肖姗 教授

发布时间:2017-08-21 浏览次数:

肖姗 博士







研究方向为RNA表观修饰与发育调控,主要关注RNA表观修饰在胚胎发育中的作用和功能及其动态调控机制。主要成果有:绘制了人类胎儿组织的全转录组m6A图谱,揭示了m6A与人类遗传变异和转录调控的普遍联系(Nature Cell Biology, 2019, 共同一作排名第一);发现了METTL14精氨酸甲基化动态调控m6A发生的机制和功能(Nature Communications,2021,最后通讯作者);发现了m6A直接逆向调控组蛋白修饰的现象与机制(Nature Genetics,2020,共同通讯作者)。





RNA modification, embryonic development


1. Liu X.#, Wang H.#, Zhao X.#, Luo Q.#, Wang Q., Tan K., Wang Z., Jiang J., Cui J., Du E., Xia L., Du W., Chen D.*, Xia L.*, Xiao S.*.(2021) Arginine methylation of METTL14 promotes RNA N6-methyladenosine modification and endoderm differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Nature Communications, 12, 3780. (IF=14.919)

2. Li Y. #, Xia L #., Tan K. #, Ye X. #, Zuo Z. #, Li M. #, Xiao R., Wang Z., Liu X., Deng M., Cui J., Yang M., Luo Q., Liu S., Cao X., Zhu H., Liu T., Hu J., Shi J., Xiao S.*, Xia L*. (2020) N(6)-methyladenosine co-transcriptionally directs the demethylation of histone H3K9me2. Nature Genetics, 52, 870-+. (共同通讯作者,IF = 38.330)

3. Xiao S.#, Cao S. #, Huang Q. #, Xia L. #, Deng M., Yang M., Jia G., Liu X., Shi J., Wang W., Li Y., Liu S., Zhu H., Tan K., Luo Q., Zhong M.*, He C. * and Xia L.* (2019) The RNA N(6)-methyladenosine modification landscape of human fetal tissues. Nature Cell Biology, 21, 651-661. (IF = 28.824)

4. Liu T. #, Wang Q. #, Li W. #, Mao F. #, Yue S., Liu S., Liu X., Xiao S.* and Xia L.* (2017) Gcn5 determines the fate of Drosophila germline stem cells through degradation of Cyclin A. FASEB Journal, 31, 2185-2194. (共同通讯作者, IF = 4.966)

5. Liu J. Q. #, Xiao S. #, Hao Y. H. and Tan Z. (2015) Strand-Biased Formation of G-Quadruplexes in DNA Duplexes Transcribed with T7 RNA Polymerase. Angewandte Chemie International Edition., 54, 8992-8996.(共同第一作者, IF= 15.336)

6. Xiao S., Zhang J. Y., Wu J., Wu R. Y., Xia Y., Zheng K. W., Hao Y. H., Zhou X. and Tan Z. (2014) Formation of DNA:RNA hybrid G-quadruplexes of two G-quartet layers in transcription: expansion of the prevalence and diversity of G-quadruplexes in genomes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition., 53, 13110-13114. (IF= 15.336)

7. Shrestha P.#, Xiao S. #, Dhakal S., Tan Z. and Mao H. (2014) Nascent RNA transcripts facilitate the formation of G-quadruplexes. Nucleic Acids Research, 42, 7236-7246. (共同第一作者,IF= 16.971)

8. Xiao S., Zhang J. Y., Zheng K. W., Hao Y. H. and Tan Z. (2013) Bioinformatic analysis reveals an evolutional selection for DNA:RNA hybrid G-quadruplex structures as putative transcription regulatory elements in warm-blooded animals. Nucleic Acids Research, 41, 10379-10390. (IF= 16.971)


1. 国自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目;200万;2023/1-2025/12,主持

2. 国家重点研发计划;300万元;2021/12-2026/11,主持

3. 广东省杰青;100万;2022/01-2025/12,主持





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