作者: 来源: 阅读量: 发布时间:2017-09-03 17:11:06
v 学习经历
2010.9–2013.6, 南方医科大学, 生物医学工程, 博士
2005.9–2008.6, 南方医科大学, 生物医学工程, 硕士
2000.9–2005.6, 南方医科大学, 生物医学工程, 学士
v 工作经历
2022.01-至今,南方医科大学, 生物医学工程学院, 教授,学术型硕导
2014.12-2022.01, 南方医科大学, 生物医学工程学院, 副教授,学术型硕导
2016.2-2017.8, 美国德州大学西南医学中心, 放射肿瘤学系, 访问助理教授
2011.6-2012.8, 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校, CART实验室, 访问学者
2010.12-2014.11, 南方医科大学, 生物医学工程学院, 讲师
2008.9-2010.12, 南方医科大学, 生物医学工程学院, 助教
v 研究方向
v 主要获奖情况(科研获奖、人才类奖项)
●2017年,American Association of Physicists in Medicine(AAPM) Annual Meeting: Science Council Session Award
●2017年,“Physics in Medicine & Biology”(PMB)Editor’s Choice & 2017 PMB Most Download Paper Top-10
●2014年,American Brachytherapy Society(ABS) 2014 Annual Meeting Top Four Abstract- Best in Physics
●2012年,AAPM California Chapter Norm Baily Award
v 主要科研课题
●2014年,广州市科技计划项目-珠江科技新星专项:自适应近距离放疗中治疗分次间CT 图像变形配准算法研究(主持,结题,项目编号:201506010096)
●2013年,国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目:自适应放疗中CT 和信息缺失CBCT 图像快速变形配准方法的研究(主持,结题,项目编号:81301940)
v 代表性论文
1. A Zhong, B Li, N Luo, Y Xu, L Zhou, X Zhen: Image Restoration for Low-Dose CT via Transfer Learning and Residual Network. IEEE Access 2020, 8:112078-112091.
2. Q He, X Li, DWN Kim, X Jia, X Gu, X Zhen, L Zhou: Feasibility study of a multi-criteria decision-making based hierarchical model for multi-modality feature and multi-classifier fusion: Applications in medical prognosis prediction. Information Fusion 2020, 55:207-219.
3. R Yang, J Wu, L Sun, S Lai, Y Xu, X Liu, Y Ma, X Zhen: Radiomics of small renal masses on multiphasic CT: accuracy of machine learning-based classification models for the differentiation of renal cell carcinoma and angiomyolipoma without visible fat. Eur Radiol 2020, 30(2):1254-1263.
4. X Li, G Qin, Q He, L Sun, H Zeng, Z He, W Chen, X Zhen, L Zhou: Digital breast tomosynthesis versus digital mammography: integration of image modalities enhances deep learning-based breast mass classification. Eur Radiol 2020, 30(2):778-788.
5. Q Jia, Y Li, A Wu, F Guo, M Qi, Y Mai, F Kong, X Zhen, L Zhou, T Song: OAR Dose Distribution Prediction and gEUD Based Automatic Treatment Planning Optimization for Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy. IEEE Access 2019, 7:141426-141437.
6. H Chen, W Lu, M Chen, L Zhou, R Timmerman, D Tu, L Nedzi, Z Wardak, S Jiang, X Zhen, X Gu: A recursive ensemble organ segmentation (REOS) framework: application in brain radiotherapy. Phys Med Biol 2019, 64(2):025015.
7. H Chen, M Chen, W Lu, B Zhao, S Jiang, L Zhou, N Kim, A Spangler, A Rahimi, X Zhen, X Gu: Deep-learning based surface region selection for deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) monitoring in left breast cancer radiotherapy. Phys Med Biol 2018, 63(24):245013.
8. J Chen, H Chen, Z Zhong, Z Wang, B Hrycushko, L Zhou, S Jiang, K Albuquerque, X Gu, X Zhen: Investigating rectal toxicity associated dosimetric features with deformable accumulated rectal surface dose maps for cervical cancer radiotherapy. Radiation oncology 2018, 13(1):125.
9. C Wang, Y Liao, H Chen, X Zhen, J Li, Y Xu, L Zhou: Influence of tube potential on quantitative coronary plaque analyses by low radiation dose computed tomography: a phantom study. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2018.
10. H Chen, Z Zhong, Y Yang, J Chen, L Zhou, X Zhen, X Gu: Internal Motion Estimation by Internal-external Motion Modeling for Lung Cancer Radiotherapy. Scientific reports 2018, 8(1):3677.
11. X Zhen, J Chen, Z Zhong, B Hrycushko, L Zhou, S Jiang, K Albuquerque, X Gu: Deep convolutional neural network with transfer learning for rectum toxicity prediction in cervical cancer radiotherapy: a feasibility study. Phys Med Biol 2017, 62(21):8246-8263.
12. X Zhen, B Zhao, Z Wang, R Timmerman, A Spangler, N Kim, A Rahimi, X Gu: Comprehensive target geometric errors and margin assessment in stereotactic partial breast irradiation. Radiation oncology 2017, 12(1):151.
13. Y Liao, L Wang, X Xu, H Chen, J Chen, G Zhang, H Lei, R Wang, S Zhang, X Gu, X Zhen, L Zhou: An anthropomorphic abdominal phantom for deformable image registration accuracy validation in adaptive radiation therapy. Med Phys 2017, 44(6):2369-2378.
14. Y Liu, S Stojadinovic, B Hrycushko, Z Wardak, S Lau, W Lu, Y Yan, SB Jiang, X Zhen, R Timmerman, L Nedzi, X Gu: A deep convolutional neural network-based automatic delineation strategy for multiple brain metastases stereotactic radiosurgery. PloS one 2017, 12(10):e0185844.
15. X Li, Y Zhang, Y Shi, S Wu, Y Xiao, X Gu, X Zhen, L Zhou: Comprehensive evaluation of ten deformable image registration algorithms for contour propagation between CT and cone-beam CT images in adaptive head & neck radiotherapy. PloS one 2017, 12(4):e0175906.
16. YL Liao, HB Chen, LH Zhou, X Zhen: Construction of an anthropopathic abdominal phantom for accuracy validation of deformable image registration. Technology and health care : official journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine 2016, 24 Suppl 2:S717-723.
17. X Li, YY Zhang, YH Shi, LH Zhou, X Zhen: Evaluation of deformable image registration for contour propagation between CT and cone-beam CT images in adaptive head and neck radiotherapy. Technology and health care : official journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine 2016, 24 Suppl 2:S747-755.
18. H Chen, Z Zhong, Y Liao, A Pompos, B Hrycushko, K Albuquerque, X Zhen, L Zhou, X Gu: A non-rigid point matching method with local topology preservation for accurate bladder dose summation in high dose rate cervical brachytherapy. Phys Med Biol 2016, 61(3):1217-1237.
19. Y Xiao, LH Zhou, X Zhen: FISER: Feature Image Space Enhanced Random Walker Algorithm for Brain Tumor Segmentation in Multimodal MR Images. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 2015, 5(8):1977-1981.
20. X Zhen, H Chen, H Yan, L Zhou, LK Mell, CM Yashar, S Jiang, X Jia, X Gu, L Cervino: A segmentation and point-matching enhanced efficient deformable image registration method for dose accumulation between HDR CT images. Phys Med Biol 2015, 60(7):2981-3002.
21. H Chen, X Zhen, X Gu, H Yan, L Cervino, Y Xiao, L Zhou: SPARSE: Seed Point Auto-Generation for Random Walks Segmentation Enhancement in medical inhomogeneous targets delineation of morphological MR and CT images. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2015, 16(2):387-402.
22. SY Wu, HW Li, HL Qi, YB Luo, X Zhen, Y Xu, LH Zhou: A Practical Geometric Calibration Method of Cone-Beam CT System Using Simple Handmade Phantom. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 2015, 5(8):1915-1920.
23. H Yan, X Zhen, M Folkerts, Y Li, T Pan, L Cervino, SB Jiang, X Jia: A hybrid reconstruction algorithm for fast and accurate 4D cone-beam CT imaging. Med Phys 2014, 41(7):071903.
24. N Li, M Zarepisheh, A Uribe-Sanchez, K Moore, Z Tian, X Zhen, YJ Graves, Q Gautier, L Mell, L Zhou, X Jia, S Jiang: Automatic treatment plan re-optimization for adaptive radiotherapy guided with the initial plan DVHs. Phys Med Biol 2013, 58(24):8725-8738.
25. X Zhen, H Yan, L Zhou, X Jia, SB Jiang: Deformable image registration of CT and truncated cone-beam CT for adaptive radiation therapy. Phys Med Biol 2013, 58(22):7979-7993.
26. X Zhen, X Gu, H Yan, L Zhou, X Jia, SB Jiang: CT to cone-beam CT deformable registration with simultaneous intensity correction. Phys Med Biol 2012, 57(21):6807-6826.
27. H Yan, X Zhen, L Cerviño, SB Jiang, X Jia: Progressive cone beam CT dose control in image-guided radiation therapy. Medical Physics 2013, 40(6):060701.
28. X Zhen, L Zhou, W Lu, S Zhang: Deformable Registration for Re-Contouring and Phase Prediction in 4D CT. In: Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science (ICBECS), 2010 International Conference on: 2010.4.24-4.25; Wuhan,China: 1-4.
29. L Zhou, L Zhou, S Zhang, X Zhen, H Yu, G Zhang, R Wang: Validation of an improved 'diffeomorphic demons' algorithm for deformable image registration in image-guided radiation therapy. Biomed Mater Eng 2014, 24(1):373-382.