
发布时间:2020-08-28 浏览次数:

1、 教研室简介














教研室聚焦于发育生物学,在生殖发育、胚胎发育、造血发育等领域有深厚的研究基础和能力。近五年共获得国家级课题30项,包括国家重点研发计划重点专项、国家重点研发专项、国自然重点项目、国自然优青项目、国家重点研发计划重点专项青年项目、国自然面上项目等。以第一或通讯作者在Nature Genetics, Cell Stem Cell, Nature Cell Biology, Blood, Nature communication等发表多篇高水平论文,其中一区论文13篇。申请并授权专利6项。


赵小阳教授团队在精子发生生理与病理机制研究方面做出了一系列工作,对诊断和治疗男性不育具有重要的指导意义。该团队首次阐明了人类精子发生过程中的基因表达调控网络和细胞命运转变路径(Cell Stem Cell,2018,入选F1000Prime),系统描绘小鼠雄性生殖细胞的命运转变过程(Nature Communications,2021);构建睾丸细胞互作和信号级联数据库(Nucleic Acids Research,2021);揭示糖尿病弱精机制,有效逆转精子数量和质量(Nature Communications,2022);发现圆形精子注射胚胎的发育缺陷(Science Advances,2022);阐明调控人类精子发生的表观遗传新机制(Nature Cell Biology,Accepted)。另外iPSC是否具有发育多能性是干细胞研究的重大问题。该团队前期工作证明iPSC具有发育为成年个体的能力,解决了干细胞的来源问题(Nature,2009),入选2009年美国《时代周刊》十大医学突破、2009年中国十大科技进展;大幅降低iPS小鼠的成瘤风险(Cell Research,2011a)。发现利用单倍体干细胞的特性,高效开展多能性干细胞自我更新研究(Nature,2012;Cell Research,2013),入选2012年度中国科学十大进展。发现精原干细胞重编程为多能性干细胞经历生殖细胞逆发育路径(Protein﹠Cell,2022)。如何实现多能性干细胞在体外分化获得功能精子是生殖医学研究的重要问题,一直以来面临较大瓶颈。该团队通过干细胞技术成功诱导获得功能性精子细胞,使不育小鼠获得后代,为人类不育症的治疗提供了理论基础(Cell Research,2015a;Cell Stem Cell,2016),入选F1000Prime和2016年度中国十大医学科技新闻。开展人类干细胞诱导分化为生殖细胞的工作,发现SOX15影响人原始生殖细胞的维持(Stem Cell Reports,2021),发现他汀可促进小鼠和人精原干细胞的自我更新(Stem Cell Reports,2023),这些工作为未来治疗不育症提供了重要的技术基础。


1. Huang YP#, Li L#, An G#, Yang XY#, Cui MM#, Song XL, Lin J, Zhang XL, Yao ZK, Wan C, Zhou C, Zhao JX, Song K, Ren SF, Xia XY, Chang G*, Gao S*, Zhao XY*, Single-cell multi-omics sequencing reveals the epigenomic landscapes in human spermatogenesis. Nature Cell Biology. Accepted

2. Song K#, Yang XY#, An G#, Xia XY#, Zhao JX, Xu XH, Wan C, Liu TY, Zheng Y, Ren SF, Wang M, Chang G, Shane Cronin, Josef Penninger, Jing T, Ou XH, Rao S*, Liu ZT*, Zhao XY*. Targeting APLN/APJ restores blood-testis barrier and improves spermatogenesis in murine and human diabetic models. Nature Communications. 2022, 13(1):7335

3. Chen YH#, Lu JS#, Xu YW#, Huang YP#, Wang DZ#, Liang PL, Ren SF, Hu XS, Qin YW, Ke W, Jauch R, Hutchins AP, Wang M*, Tang FC*, Zhao XY*. The Chemical Reprogramming of Unipotent Adult Germ Cells towards Authentic Pluripotency and de novo Establishment of Imprinting. Protein & Cell. 2022(11)

4. Zhao JX#, Lu P#,Wan C#, Huang YP#, Cui MM, Yang XY, Hu YQ, Zheng Y, Dong J, Wang M, Zhang S, Liu ZT, Bian SH, Wang XM, Wang R, Ren SF, Wang DZ, Yao ZK, Chang G#*, Tang FC*& Zhao XY*, Cell-fate transition and determination analysis of mouse male germ cells throughout development. Nature Communications. 2021 12(1):6839

5. Wang M#, Liu X#, Chang G#, Chen Y#, An G#, Yan L, Gao S, Xu Y, Cui Y, Dong J, Chen Y, Fan X, Hu Y, Song K, Zhu X, Gao Y, Yao Z, Bian S, Hou Y, Lu J, Wang R, Fan Y, Lian Y, Tang W, Wang Y, Liu J, Zhao L, Wang L, Liu Z, Yuan R, Shi Y, Hu B, Ren X, Tang F*, & Zhao XY*, & Qiao J*. Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Analysis Reveals Sequential Cell Fate Transition during Human Spermatogenesis. Cell Stem Cell. 2018 23(4)


夏来新教授致力于RNA代谢与发育调控相关研究。发现m6A直接逆向调控抑制性组蛋白标记H3K9m2去甲基化的现象和机制,确立了RNA m6A修饰与组蛋白动态修饰之间的直接关系(Nature Genetics, 2020);绘制了人类胎儿组织的全转录组m6A修饰图谱,并揭示了其发育调控特征(Nature Cell Biology, 2019);发现了METTL14精氨酸甲基化动态调控m6A发生的机制和功能(Nature Communications, 2021)。


1. Liu X.#, Wang H.#, Zhao X.#, Luo Q.#, Wang Q., Tan K., Wang Z., Jiang J., Cui J., Du E., Xia L., Du W., Chen D.*, Xia LX*, Xiao S*.Arginine methylation of METTL14 promotes RNA N6-methyladenosine modification and endoderm differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1).

2. Li Y.#, Xia L. #, Tan K. #, Ye X. #, Zuo Z. #, Li M. #, Xiao R., Wang Z., Liu X., Deng M., Cui J., Yang M., Luo Q., Liu S., Cao X., Zhu H., Liu T., Hu J., Shi J., Xiao S.*, Xia LX*. N(6)-methyladenosine co-transcriptionally directs the demethylation of histone H3K9me2. Nature Genetics. 2020:1-8.

3. Xiao S.#, Cao S. #, Huang Q. #, Xia L. #, Deng M., Yang M., Jia G., Liu X., Shi J., Wang W., Li Y., Liu S., Zhu H., Tan K., Luo Q., Zhong M.*, He C. * and Xia LX*. The RNA N(6)-methyladenosine modification landscape of human fetal tissues. Nature Cell Biology. 2019;21(5).

4. H Wu#, LW Sun#, Y Wen#, MX Liu, YJ Liu, J Yu, FY Mao, Y Wang, C Tong, XJ Guo, ZB Hu, JH Sha, MX Liu*, LX Xia*. Major spliceosome defects cause male infertility and are, associated with non-obstructive azoospermia in humans,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2016;113(15)

5. Xia LX#, Jia SJ#, Huang SJ#, Wang HL, ZY X, Mu YJ, Kan LJ, Zheng WJ, Wu D, Li XM, Sun QM, Meng AM, Chen DH*. The Fused/Smurf Complex Controls the Fate of Drosophila Germline Stem Cells by Generating a Gradient BMP Response, Cell. 2010;143(6)


李专教授主要从事造血干细胞发育及血液疾病微环境研究,首次发现小鼠胚胎头部作为造血干细胞发育的新位点并解析头部巨噬细胞调控胚胎造血发生。研究成果以第一作者/通讯作者发表于Cell stem Cell, Blood, Haematologica, Developmental Biology, Journal of Genetics and Genomics等期刊。


1. WY He#, *, Y Zhang#, Z Cao, ZH Ye, X Lu , JW Fan, W Peng, Z Li*. Wild-Type p53-Induced Phosphatase 1 Plays a Positive Role in Hematopoiesis in the Mouse Embryonic Head. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology., 2021,9.

2. WY He, XB Wang, YL Ni, ZC Li, W Liu, ZL Chang, HW Li, ZY Ju*, Z Li*. Wip1 regulates hematopoietic stem cell development in the mouse embryo, Haematologica, 2021,106(2): 580-584.

3. Z Li*, Samanta A. Mariani, Carmen Rodriguez-Seoane, WY He, XW Ning, B Liu, Chris S. Vink, and Elaine Dzierzak*. A role for macrophages in hematopoiesis in the embryonic head. Blood, (2019).134(22)

4. Samanta Antonella Mariani, Z Li, S Rice, C Krieg, S Fragkogianni, M Robinson, C S Vink, JW Pollard and E Dzierzak. Pro-inflammatory aorta-associated macrophages are involved in embryonic development of hematopoietic stem cells. Immunity. (2019). 50(6)

5. Z Li#, Yu Lan#, WY He, DB Chen, J Wang, F Zhou, Y Wang, HY Sun, XD Chen, CH Xu, Sha Li, YK Pang, GZ Zhang, LP Yang, LL Zhu, M Fan, AS, ZY Ju, LF Luo, YQ Ding, W Guo, WP Yuan, X Yang*, B Liu*. Mouse embryonic head as a site for hematopoietic stem cell development, Cell Stem Cell, 2012, 11: 663-675.




Travel Grant;国际实验血液学会会议(ISEH, Frankfort) ;2017
