热带医学分论坛采用线下会场与线上视频连线、同步直播的形式开展,报告内容涵盖热带传染病、新发传染病、人兽共患寄生虫病、非传染性疾病的致病机制与防治,卫生系统强化优化,国际研究和实施合作伙伴关系,传染病的空间流行病学,“同一健康”等领域。27位来自中澳双方研究机构、大学及附属医院的专家做了演讲,中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病防治研究所、上海交通大学国家热带医学研究中心全球健康研究学院周晓农教授、澳大利亚詹姆斯·库克大学公共卫生与医学院的Maxine Whittaker教授、澳大利亚热带健康研究所的David Whitmore主任、Hillary Vanderven博士、Ulf Schmitz教授、澳大利亚詹姆斯·库克大学医学与牙医学院Sarah Larkins教授、南方医科大学刘叔文教授、中山大学中山医学院吴忠道教授、中山大学生命科学学院伦照荣教授、中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳)杨崇广教授等来到现场进行报告与交流,共有3000余名线上与线下代表参会。参会者既有在“全球健康、热带医学”研究领域的老一辈专家又有年富力强的年轻学者,大家线上线下共聚⼀堂,热烈交流,激情碰撞,是本年度全球健康领域的一次难得的盛会。
詹姆斯·库克大学David Whitmore教授学术报告
詹姆斯·库克大学的Maxine Whittaker教授与我院杨杏芬院长发表闭幕致辞,双方均高度肯定了此次研讨会为中澳双方跨学科、跨领域、跨国界的合作提供了交流平台,促成了我校与詹姆斯·库克大学在全球健康—热带医学领域教育和科研的更多合作,共同期望为全人类的健康合作奋进!
詹姆斯·库克大学Maxine Whittaker教授闭幕致辞
本次“中澳全球健康—热带医学国际研讨会”由南方医科大学公共卫生学院、中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳)联合主办,澳大利亚詹姆斯·库克大学(James Cook University)、上海交通大学医学院-国家热带病研究中心全球健康学院、广东省寄生虫学会、广东省热带医学会、广东省健康科普促进会生物安全分会、Interdisciplinary Medicine 期刊和南方医科大学德风书院协办。
第三届中澳全球健康—热带医学国际研讨会,直播回看: https://wx.vzan.com/live/page/178778188?shauid=q7uyfIp3JF0l6PZTioW3rg**&vprid=0&sharetstamp=1697299833375
开幕式:周晓农(中国CDC寄生虫病防治研究所,上海交通大学国家热带医学研究中心-全球健康研究学院):One Health Action in Neglected Tropical Diseases in China | 1. David Whitmore (JCU) Biological clocks:how might daily timing impact the biology of infectious disease | 2. 刘叔文 (SMU) The role and mechanism of virus-derived amyloid peptides in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders |
3. Hillary Vanderven(JCU) Understanding the treatment benefit of hyperimmune anti-influenza intravenous immunoglobulin (Flu-IVIG) for severe human influenza | 4. 彭鸿娟(SMU) Avirulent ME49∆gra5 Protects Hosts Against Toxoplasma gondii Infection and Tumor Development | 5. Tanya Pussell(JCU) Plotting the path of mosquito species and dengue transmission in the Pacific |
6. 陈晓光(SMU) Web-based Surveillance on Dengue Vector, Asian Tiger Mosquito | 7. Andreas Lopata(JCU) Cross reactive epitopes and AD allergies in the Tropics-Implications for Asia | 8. Emma McBryde(JCU) Supporting National and Sub-National Tuberculosis control policy using mathematical models |
9. 潘星华(SMU) Single cell technology promoting human health | 10. Ulf Schmitz (JCU) Tropical disease, food production and biodiversity: The case for advanced omics and bioinformatics in addressing challenges in the tropics | 11. 郑磊 (SMU) Bacterial Extracellular Vesicles play roles in the management of pregnancy-induced hypertension. |
12. Zhan-Ming Liang (JCU) Building management capacity for health services in the Tropics. | 13. 13. 蒋红兵 (SYSU) Modeling novel virus infection to combat infectious. | 14. 邓凯(SYSU) HIV-1 infection promotes T cell differentiation. |
15. 刘宽程(SYSU) 15. Roles of Interferon-induced Gene LY6E In the Regulation of Hepatitis. | 16. 查龙应(SMU) Macrophage exosomes transfer miR-3064-5p to target IkBa and activate NF-kB signalling: a novel mechanism of palmitate-induced metabolic inflammation. | 17. Maria Castellanos- Reynosa (JCU) Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients living with HIV coinfected with tuberculosis and histoplasmosis in an urban Latin American setting |
18 伦照荣(SYSU) The transmission risk of African and American trypanosomes in China. | 19 沈晨光 (SMU) Development and Application of Specific Monoclonal Antibodies Induced by Various Mpox Antigens. | 20 Paul Giacomin(JCU) Regulation of inflammation and metabolism by parasitic helminths and their secreted products. |
21 杨崇广(SYSU) Genomic Epidemiology of Transmission and Drug-resistance of Tuberculosis in China. | 22. Michael Meehan(JCU) Superspreader dynamics in phylodynamic models. |
23. 方强林(SYSU) Near-atomic Structure of Giant Virus Paramecium Bursaria Chlorella Virus 1 |
24 . Maxine Whittaker (JCU) The endgame for malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion: Approaches, Challenges and Successes. |
25. 吴忠道(SYSU) Aedes Control based on SIT technology and Its field applications |
26. Sarah Larkins(JCU) The role of place-based planning processes in facilitating access to health services in rural areas |