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发布者:刘芸鹭   发布时间:2021-06-09   浏览数:

01 姓名

覃大嘉(浙江工业大学管理学院 教授、博士生导师)

02 照片

03 履历


1988 台湾国立清华大学,文学学士

2002 加拿大皇家路大学,EMBA,硕士

2004-2009 暨南大学,人力资源管理专业,博士

2011 中山大学,战略管理专业,博士后


2004-2011.12 新加坡Furnell Electronics,高级人力资源顾问(兼职)


2011.09-2016 广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院,副教授

2016- 2019杭州电子科技大学管理学院,特聘教授

2019 -至今 浙江工业大学管理学院,教授、博士生导师

04 研究领域与方向



Chin, T., Rowley, C. (2018), The Future of Chinese Manufacturing, ELSEVIER S & T books, UK: Elsevier.

06 代表性论文

[1]Chin T, Wang S, Rowley C. (2020), Polychronic knowledge creation in cross-border business models: a sea-like heuristic metaphor[J]. Journal of Knowledge Management,https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-04-2020-0244.

[2]Chin T, Shi Y, Rowley C, Meng J. (2020), A Confucian Business Model Canvas in the Asia Pacific: A Yin-Yang Harmony Cognition to Value Creation and Innovation[J]. Asia Pacific Business Review,https://doi.org/10.1080/13602381.2020.1795481.

[3]Wang S, Chin T. (2020), A stratified system of knowledge and knowledge icebergs in cross-cultural business models: Synthesizing ontological and epistemological views[J]. Journal of Intellectual Capital,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intman.2020.100780.

[4]覃大嘉*、李根祎、施怡、曹乐乐. (2020), 基层技能员工感知的职业可持续性对其创新行为的作用机制研究——基于阴阳和谐认知视角,管理评论, 32(9):218-232.

[5]覃大嘉*、曹乐乐、施怡、胡倩倩、李根祎. (2020), 职业能力、工作重塑与创新行为——基于阴阳和谐认知框架,外国经济与管理(已录用)

[6]Chin, T. 2013. An exploratory study on upgrading by FDI OEMs in China. International Business Research, 6(1).

[7]Chin, T., and Yang, S. 2012. Ethical leadership and harmony in Chinese organizations. Academic Research, (12) (in Chinese).

[8]Chin, T., and Bruton, G. D. 2012. Do the Skills Learned Abroad Help Reverse Internationalization by Emerging Economy Global Startups? Paper presented by the SMS China Special Conference.

[9]Chin,T. 2012. Harmony in Chinese organizations: From the perspective of national culture. Journal of Strategy and Decision-making, 3(5),42-50 (in Chinese).

[10]Chin,T., Wu, D., and Mao, Y. 2011. The influence of financial crisis on China's OEMs and their strategic responses. Academic Research, 2011(9), 61-69 (in Chinese).

[11]Chin, T., Mao, Y., and Bruton, G. D. 2011. Born global as a means to compete domestically in emerging economies. Paper presented at the AIB Meeting, Japan. June 24-28, 2011.

[12]Chin, T. 2010. An empirical study on how harmonious organization influences Chinese organizational behavior. Journal of Sun Yat-sen University,50(3): 164-174 (in Chinese).

[13]Mao, Y. and Chin, T. 2010a. Organizational capabilities, cost impact and functional upgrading from OEM to ODM then OBM: A multiple-case study in Guangdong, China. Paper presented at the 4th China Goes Global Conference of Harvard University.

[14]Mao, Y. and Chin, T. 2010b. The impact of the financial crisis on iSMEs’ prospects for survival and growth in China. Paper presented at the International iSME Conference of Group ESC Pau, France, December 1-3 2010.
