Carlos Hernandez Jerónimo
联系电话:217650471 (Ext. 279426)
Carlos Hernandez Jerónimo 教授专注于企业组织管理中的发展和演变,乐于帮助企业重塑他们的商业模式,并为复杂问题找到合适的解决方案,重点在于衡量企业价值和发展的可预测性。他是葡萄牙里斯本大学学院高管教育项目的执行主任,客座助理教授以及专家培训师,持有教学能力证书(CAP)。他有着超过 10,000 小时的教学经验,他讲授的内容包括设计和开发战略、商业案例、商业分析、项目管理和成本管理等课程。他拥有美国项目管理协会颁发的项目管理专业人员证书、微软颁发的认证产品专家证书、国际信息科学考试会颁发的 ITIL 证书(ITIL认证专家在国际上素有“IT界的MBA”之称)和管理咨询协会(MCI)证书1 级认证。
2007年,获得葡萄牙阿威罗大学(Universidade de Aveiro)计算机和远程信息处理学学士学位。
自2012年以来,Carlos Hernandez Jerónimo教授作为葡萄牙WINNING科学管理公司的创始合伙人,负责管理该公司的公共卫生部门。
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Pereira, L.; Jerónimo, C. H.; Dias, Á.; Lopes da Costa, R.; Gonçalves, R.; Natália Teixeira; Business models competition based on knowledge assets. International Journal of Business Environment. 2022 |
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Pereira, L.; Lopes da Costa, R.; Dias, Á.; Gonçalves, R.; Jerónimo, C. H.; Project Management Tacit Knowledge for Continuous Improvement. International Journal of Economics and Business Research. 2022 |
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Lopes da Costa, R.; Pereira, L.; Dias, Á.; Gonçalves, R.; Jerónimo, C. H.; Santos, R.; Culture Influence in International Organizations. International Journal of Economics and Business Research. 2022 |
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Lopes da Costa, R.; Pereira, L.; Dias, Á.; Gonçalves, R.; Jerónimo, C. H.; Balanced scorecard adoption in healthcare. International Journal of Electronic Healthcare. 2022 |
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Pereira, L.; Patrício, V.; Fernandes, A.; António, N.; Santos, R.; Jerónimo, C. H.; Simões, F.; Benefits measurement of a plan to reduce hypertension in a healthcare foundation using the BCTool . International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications. 2021 |
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Pereira, L.; Jerónimo, C. H.; Dias, Á.; Lopes da Costa, R.; S-Pereira Diamond: Benefits realization management. Journal of Modern Project Management. 2021 |
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Pereira, L.; Sempiterno, M.; Jerónimo, C. H.; Benefits realisation management: systematic literature review. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management. 2021 |
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Pereira, L.; Jerónimo, C. H.; Sempiterno, M.; Lopes da Costa, R.; Dias, Á.; António, N.; Events and festivals contribution for local sustainability. Sustainability. 2021 |
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Jerónimo, C. H.; Pereira, L.; Dias, Á.; Lopes da Costa, R.; Gonçalves, R.; Sustainable cities and communities from city services to quality of life. The case of Portuguese cities. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. 2021 |
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Pereira, L.; Salgado, A.; Dias, Á.; Lopes da Costa, R.; Jerónimo, C. H.; Santos, J. P.; The link between self-knowledge and job satisfaction. International Journal of Business Excellence. 2021 |
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Pereira, L.; Jerónimo, C.; Lourenço, J.; Strategic supplier management: from contractual models to engagement partnerships. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking. 2021 |
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Costa, R. L.; Pereira, L.; Dias, Á.; Gonçalves, R.; Jerónimo, C.; Santos, R.; The boundaries of knowledge transfer in management consulting. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking. 2020 |
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Pereira, L.; Santos, J.; Jerónimo, C.; Santos, R.; How to improve operational processes using Monte Carlo simulation. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking. 2020