互作用及临床合理用药方面有较深入研究。在国内外重要学术刊物发表论文300余篇,主编或参与出版了有关药动学专著和教材11部。承担国家“重大新药创制”“十一五”、“十二五”重大专项课题、科技部重点研究计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目、教育部985重点建设专项、省部重大项目等20多项的研究课题。
毕惠嫦,教授、博导,国家杰青/优青获得者;南方医科大学药学院院长,广东省新药筛选重点实验室主任。专注于内/外源物代谢调控对疾病及合理用药影响的研究。主持国家各级课题20多项。已发表中英科研论文130多篇,以通讯作者或第一作者在Hepatology, Cell Death Differ, Acta Pharm Sin B, Brit J Pharmacol等发表SCI论文90多篇。主编并出版专著5部,参编7部。目前担任中国药理学会临床药理学专业委员会副主任委员、中国药理学会分析药理学专业委员会副主任委员、中国药理学会药物代谢专业委员会副主任委员;广东省药理学会候任理事长等学术兼职。担任5本SCI期刊编委。毕惠嫦博士获2014年中国药理学会-Servier优秀药理学者奖、2018年国际代谢学会(ISSX)亚太青年学者奖(2018 ISSX Asia Pacific New Investigator Award)、2021年美国药理与实验治疗学会(ASPET)Richard Okita Early Career Award in Drug Metabolism and Disposition。