潘星华 教授

发布时间:2017-08-21 浏览次数:


潘星华 博士



电子邮件: panvictor@smu.edu.cn

电 话:020-62789520



潘星华,博士,教授,博士导师,博士后合作导师,南方医科大学基础医学院生化与分子生物学教研室主任,广东省单细胞技术与应用重点实验室创建者和主任,广东省珠江学者学科负责人;兼南方医院、珠江医院、广东省人民医院等双聘教授,深圳湾实验室项目PI, 及四川大学华西医学院和杭州肿瘤医院等客座教授。此前担任美国耶鲁大学医学院遗传系研究员和项目PI并兼耶鲁卓越基因组中心、癌症中心和干细胞中心研究员,是DNA元件百科全书计划(ENCODE)项目联盟成员。

曾在广州南方医科大学获得医学学士和医学硕士学位;在上海复旦大学生命科学学院获得遗传学理学博士学位,师从于谈家桢院士。其后分别获得两期博士后培训:在北京协和医学院暨中国医学科学院肿瘤(PUMC & CAMS)医院师从于吴旻院士专攻分子肿瘤学,在美国耶鲁大学医学院遗传学系师从于Sherman M. Weissman院士聚焦基因组学。期间,先后在北京大学生物系进修、并获得国际抗癌联盟(UICC)和美国冷泉港实验室(CSHLScholarship支持在墨尔本大学/Ludwig 癌症研究所和CSHL短期学习。

近二十年来,先后在美国NIH基金及中国国自然基金委、科技部和广东省科技厅基金支持下,聚焦单细胞基因组、转录组、表观组及多组学技术创新,创建单细胞技术10余项,同时致力于研究肿瘤(白血病,肝癌等)、微环境、免疫、干细胞和类器官、发育、衰老和再生等多种生命活动和疾病机制,并开拓新一代胚胎/胎儿遗传检测和肿瘤基因检测技术。迄今主持或合作发表论文110多篇,含PNAS x7NAR x3Nat Comm x3Adv Sci x2Cancer Res x2Cell DiscoveryOncogene Nature x3CellCell ResDev CellMol CancerStem Cell Reports等,编写中/英专著6部。获中美发明专利授权14项,包括最近单细胞技术相关专利8项;成功转化产品或试剂盒5项。创新科研成果曾获得美国科学院进展俱乐部(PNAS club2013)及基因工程与生物技术新闻杂志(GEN2015)和英国技术网(TechNet2018)等科学媒体采访和报道。


(1)单细胞组学技术创新Single cell technology innovation

(2)肿瘤异质性与生物标记Cancer heterogeneity and biomarker

(3)基因组医学Genome medicine

(4)单细胞生物信息学Single cell bioinformatics

(5)干细胞与再生医学Stem cell and regenerative medicine


1. Liyao Mai 1 2, Zebin Wen 2, Yulong Zhang 2, Yu Gao 2, Guanchuan Lin 2, Zhiwei Lian 2, Xiang Yang 2 3, Jingjing Zhou 2, Xianwei Lin 2 4, Chaochao Luo 2, Wanwan Peng 2, Caiming Chen 2, Jiajia Peng 2, Duolian Liu 2, Sadie L Marjani 5, Qian Tao 6, Yongping Cui 7, Junxiao Zhang 2 4, Xuedong Wu 3, Sherman M Weissman 8, Xinghua Pan 2 1 3 7 9. Shortcut barcoding and early pooling for scalable multiplex single-cell reduced-representation CpG methylation sequencing at single nucleotide resolution. Nucleic Acids Research. 2023 Oct 23:gkad892. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkad892.

2. Lan Bai, Fengfei Wu, Fangting Wu, Qian Zhou, Xi Liu, Jieying Fei, Da Zhang, Weidong Wang, Yi Tao, Yubing Lin, Qiaoqiao Lin, Xinghua Pan, Kai Sun, and Fang Xie. A CCL2+DPP4+ subset of mesenchymal stem cells expedites aberrant formation of creeping fat in humans. Nature Communication. 2023 Sep 20;14(1):5830. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-41418-z

3. Xue Bai1†, Ze-Qin Guo1†, Yan-Pei Zhang1,2†, Zhen-zhen Fan3,4†, Li-Juan Liu5†, Li7 Liu2,6, Li-Li Long1, Si-Cong Ma1,2, Jian Wang1, Yuan Fang1, Xin-Ran Tang1, Yu-Jie8 Zeng7, Xinghua Pan5*, De-Hua Wu1*, Zhong-Yi Dong1*. CDK4/6 inhibition triggers ICAM1-driven immune response and 4 sensitizes LKB1 mutant lung cancer to immunotherapy. Nature Communication. 2023 Mar 4; 14:1247. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-36892-4

4. Li-Li Long 1, Si-Cong Ma 1, Ze-Qin Guo 1, Yan-Pei Zhang 1, Zhenzhen Fan 2, Li-Juan Liu 3, Li Liu 4, Duan-Duan Han 1, Meng-Xin Leng 1, Jian Wang 1, Xue-Jun Guo 1, Jia-Le Tan 1, Xiao-Ting Cai 1, Yan Lin 1, Xinghua Pan 5, De-Hua Wu 1, Xue Bai 6, Zhong-Yi Dong 1. PARP inhibition induces synthetic lethality and adaptive immunity in LKB1-mutant lung cancer. Cancer Res. 2023 Feb 15; 83(4):568-581. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-22-1740.

5. Han Zhang1,2,3*, Lei Wang4, Yinbin Qiu1,2,3, Fahui Gong5, Baoting Nong6 and Xinghua Pan1,2,3*. Discovery of 194 Unreported Conopeptides and Identification of a New Protein Disulfide Isomerase in Conus caracteristicus Using Integrated Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analysis. Front Mar Sci. 2022; 9:792908. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.792908.

6. Han Zhang 1,2,3,* , Anwen Liang 4 and Xinghua Pan 1,2,3,*. Preparation and Functional Identification of a Novel Conotoxin QcMNCL-XIII0.1 from Conus quercinus. Toxins (Basel).2022 Jan 26;14(2):99. doi.org/10.3390/toxins14020099.

7. Zhang YXu S,Wen Z, Gao JY, Li S, Weissman SM, Pan X*. Sample‑multiplexing approaches for single‑cell sequencing. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2022 Aug 5; 79(8):466. doi: 10.1007/s00018-022-04482-0.

8. Chaoliang Zhong, Miao Liu, Xinghua Pan*, Haiying Zhu*. Tumorigenicity risk of iPSCs in vivo: nip it in the bud. Precision Clinical Medicine. 2022 Feb 3; 5(1):pbac004. doi: 10.1093/pcmedi/pbac004.

9. Han Zhang1,2,3, Lei Wang4, Xiang Yang1,2,5, Zhiwei Lian1,2, Yinbin Qiu1,2, Zhanying Dong1,2, Xuedong Wu2,5* and Xinghua Pan1,2,3,5*. Identification of Novel Conopeptides and Distinct Gene Superfamilies in the Marine Cone Snail Conus quercinus. Front Mar Sci. 2021; 8:766792. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.766792.

10. Rongmei Qu,#1 Kai He,#2 Yuchao Yang,1 Tingyu Fan,1 Bing Sun,1 Asmat Ullah Khan,1 Wenhua Huang*1 Jun Ouyang1* Xinghua Pan2* and Jingxing Dai1*. The role of serum amyloid A1 in the adipogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells basing on single-cell RNA sequencing analysis. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2022 May 7; 13: 187. doi: 10.1186/s13287-022-02873-5.

11. Yanfang Lu#, Miao Liu#, Jennifer Yang, Sherman Weissman, Xinghua Pan*, Samuel Katz*, Siyuan Wang*. Spatial transcriptome profiling by MERFISH reveals fetal liver hematopoietic stem cell niche architecture. Cell Discovery, 2021 Jun 29; 7(1):47. doi: 10.1038/s41421-021-00266-1 (CELLDISC-01384).

12. Liyao Mai1, Yinbin Qiu1, Zhiwei Lian1, Caiming Chen1, Linlin Wang1, Yao Yin1, Siqi Wang1, Xiang Yang1,2, Yazi Li1, Wanwan Peng1, Chaochao Luo1, Xinghua Pan1,2,3,4*. MustSeq, an alternative approach for multiplexible strand-specific 3' end sequencing of mRNA transcriptome confers high efficiency and practicality. RNA Biol. 2021 Oct 15; 18(sup1):232-243. doi: 10.1080/15476286.2021.1974208.

13. Kai He1,2*, Xing Chen3, Yin-Bin Qiu1, Zhu Liu4, Wen-Zhi Wang2,5, Neal Woodman6,$, Jesús E. Maldonado7,$, Xinghua Pan1*. Mitogenome and comprehensive phylogenetic analyses support rapid diversifications among species groups of small-eared shrews, genus Cryptotis (Mammalia: Eulipotyphla: Soricidae). Zoological Research, 2021 Nov 18; 42(6):739-745. doi: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2021.199.

14.  Chaochao Luo, Wanwan Peng, Jia Kang, Caiming Chen, Jiajia Peng, Yue Wang, Qian Tang, Hailong Xie, Yazi Li, Xinghua Pan*. Glutamine Regulates Cell Growth and Casein Synthesis through the CYTHs/ARFGAP1-Arf1-mTORC1 Pathway in Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells (cover story). J Agric Food Chem, 2021 Jun 23; 69(24):6810-6819. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.1c02223.

15. Wang H#, Gong P#, Chen T, Gao S, Wu Z, Wang X, Li J, Marjani SL, Costa J, Weissman SM*, Qi F*, Pan X*, Liu L*. Colorectal Cancer Stem Cell States Uncovered by Simultaneous Single-Cell Analysis of Transcriptome and Telomeres. Advanced Science. 2021; 8(8):2004320.

16. Zhou Y#, Yang D#, Yang Q#, Lv X#, Huang W#, Zhou Z, Wang Y, Zhang Z, Yuan T, Ding X, Tang L, Zhang J, Yin J, Huang Y, Yu W, Wang Y, Zhou C, Su Y, He A, Sun Y, Shen Z, Qian B, Meng W, Fei J, Yao Y*, Pan X*, Chen P*, Hu H*. Single-cell RNA landscape of intratumoral heterogeneity and immunosuppressive microenvironment in advanced osteosarcoma. Nature Communication. 2020; 11(1):6322.

17. Ma X#, Guo J#, Liu K#, Chen L, Liu D, Dong S, Xia J, Long Q, Yue Y, Zhao P, Hu F, Xiao Z, Pan X, Xiao K, Cheng Z, Ke Z, Chen ZS, Zou C. Identification of a distinct luminal subgroup diagnosing and stratifying early stage prostate cancer by tissue-based single-cell RNA sequencing. Molecular Cancer. 2020; 19(1):147.

18. The ENCODE Project Consortium (Pan X is a member of the Consortium ), Jill E Moore 1, Michael J Purcaro 1, Henry E Pratt, et al. Expanded encyclopaedias of DNA elements in the human and mouse genomes. Nature. 2020 July 29; 583: 699–710.

19. The ENCODE Project Consortium (Pan X is a member of the Consortium), Michael P Snyder 1,2, Thomas R Gingeras 3, et al.Perspectives on ENCODE. Nature. 2020 Jul 29; 583(7818):693-698 (2021 IF 69.504). doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2449-8.

20. Huang H#, Zhao Y#, Zhong J#, Zhang X, Liu Q, Qiu X, Chen S, Yang H, Hillyer C, Mohandas N, Pan X*, Xu X*. Putative Regulators for the Continuum of Erythroid Differentiation Revealed by Single-cell Transcriptomes of Human Bone Marrow and Umbilical Cord Blood. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 June 9; 117(23): 12868-12876.

21. Situ B, Ye X, Zhao Q, Mai L, Huang Y, Wang S, Chen J, Li B, He B, Zhang Y, Zou J, Tang BJ, Pan X and Zheng L*. Identifcation and Single-Cell Analysis of Viable Circulating Tumor Cells by a Mitochondrion-Specifc AIE Bioprobe. Advanced Science. 2020; 7(4): 1902760.

22. Cen B, Wei Y, Huang W, Teng M, He S, Li J, Wang W, He G, Bai X, Liu X, Yuan Y*, Pan X*, Ji A*. An Efficient Bivalent Cyclic RGD-PIK3CB siRNA Conjugate for Specific Targeted Therapy against Glioblastoma In Vitro and In Vivo. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2018 Sep 6; 13:220-232. doi: 10.1016/j.omtn.2018.09.002.

23. Cen B, Liao W, Wang Z, Gao L, Wei Y, Huang W, He S, Wang W, Liu X*, Pan X*, Ji A*. Gelofusine Attenuates Tubulointerstitial Injury Induced by cRGD-Conjugated siRNA by Regulating the TLR3 Signaling Pathway. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2018 Jun 1; 11:300-311. doi: 10.1016/j.omtn.2018.03.006.

24. Zhang J, Späth SS, Marjani SL, Zhang W, Pan X. Characterization of cancer genomic heterogeneity by next-generation sequencing advances precision medicine in cancer treatment. Precision Clinical Medicine. 2018 June 1; 1(1): 29–48. doi: 10.1093/pcmedi/pby007.

25. Han L#, Wu HJ#, Zhu H#, Kim KY, Marjani SL, Riester M, Euskirchen G, Zi X, Yang J, Han J, Snyder M, Park IH, Irizarry R, Weissman SM, Michor F*, Fan R*, Pan X*. Bisulfite-independent analysis of CpG island methylation enables genome-scale stratification of single cells. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017; 45(10):e77

26. Yang J#, Tanaka Y#, Seay M, Li Z, Jin J, Garmire LX, Zhu X, Taylor A, Li W, Euskirchen G, Halene S, Kluger Y, Snyder MP, Park IH, Pan X*, Weissman SM*. Single cell transcriptomics reveals unanticipated features of early hematopoietic precursors. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017; 45(3):1281-1296.

27. Wu H#, Zhang XY, Hu Z, Hou Q, Zhang H, Li Y, Li S, Yue J, Jiang Z, Weissman SW, Pan X*, Ju BG*, Wu S*. (2017) Evolution and heterogeneity of non-hereditary colorectal cancer revealed by single-cell exome sequencing. Oncogene. 2017; 36(20):2857-2867.

28. Zhu W, Zhang XY, Marjani SL, Zhang J, Zhang W, Wu S, Pan X*. Next-generation molecular diagnosis: single-cell sequencing from bench to bedside. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2017; 74(5):869-880. doi: 10.1007/s00018-016-2368-x.

29. Zhang X, Marjani SL, Hu Z, Weissman SM, Pan X*, and Wu S*. Single-Cell Sequencing for Precise Cancer Research: Progress and Prospects. Cancer Res. March 15, 2016; 76(6):1305-1312, PMID: 26941284.

30. Cheng J, Roden C, Pan W, Zhu S, Baccei A, Pan X, Jiang T, Kluger Y, Weissman S, Guo S, Flavell R, Ding Y, Lu J. A Molecular Chipper Technology for CRISPR sgRNA Library Generation and Functional Mapping of Noncoding Regions. Nature Communication. 2016 Mar 30; 7:11178. PMID: 27025950.

31. Hysolli E, Tanaka Y, Su J, Kim KY, Zhong T, Janknecht R, Zhou XL, Geng L, Qiu C, Pan X, Jung YW, Cheng J, Lu J, Zhong M, Weissman SM, Park IH. Regulation of the DNA Methylation Landscape in Human Somatic Cell Reprogramming by the miR-29 Family. Stem Cell Reports. 2016 Jul 12; 7(1): 43–54. doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2016.05.014. PMCID: PMC4945581, PMID: 27373925.

32. Gagliani N, Vesely MC, Iseppon A, Brockmann L, Xu H, Palm NW, de Zoete MR, Licona-Limón P, Paiva RS, Ching T, Weaver C, Zi X, Pan X, Fan R, Garmire LX, Cotton MJ, Drier Y, Bernstein B, Geginat J, Stockinger B, Esplugues E, Huber S, Flavell RA.Th17 cells transdifferentiation into regulatory T cells during resolution of inflammation. Nature. 2015 Jul 9; 523(7559):221-5. PMID: 25924064.

33. Tanaka Y, Hysolli E, Su J, Xiang Y, Kim KY, Zhong M, Li Y, Heydari K, Euskirchen G, Snyder MP, Pan X, Weissman SM, Park IH. Transcriptome Signature and Regulation in Human Somatic Cell Reprogramming. Stem Cell Reports. 2015; 4(6):1125-39. PMID: 26004630.

34. Kim KY, Hysolli E, Tanaka Y, Wang B, Jung YW, Pan X, Weissman SM, and Park IH. (2014) X chromosome of female cells shows dynamic changes in status during human somatic cell reprogramming. Stem Cell Reports, 20142(6):896-909. PMID:24936474.

35. Liu N, Liu L*, Pan X*. Single-cell analysis of the transcriptome and its application in the characterization of stem cells and early embryos. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2014 Jul; 71(14):2707-15. doi: 10.1007/s00018-014-1601-8.

36. Guo S, Zi X, Schultz V, Cheng J, Zhong M, Koochaki S, Megyola CM, Pan X, Heydari K, Weissman SM, Gallagher PG, Krause DS, Fan R, Lu J. (2014) Non-stochastic reprogramming from a privileged somatic cell state. Cell. 2014; 156(4):649-62.PMID: 24486105.

37. Han L#, Zi X, Garmire LX, Wu Y, Weissman SM*, Pan X*, Fan R*. Co-detection and sequencing of genes and transcripts from the same single cells enabled by a microfluidics platform. Scientific Reports. 2014 Sep 26;4:6485.

38. Xinghua Pan. Single Cell Analysis: From Technology to Biology and Medicine. Single Cell Biol. 2014; 3(1):106. doi: 10.4172/2168-9431.1000106. PMID: 25177539.

39. Wang F#, Pan X*, Kalmbach K, Seth-Smith ML, Ye X, Antumes DM, Yin Y, Liu L*, Keefe DL*, Weissman SM*. Robust measurement of telomere length in single cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013; 110 (21): E1906–E1912. featured in Nature Reviews Genetics. 2013 June 18; doi: 10.1038/nrg3529.

40. Tanaka Y, Kim KY, Zhong M, Pan X, Weissman SM, and Park I-H. Transcriptome regulation in pluripotent stem cells by methyl CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2). Human Mol Genet. 2014; 23(4): 1045-55.

41. Dan J, Liu Y, Liu N, Chiourea M, Okuka M, Wu T, Ye X, Mou C, Wang L, Wang L, Yin Y, Yuan J, Zuo B, Wang F, Li Z, Pan X, Yin Z, Chen L, Keefe DL, Gagos S, Xiao A, Liu L. Rif1 maintains telomere length homeostasis of ESCs by mediating heterochromatin silencing. Developmental Cell, 2014; 29(1):7-19. PMID: 24735877.

42. Pan X*#, Durrett RE, Zhu H, Tanaka Y, Li Y, Zi X, Marjani SL, Euskirchen G, Ma C, Lamotte RH, Park IH, Snyder MP, Mason CE, Weissman SM*. Two methods for full-length RNA sequencing for low quantities of cells and single cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013; 110(2):594-9.

43. Zhang Y, Schulz V, Reed B, Wang Z, Pan X, Mariani J, Euskirchenc G, Snyder M, Vaccarino FM, Ivanova N, Weissman SM, Szekely AM. Functional genolmic screen of human stem cell differentiation reveals pathways involved in neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013; 110 (30):12361-6.

44. Wang Y, Yang F, Zhang HX, Zi XY, Pan XH, Chen F, Luo WD, Li JX, Zhu HY, Hu YP. Cuprous oxide nanoparticles inhibit the growth and metastasis of melanoma by targeting mitochondria. Cell Death and Disease. 2013; 4:e783; doi:10.1038/cddis.2013.314.

45. Wang F, Yin Y, Ye Xiaoying, Liu K, Zhu H, Wang L, Chiourea M, Okuka M, Jia G, Dan, J, Zuo B, Li M, Zhang Q, Liu N, Chen L, Pan X, Gagos S, Keefee D, and Lin L. Molecular insights into the heterogeneity of telomere reprogramming in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Cell Research. 2012; 22(4):757–768.

46. Liu Z, Hu Z, Pan X, Li M, Togun TA, Tuck D, Pelizzola M, Huang J, Ye X, Yin Y, Liu M, Li C, Chen Z, Wang F, Zhou L, Chen L, Keefe DL, Liu L. (2011). Germline competency of parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells from immature oocytes of adult mouse ovary. Hum Mol Genet. 2011; 20(7):1339-52. PMID:21239471.

47. Yasukochia Y, Maruyamab O, Mahajana MC, Paddenc C, Euskirchend GM, Schulze V, Hirakawaf H, Kuharag S, Pan XH, Newburgerc PE, Snyder M, Weissmana SM.  X chromosome-wide analyses of genomic DNA methylation states and gene expression in male and female neutrophils. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010; 107(8): 3704-3709.

48. Pan X#*, Urban AE, Dean P, Vincent S, Grubbert F, Hu Y, Snyder M, Weissman SM*. A procedure for highly specific, hypersensitive and unbiased whole genome amplification. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008; 105(40):15499-504.

49.  Xu Y, He Z, Zhu H, Chen X, Li J, Zhang H, Pan X, Hu Y. Murine fertilized ovum, blastomere and morula cells lacking SP phenotype. Sci China C: Life Sci. 2007; 50(6):762-5. PMID: 17914640.

50. Pan X, Weissman SM. An approach for global scanning of single nucleotide variations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002; 99(14):9346-51.

51. Pan X, and Fu J. Molecular evolution of MHC-DQA genes: I. The maintenance of interallelic divergence and the influence of GC content on gene structure. J Genetics and Genomics (JGG, formally known as Acta Genetica Sinica). 1997; 24(3): 195-205. PMID: 9361451.

52. Pan X, and Fu J. Molecular evolution of MHC-DQA genes: II. Phylogenetic analysis based on nucleotide substitution and synonymous codon usage bias. J Genetics and Genomics (JGG, Acta Genetica Sinica). 1997; 24(5): 394-402. PMID: 9494291.

53.  Pan X, Lu J, Inoko H, Tan CC, Geng Z, Zhang R, Tu L, Jiang J. Research on the genetic susceptibility for Myasthenia Gravis in Chinese Hans by genotyping of HLA-DQA1 with PCR-RFLP. Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics. 1995; 12(6): 354-357.

54.  Pan X, He L. Cytogenetics studies of two Calyptrate Dipteras (Sarcophagidae and Calliphoridae: Diptera), J Fudan University (Natural Science). 1991; 30(1):76-83.


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目;2021.1-2024.12;主持人PI

2. 深圳湾国家实验室开放基金:2020.12-2023.10;主持人PI

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目;2018.1-2021.12;主持人PI

4. 国家科技计划项目蛋白质机器与生命过程调控重点专项;2018.7-2023.6Co-I

5. 广东省重大基础培育项目;2018.5- 2022.4;主持人PI

6. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金联合基金重点项目;2020.1-2022.12;主持人PI

7. 广东省珠江人才计划本土创新科研团队;2018.7-2023.6Co-I

8. 广东省生物芯片重点实验室建设经费;2017-2019;主持人PI

9. 广东省高水平大学高层次人才启动经费;2017-2024;主持人PI


1. 南方医科大学基础医学院学术委员会委员。

2. 中国生物化学与分子生物学会基础医学专业分会委员。

3. 广东省生物化学与分子生物学学会副理事长。

4. 中华医学会广东省医学遗传学会常务理事。

5. 中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志专业委员会委员。

6. 全国侨联生物医药专业委员会委员。

7. 江西省系统生物医学重点实验室学术委员会前主任、现顾问。

8. 四川省精准医学重点实验室学术委员会委员。

9. 广东省医学教育协会生化分子生物学专委员会首届名誉主任委员。

10. Precision Clinical Medicine杂志(由四川大学承办、牛津大学出版社出版,2023 IF 5.3)创刊副主编;Single Cell Biology创刊主编;及多种SCI杂志评审专家:Nature ProtocolsNature Communication, Molecular Psychiatry, Molecular CancerBone researchScientific DataNuclear Acids ResearchGenome biologyGenome Research, Genome MedicineBMC GenomicsBMC BiotechnologyBMC Medical GeneticsFrontiers GeneticsFrontiers Bioengineering Biotechnology, Frontiers Cell Developmental Biology, Frontiers Immunology, Biology of ReproductionClinical Cancer Res, BBA Rev CancerHereditas (Beijing)Aging Cell, Genes, Clinical Translation Medicine, Cancer Communication, Protein and Cell, Genomics Proteomics & BioinformaticsGPB, Cell Proliferation, Science in China C Life Sciences(中国科学C生命科学,英文版),Journal of Genetics and Genomics(遗传学报,英文版JGG),Hereditas (Beijing)(遗传, 英文版), Science Bulletin(科学通报,英文版), Zoological Research (动物学研究,英文版), Chinese Journal of Cell Biology(中国细胞生物学杂志), Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae(中国医学科学院学报) 等。

11. 英国医学理事会(Medical Research Council)、比利时癌症基金会(Fondation Contre le Cancer)等海外基金评委;国家重大专项及广东省、深圳市等多地基础研究、科技创新项目的立项或验收评审专家。

12. 国际单细胞与空间组学大会(TICSSO2022-)主席;壹细胞菁英论坛(FOSCE 2021-)主席,等;作为组委会成员、委员会主席、主持人、顾问或Keynote Speaker等并组织和参与组织国际国内学术大会数十场。



生物化学,生物化学与分子生物学,分子生物学进展,医学研究与医学发展 - 生命的化学, 基础医学新进展讲座 - 基因组学及单细胞组学前沿进展。


潘星华,李亚子。《表观遗传学》(于文强,徐国良 主编)第57章,单细胞测序技术(第1127-1149页)。ISBN9787030737892,科学出版社,20233月。

潘星华, 殷志新。《医学分子生物学》第三版(胡维新,刘静 主编)第三章,遗传信息的复制、转录与翻译(第41-69页)。ISBN9787030666680,科学出版社,20211月(国家精品课程教材,国家精品资源共享课配套教材)。

Pan X, Wu S, Weissman S. eds (主编). August, 2019. Introduction to Single Cell Omics. Lausanne (Switzerland): Frontiers Media. ISSN 1664-8714, ISBN 978-2-88945-920-9, DOI 10.3389/978-2-88945-920-9 (Invited Editor).

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