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发布时间:2023-10-18 08:34:15 作者:


热带医学分论坛采用线下会场与线上视频连线、同步直播的形式开展,报告内容涵盖热带传染病、新发传染病、人兽共患寄生虫病、非传染性疾病的致病机制与防治,卫生系统强化优化,国际研究和实施合作伙伴关系,传染病的空间流行病学,“同一健康”等领域。27位来自中澳双方研究机构、大学及附属医院的专家做了演讲,中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病防治研究所、上海交通大学国家热带医学研究中心全球健康研究学院周晓农教授、澳大利亚詹姆斯·库克大学公共卫生与医学院的Maxine Whittaker教授、澳大利亚热带健康研究所的David Whitmore主任、Hillary Vanderven博士、Ulf Schmitz教授、澳大利亚詹姆斯·库克大学医学与牙医学院Sarah Larkins教授、南方医科大学刘叔文教授、中山大学中山医学院吴忠道教授、中山大学生命科学学院伦照荣教授、中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳)杨崇广教授等来到现场进行报告与交流,共有3000余名线上与线下代表参会。参会者既有在“全球健康、热带医学”研究领域的老一辈专家又有年富力强的年轻学者,大家线上线下共聚⼀堂,热烈交流,激情碰撞,是本年度全球健康领域的一次难得的盛会。

David Whitmore(1)

詹姆斯·库克大学David Whitmore教授学术报告




詹姆斯·库克大学的Maxine Whittaker教授与我院杨杏芬院长发表闭幕致辞,双方均高度肯定了此次研讨会为中澳双方跨学科、跨领域、跨国界的合作提供了交流平台,促成了我校与詹姆斯·库克大学在全球健康—热带医学领域教育和科研的更多合作,共同期望为全人类的健康合作奋进!


Maxine Whittaker教授

詹姆斯·库克大学Maxine Whittaker教授闭幕致辞



本次“中澳全球健康—热带医学国际研讨会”由南方医科大学公共卫生学院、中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳)联合主办,澳大利亚詹姆斯·库克大学(James Cook University)、上海交通大学医学院-国家热带病研究中心全球健康学院、广东省寄生虫学会、广东省热带医学会、广东省健康科普促进会生物安全分会、Interdisciplinary Medicine 期刊和南方医科大学德风书院协办。




第三届中澳全球健康热带医学国际研讨会,直播回看:    https://wx.vzan.com/live/page/178778188?shauid=q7uyfIp3JF0l6PZTioW3rg**&vprid=0&sharetstamp=1697299833375


开幕式:周晓农(中国CDC寄生虫病防治研究所,上海交通大学国家热带医学研究中心-全球健康研究学院):One Health Action   in Neglected Tropical Diseases in China

1. David Whitmore (JCU)

Biological   clockshow   might daily timing impact the biology of infectious disease

David Whitmore(1)

2. 刘叔文 (SMU)

The   role and mechanism of virus-derived amyloid peptides in HIV-associated   neurocognitive disorders


3. Hillary Vanderven(JCU)

Understanding   the treatment benefit of hyperimmune anti-influenza intravenous   immunoglobulin (Flu-IVIG) for severe human influenza

Hillary Vanderven

4. 彭鸿娟(SMU)

Avirulent   ME49∆gra5 Protects Hosts Against Toxoplasma gondii Infection and Tumor   Development


5. Tanya Pussell(JCU)

Plotting   the path of mosquito species and dengue transmission in the Pacific

5.Tanya Pussell(JCU)

6. 陈晓光(SMU)

Web-based   Surveillance on Dengue Vector, Asian Tiger Mosquito


7. Andreas Lopata(JCU)

Cross   reactive epitopes and AD allergies in the Tropics-Implications for Asia

Andreas Lopata

8. Emma McBryde(JCU)

Supporting   National and Sub-National Tuberculosis control policy using mathematical   models

Emma McBryde

9. 潘星华(SMU)

Single   cell technology promoting human health


10. Ulf Schmitz (JCU)

Tropical   disease, food production and biodiversity: The case for advanced omics and   bioinformatics in addressing challenges in the tropics

10.Ulf Schmitz(JCU)

11. 郑磊 (SMU)

Bacterial   Extracellular Vesicles play roles in the management of pregnancy-induced   hypertension.


Lei Zheng

12. Zhan-Ming Liang (JCU)

Building   management capacity for health services in the Tropics.


Zhanming Liang

13. 13. 蒋红兵 (SYSU)

Modeling   novel virus infection to combat infectious.

Hongbing Jiang

14. 邓凯(SYSU)

HIV-1   infection promotes T cell differentiation.


Kai Deng

15. 刘宽程(SYSU)

15. Roles   of Interferon-induced Gene LY6E In the Regulation of Hepatitis.

Kuancheng Liu

16. 查龙应(SMU)

Macrophage   exosomes transfer miR-3064-5p to target IkBa and activate NF-kB signalling: a   novel mechanism of palmitate-induced metabolic inflammation.

Longying Zha

17. Maria   Castellanos- Reynosa (JCU) Clinical characteristics and outcomes of   patients living with HIV coinfected with tuberculosis and histoplasmosis in   an urban Latin American setting

17.Maria Castellanos- Reynosa(JCU)

18 伦照荣(SYSU)

The   transmission risk of African and American trypanosomes in China.


Zhaorong Lun

19 沈晨光 (SMU)

Development   and Application of Specific Monoclonal Antibodies Induced by Various Mpox   Antigens.


Chenguang Shen20 Paul Giacomin(JCU)

Regulation   of inflammation and metabolism by parasitic helminths and their secreted   products.


20.Paul Giacomin(JCU)

21 杨崇广(SYSU)

Genomic   Epidemiology of Transmission and Drug-resistance of Tuberculosis in China.


Chongguang Yang

22. Michael Meehan(JCU)

Superspreader   dynamics in phylodynamic models.


22.Michael Meehan(JCU)

23. 方强林(SYSU)

Near-atomic   Structure of Giant Virus Paramecium Bursaria Chlorella Virus 1

Qianglin Fang

24 . Maxine   Whittaker (JCU)

The   endgame for malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion: Approaches, Challenges   and Successes.

Maxine Whittaker(JCU)

25. 吴忠道(SYSU)

Aedes   Control based on SIT technology and Its field applications

Zhongdao Wu

26. Sarah Larkins(JCU)

The   role of place-based planning processes in facilitating access to health   services in rural areas