朱心红 教授

发布时间:2017-08-21 浏览次数:


导师姓名: 朱心红

技术职称: 二级教授、博士生导师

联系方式: 办公电话020-61647112,邮箱 zhuxh@fimmu.com




朱心红博士,教授、博士生导师,精神健康研究院常务副院长,基础医学院神经生物学教研室主任。国家杰出青年基金获得者,珠江学者,“广东特支计划”百千万工程领军人才。主持国家杰出青年科学基金、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划、科技部关键领域创新团队项目、广东省自然科学基金重大基础研究培育项目等课题。研究论文以第一/通讯作者发表在Nat Med、PNAS、J Neurosci等期刊。获得国家发明专利1项(一作)。







1. Cao X, Li LP, Wang Q, Wu Q,Hu HH, Zhang M, Fang YY, Zhang J, Li SJ, Xiong WC, Yan HC, Gao YB, Liu JH, Li XW, Sun LR, Zeng YN, Zhu XH#,Gao TM#. Astrocyte-derived ATP modulates depressive-like behaviors. Nat Med 2013 Jun;19(6):773-7. (IF:29.886)

2. *Wen L, *Lu YS, *Zhu XH, Li XM, Woo RS, Chen YJ, Yin DM, Lai C, Arber S, Vazdarjanova A, Xiong WC, Mei L#. Neuregulin 1 regulates pyramidal neuron activity by increasing GABA release from parvalbumin-positive interneurons. PNAS.2010;107(3):1211-6.(IF:9.661)

3. Hu HH, Li SJ, Wang P, Yan HC, Cao X, Hou FQ, Fang YY, Zhu XH#, Gao TM#. An L-type calcium channel agonist, Bay K8644, extends the window of intervention against ischemic neuronal injury. Mol Neurobiol. 2013 Feb;47(1):280-9. (IF:6.19)

4. Zhu XH#, Yan HC, Zhang J, Qu HD, Qiu XS, Chen L, Li SJ, Cao X, Bean JC, Chen LH, Qin XH, Liu JH, Bai XC, Mei L, Gao TM#. Intermittent Hypoxia Promotes Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Produces Antidepressant-Like Effects in Adult Rats. J Neurosci. 2010 Sep;30(38):12653-63.(IF:5.988)

5. Cao X, Li LP, Qin XH, Li SJ, Zhang M, Wang Q, Hu HH, Fang YY, Gao YB, Li XW, Sun LR, Xiong WC, Gao TM, Zhu XH#. Astrocytic ATP release regulates the proliferation of neural stem cells in the adult hippocampus. Stem Cells 2013 Aug;31(8):1633-43. (IF:5.599)

6. Yan HC, Qu HD, Sun LR, Li SJ, Cao X, Fang YY, Jie W, Bean JC, Wu WK, Zhu XH#, Gao TM#. Fuzi polysaccharide-1 produces antidepressant-like effects in mice. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2010 Jun;13(5):623-33.(IF:4.712)

7. Yuan CH, Sun LR, Zhang M, Li SJ, Wang XM, Gao TM, Zhu XH#. Inhibition of human Nav1.5 sodium channels by strychnine and its analogs. Biochem Pharmacol. 2011;82(4): 350-7. (IF:4.581)

8. Yan HC, Cao X, Gao TM, Zhu XH#. Promoting adult hippocampal neurogenesis: a novel strategy for antidepressant drug screening. Curr Med Chem. 2011;18(28):4359-67.(IF:3.249)

9. Zhu XH#, Li SJ, Hu HH, Sun LR, Das M, Gao TM#. Neuroprotective effects of Xiao-Xu-Ming decoction against ischemic neuronal injury in vivo and in vitro. J Ethnopharmacol. 2010;127(1):38-46.(IF:2.981)

10. Zhao ST, Chen M, Li SJ, Zhang MH, Li BX, Das M, Bean JC, Kong JM, Zhu XH#, Gao TM#. Mitochondrial BNIP3 upregulation precedes endonuclease G translocation in hippocampal neuronal death following oxygen-glucose deprivation. BMC Neurosci 2009;10:113(p1-8)(IF:2.312)
