1. |
Silvia Dello Russo, Mirko Antino, Sara Zaniboni, Antonio Caetano, Donald Truxillo (2021). The Effect of Age on Daily Positive Emotions and Work Behaviors. Work, Aging and Retirement. 7(1), 9–19 |
2. |
Junça Silva, A.; Caetano, A.; Lopes, M.(2020). A working day in the life of employees: development and validation of the scale for daily hassles and uplifts at work. TPM - Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology.27(2),221-250 |
3. |
Cakiroglu, S.S., Caetano, A. and Costa, P. (2020). How do mid-senior multinational officers perceive shared leadership for military teams? A qualitative study. Team Performance Management, Vol. 26 No. 5/6, pp. 301-318. |
4. |
Santos, S. C.; Caetano, A.; Costa, S.; Rueff Lopes, R.; Junça Silva, A.; Neumeyer, X. (2020).Uncovering the affective turmoil during opportunity recognition and exploitation: a nonlinear approach.Journal of Business Venturing Insights.V14,e00184 |
5. |
Neumeyer, X., Santos, S. C., Caetano, A., & Kalbfleisch, P. (2019). Entrepreneurship ecosystems and women entrepreneurs: a social capital and network approach. Small Business Economics, |
6. |
Santos, S. C., Morris, M., Caetano, A., Costa, S., & Neumeyer, X. (2019). Team entrepreneurial competence: multilevel effects on individual cognitive strategies. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, |
7. |
Junça-Silva, A., Caetano, A., & Lopes, M. (2018). Activated or deactivated? Understanding how cognitive appraisals can drive emotional activation in the aftermath of daily work events. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée / European Review of Applied Psychology, |
8. |
Antunes, A., Caetano, A., & Cunha, M. P. (2017). Reliability and construct validity of the Portuguese version of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire. Psychological Reports, |
9. |
Santos, S. C., Caetano, A., Spagnoli, P., Costa, S., & Neumeyer, X. (2017). Predictors of entrepreneurial activity before and during the European economic crisis. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, |
10. |
Costa, S. F., Santos, S. C., Wach, D., & Caetano, A. (2017). Recognizing opportunities across campus: the effects of cognitive training and entrepreneurial passion on the business opportunity prototype. Journal of Small Business Management, |
11. |
Spagnoli, P., Santos, S. C., & Caetano, A. (2017). A contribution toward the adaptation and validation of the entrepreneurial self-efficacy scale in Italy and Portugal. Journal of Career Assessment, |
12. |
Rueff Lopes, M., Navarro, J., Caetano, A., & Silva, A. J. (2017). Forecasting the influence of customer-related micro-events on employees’ emotional, attitudinal and physiological responses. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, |
13. |
Roque, H. C., Silva, M. R., Ramos, M., & Caetano, A. (2017). Valores societais em Portugal: replicação do projeto Globe 17 anos depois e implicações para a gestão. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, |
14. |
Junça-Silva, A., Caetano, A., & Lopes, R. R. (2017). Daily uplifts, well-being and performance in organizational settings: the differential mediating roles of affect and work engagement. Journal of Happiness Studies, |
15. |
Spagnoli, P., Santos, S. C., & Caetano, A. (2017). Adaptation of the attitude toward enterprise test in the Italian high school and university contexts. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, |
16. |
Silva, M. R. & Caetano, A. (2016). Organizational justice across cultures: a systematic review of four decades of research and some directions for the future. Social Justice Research, |
17. |
Costa, S., Ehrenhard, M. L., Caetano, A., & Santos, S. C. (2016). The role of different opportunities in the activation and use of the business opportunity prototype. Creativity and Innovation Management, |
18. |
Costa, S. F., Caetano, A., & Santos, S. C. (2016). Entrepreneurship as a career option: do temporary workers have the competencies, intention and willingness to become entrepreneurs? Journal of Entrepreneurship, |
19. |
Spagnoli, P., Santos, S. C., Caetano, A., & Presti, A. L. (2016). A contribution to the validation of the Italian version of the entrepreneurial potential assessment inventory. Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata, |
20. |
Santos, S. C., Caetano, A., Baron, R., & Curral, L. (2015). Prototype models of opportunity recognition and the decision to launch a new venture: identifying the basic dimensions. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, |
21. |
Gomes, C., Curral, L., Caetano, A., & Marques-Quinteiro, P. (2015). Better off together: a cluster analysis of self-leadership and its relationship to individual innovation in hospital nurses. Psicologia, |
22. |
Silva, M., Roque, H., & Caetano, A. (2015). Culture in Angola: insights for human resources management. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, |
23. |
Veloso, A., Silva, M. J., Silva, I., & Caetano, A. (2015). Fatores que afetam a transferência da aprendizagem para o local de trabalho. Revista de Administração de Empresas, |
24. |
Lopes, M., Navarro, J., Caetano, A., & Junça Silva, A. (2015). A Markov chain analysis of emotional exchange in voice-to-voice communication: testing for the mimicry hypothesis of emotional contagion. Human Communication Research, |
25. |
Santos, J. P., Caetano, A., & Tavares, S. M. (2015). Is training leaders in functional leadership a useful tool for improving the performance of leadership functions and team effectiveness? Leadership Quarterly , |
26. |
Santos, S. C. & Caetano, A. (2015). Entrepreneurship in Portugal in relation to other European Union countries from 2010 to 2014: are we far from or close to the tipping point? Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão, |
27. |
Spagnoli, P., Caetano, A., & Santos, S. C. (2015). Entrepreneurial self-efficacy in Italy: an empirical study from a gender perspective. TPM - Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, |
28. |
Gomes, C., Curral, L., & Caetano, A. (2015). The mediating effect of work engagement on the relationship between self-leadership and individual innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, |
29. |
Santos, S. C. & Caetano, A. (2014). Entrepreneur selection methodology for entrepreneurship promotion programmes. Journal of Entrepreneurship, |
30. |
Santos, S. C., Caetano, A., & Curral, L. (2014). Psychosocial aspects of entrepreneurial potential. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, |
31. |
Silva, M. R. & Caetano, A. (2014). Organizational justice: what changes, what remains the same. Journal of Organizational Change Management, |
32. |
Costa, P. l., Graça, A. M., Marques-Quinteiro, P., Santos, C. M., Caetano, A., & Passos, A. M. (2013). Multilevel research in the field of organizational behavior: an empirical look at 10 years of theory and research. SAGE Open, |
33. |
Junça Silva, A. & Caetano, A. (2013). Validation of the Flourishing Scale and Scale of Positive and Negative Experience in Portugal. Social Indicators Research, |
34. |
Costa, S., Santos, S. C., & Caetano, A. (2013). Prototypical dimensions of business opportunity in early stages of the entrepreneurial process. Revista Psicologia: Organizações e Trabalho, |
35. |
Sousa-Lima, M., Michel, J. W., & Caetano, A. (2013). Clarifying the Importance of Trust in Organizations as a Component of Effective Work Relationships. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, |
36. |
Antunes, A., Caetano, A., & Cunha, M. P. (2013). O papel do capital psicológico na criação de valor para as organizações. Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão, |
37. |
Caetano, A. (2012). Psicologia organizacional e do trabalho: macro e nanodesafios atuais na pesquisa e na prática professional. Revista Psicologia: Organizações e Trabalho, |
38. |
Rueff-Lopes, R. & Caetano, A. (2012). The emotional contagion scale: factor structure and psychometric properties in a portuguese sample. Psychological Reports, |
39. |
Spagnoli, P., Caetano, A., Tanucci, G., & Lourenço, V. (2012). Information-seeking behaviour: implicit and explicit strategies during the organizational entry process. Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, |
40. |
Spagnoli, P. & Caetano, A. (2012). Personality and organisational commitment: the mediating role of job satisfaction during socialization. Career Development International, |
41. |
Silva, M. R., Caetano, A., & Zhou, Q. (2012). (In)justice contexts and work satisfaction: the mediating role of justice perceptions. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, |
42. |
Spagnoli, P., Caetano, A., & Junça Silva, A. (2012). Psychometric properties of a Portuguese version of the Subjective Happiness Scale. Social Indicators Research, |
43. |
Spagnoli, P., Caetano, A., & Santos, S. C. (2012). Satisfaction with job aspects: do patterns change over time? Journal of Business Research, |
44. |
Santos, S. C., Curral, L., & Caetano, A. (2010). Cognitive maps in early entrepreneurship stages: from motivation to implementation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, |
45. |
Marçal, J. & Caetano, A. (2010). Corporate blended learning in Portugal: current status and future directions. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, |
46. |
Esteves, T. P. & Caetano, A. (2010). Práticas de gestão de recursos humanos e resultados organizacionais: estudos, controvérsias teóricas e metodológicas. Revista Psicologia: Organizações e Trabalho, |
47. |
Santos, S. C., Caetano, A., & Curral, L. (2010). Atitude dos estudantes universitários face ao empreendedorismo. Como identificar o potencial empreendedor? Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão, |
48. |
Neves, P. & Caetano, A. (2009). Commitment to change: contributions to trust in the supervisor and work outcomes. Group and Organization Management, |
49. |
Santos, S. C., Alves da Costa, F., Passos, A. M., Ramalho, N., & Caetano, A. (2009). Running head: a importância das características gerais do trabalho na satisfação com as recompensas. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, |
50. |
Velada, R., Caetano, A., Bates, R., & Holton, E. (2009). Learning transfer - validation of the learning transfer system inventory in Portugal. Journal of European Industrial Training, |
51. |
Velada, R., Caetano, A., Michel, J. W., Lyons, B. D., & Kavanagh, M. J. (2007). The effects of training design, individual characteristics and work environment on transfer of training. International Journal of Training and Development, |
52. |
Spagnoli, P., Tanucci, G., & Caetano, A. (2007). Fattori individuali e organizzativi nel processo di socializzazione organizzativa: uno studio longitudinale in ambito militare. Psicologia dell'Educazione e della Formazione, |
53. |
Velada, R. & Caetano, A. (2007). Training transfer: the mediating role of perception of learning. Journal of European Industrial Training, |
54. |
Tavares, S., Caetano, A., &Silva, S.A. (2007). Não há bela sem senão. A identificação organizacional, os comportamentos de dedicação ao trabalho e o conflito trabalho-família. Psicologia, |
55. |
Neves, P. & Caetano, A. (2006). Social exchange processes in organizational change: the roles of trust and control. Journal of Change Management, |
56. |
Passos, A. M. & Caetano, A. (2005). Exploring the effects of intragroup conflict and past performance feedback on team effectiveness. Journal of Managerial Psychology, |
57. |
Caetano, A., Vala, J., & Leyens, J. P. (2001). Judgeability in person perception: the confidence of leaders. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, |
58. |
Passos, A. M. & Caetano, A.(2000). Comportamento de cidadania organizacional: factores determinantes. Psychologica, |
59. |
Castanheira, L. & Caetano, A. (1999). Dimensões do contrato psicológico. Psicologia, |
60. |
Vala, J., Lima, M. L., & Caetano, A. (1996). Mapping European social psychology: co-word analysis of the communications at the 10th General Meeting of the EAESP. European Journal of Social Psychology, |
61. |
Simon, B., Mlicki, P., Johnston, L., Caetano, A., Warowicki, M., Knippenberg, A., et al. (1990). The effects of ingroup and outgroup homogeneity on ingroup favouritism, stereotyping and overestimation of relative ingroup size. European Journal of Social Psychology, |